Golden Oldies Lyrics Quiz
GOLQ: Used Recordings through GOLQ456

The following are all the recordings used in the Golden Oldies Lyrics Quiz (GOLQ) series to date, arranged alphabetically by artist's name (and within a given artist's name, alphabetically by song title). This list is useful because the rules of this series restrict the re-use of songs that have appeared on earlier quizzes.

The official rules of the GOLQ series describe in detail how recordings are alphabetized. In brief, the quizzes (and this list) strive to be consistent with Joel Whitburn's book, Top Pop Singles 1955-???? (the "????" year changes with each edition).

-- Howard Teitelbaum

Download the list of used recordings as a text file.

Click the caption on the second column to view the list sorted differently.

A song prefixed by * is eligible for future use only as a tie-breaker recording, either because it never made the top-100 pop chart, or because it charted before 1955 or after 1969.

TitleArtistYear (Pop)GOLQs
* A-Me-Ri-CaLopez, Trini1963378
"A" Team, TheSadler, Ssgt. Barry1966252
* A'Soalin'Peter, Paul & Mary1963217
ABC's Of Love, TheLymon, Frankie, and The Teenagers195652,207
Abigail BeecherCannon, Freddy1964103,322
AbileneHamilton, George, IV196381,255,409
Abraham, Martin And JohnDion1968/6920,298
Abraham, Martin, And JohnMabley, Moms1969411
Abraham, Martin And JohnRobinson, Smokey, & The Miracles1969203
* Acapulco 1922Tijuana Brass, The, featuring Herb Alpert1962431
Across The StreetO'Henry, Lenny1964110,226
* Across The Street (Is A Million Miles Away)Peterson, Ray1964/65218
Act NaturallyBeatles, The1965145,229
ActionCannon, Freddy196542,274,415
* Action, Action, ActionAllison, Keith1966281
* Actions Speak Louder Than WordsDarin, Bobby1958241
Affair To Remember (Our Love Affair), AnDamone, Vic1957322
* After Dinner ConversationsMeader, Vaughn1962298
* After New Year's EveHeartbeats, The1957/58151
After SchoolStarr, Randy1957130,259,448
* After The FoxSellers, Peter, and The Hollies1966441
After The Lights Go Down LowHibbler, Al1956185
Agent Double-O-SoulStarr, Edwin196551,387,431
Ahab, The ArabStevens, Ray1962182,257,347<406
Ain't Gonna Kiss YaRibbons, The1963176
Ain't Gonna LieKeith1966267
Ain't Gonna Tell AnybodyGilmer, Jimmy, and The Fireballs1964456
Ain't Got No HomeHenry, Clarence "Frog Man"1956/5722,109,309
Ain't Got No; I Got LifeSimone, Nina1969429
Ain't It A ShameDomino, Fats195527,321,426
Ain't It, BabyMiracles, The1961166,381
Ain't It TrueWilliams, Andy1965423
Ain't No Mountain High EnoughGaye, Marvin, & Tammi Terrell196745,112
Ain't No WayFranklin, Aretha1968278
* Ain't Nobody Here But Us ChickensJordan, Louis1947118
Ain't Nobody HomeTate, Howard1966411
Ain't Nothin' But A House PartyShow Stoppers, The1968131
Ain't Nothing Like The Real ThingGaye, Marvin, & Tammi Terrell196815,260
Ain't Nothing You Can DoBland, Bobby1964105,347
Ain't She SweetBeatles, The19648,208
Ain't That A Groove (Part 1)Brown, James, and The Famous Flames1966283
Ain't That A ShameBoone, Pat1955207
Ain't That Just Like MeSearchers, The1964226,393
Ain't That Lovin' YouBland, Bobby1962118
* Ain't That Lovin' You BabyReed, Jimmy1956336
Ain't That Loving You BabyPresley, Elvis1964336
Ain't That PeculiarGaye, Marvin196510,86,136,341,443
Ain't Too Proud To BegTemptations, The196626,145,256,397
Air TravelRay and Bob196281,162
Al-Di-LaCharles, Ray, Singers1964363,411
AlabamBoone, Pat1960263
AladdinCurtola, Bobby1962376
* Aladdin's LampPitney, Gene1963376
AlfieBlack, Cilla1966229,411
AlfieWarwick, Dionne196758,430
Alice In WonderlandSedaka, Neil1963124,197
Alice Long (You're Still My Favorite Girlfriend)Boyce, Tommy, & Bobby Hart1968270
Alice's Rock & Roll RestaurantGuthrie, Arlo1969102,390
AlimonyFord, Frankie1959203,335
All Alone Am ILee, Brenda1962/6319,147,307,380
All Along The WatchtowerHendrix, Jimi, Experience, The1968104,214,264,390
All American Boy, TheParsons, Bill1958/5936,148,277,450
* All Around The WorldJohn, Little Willie195584
All Cried OutSpringfield, Dusty1964279,364
All Day And All Of The NightKinks, The1964/6574,158,340
All I Could Do Was CryJames, Etta1960304
All I Have To Do Is DreamChamberlain, Richard1963325,351
All I Have To Do Is DreamEverly Brothers, The1958, 196133,208
All I Have To Offer You (Is Me)Pride, Charley1969207
All I NeedTemptations, The196733,212,374
All I Really Want To DoByrds, The196583,190,434
All I See Is YouSpringfield, Dusty1966108,308,406
All In My MindBrown, Maxine196085
All My LovingBeatles, The196492,252
All My TrialsDick and Deedee1964372,417
(All Of A Sudden) My Heart SingsAnka, Paul1958/5942,205,355
All Or NothingLaBelle, Patti, & The Bluebells1965/66420
* All Or NothingSmall Faces1966176
All Shook UpPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires195755,112,200,357,446
All Strung OutTempo, Nino, & April Stevens1966187,295
* All Summer LongBeach Boys, The1964290
All The TimeMathis, Johnny1958175,303
All The WaySinatra, Frank1957/58282,394
All These ThingsUniques, The1966, 1970174
* All Winter LongStarlyn, Sherry1964381
All You Need Is LoveBeatles, The196778,253,437
* All's Quiet On West 23rdJet Stream, The1967170
Allegheny MoonPage, Patti195659,268,422
* Allentown JailLettermen, The1963335
Alley CatFabric, Bent, and His Piano1962211
Alley Cat Song, TheThorne, David1962373
Alley OopHollywood Argyles, The196017,118,249,332,424
Ally Ally Oxen FreeKingston Trio, The1963157,353
Almost GrownBerry, Chuck195936,216
Almost PersuadedHouston, David1966158,256
Almost ThereWilliams, Andy1964326
Alone4 Seasons, The1964167
* Alone Again OrLove1968, 1970302
Alone At LastWilson, Jackie1960/6118,237
Alone (Why Must I Be Alone)Shepherd Sisters, The1957/5848,377,424
Along Came JonesCoasters, The195935,98,316,422
Along Came JonesStevens, Ray1969205
Along Comes MaryAssociation, The196615,130,287,356
Alright, Okay, You WinLee, Peggy1959286
Alvin For PresidentSeville, David, and The Chipmunks1960353
Alvin Twist, TheSeville, David, and The Chipmunks1962299
Alvin's HarmonicaSeville, David, and The Chipmunks1959, 1961, 196275
Always It's YouEverly Brothers, The1960182,257,397
Always TogetherDells, The1968132
Am I That Easy To ForgetReynolds, Debbie1960268,400
Am I The ManWilson, Jackie1960140
Am I The Same GirlAcklin, Barbara1969193,326,432
AmapolaNoguez, Jacky, and His Orchestra1960451
* Amazons And CoyotesDreamlovers, The1963154
Ambrose (Part Five)Laurie, Linda1959122,295,401
Ame Caline (Soul Coaxing)LeFevre, Raymond, and His Orchestra1968297
AmenImpressions, The1964/65173,431
* AmericaSimon & Garfunkel1972165
America Is My Home - Pt. 1Brown, James, and The Famous Flames1968160,339,450
Among My SouvenirsFrancis, Connie1959/6085,358
AmorKing, Ben E.196169
Amukiriki (The Lord Willing)Paul, Les, and Mary Ford1955/56287,407
Anaheim, Azusa & Cucamonga Sewing Circle, Book Review And Timing Association, TheJan & Dean1964127,263,332
AnastasiaBoone, Pat1956/57406
And Get AwayEsquires, The1967/6879,304
And I Love HerBeatles, The196476,215
And I Love HimPhillips, Esther1965169,294
And SuddenlyCherry People, The1968176,298
And That Reminds MeReese, Della195774,280
And That Reminds Me (My Heart Reminds Me)4 Seasons, The1969406
And The Angels SingThree Chuckles1956249
* And The Grass Won't Pay No MindDiamond, Neil1969306
And When I DieBlood, Sweat & Tears1969/7065,199,327
* And Your Bird Can SingBeatles, The1966409
AndreaSunrays, The196615,196
* AngelPresley, Elvis1961317
AngelTillotson, Johnny1965317
Angel BabyMartin, Dean1958291
Angel BabyRosie and The Originals1960/6115,192,317,364
Angel FaceDarren, Jimmy1959317
* Angel FaceNeons, The195618
Angel Of The MorningRush, Merrilee, & The Turnabouts196811,144,292,390
Angel On My ShoulderFlint, Shelby1960/61130,295,330,437
Angel Pie (Postillon!)King, Peggy1956314
Angel SmileCole, Nat "King"1958317
Angela JonesFerguson, Johnny1960138,239,316
Angels In The SkyCrew-Cuts, The1955/56222,317
Angels Listened In, TheCrests, The195939,133,317,391
* Angels Sang, TheSolitaires, The195659
* AngiGraham, Davy1962349
* Animal Crackers (In Cellophane Boxes)Pitney, Gene1967440
* Ankle BraceletPyramids, The195872
Ann MarieBelmonts, The1963263
AnnaIngmann, Jorgen, & His Guitar1961451
Anna (Go To Him)Alexander, Arthur196271,201,281,362
Annie FannyKingsmen, The1965291,416
* Annie Had A BabyMidnighters, The1954177
* Annie's Aunt FannieMidnighters, The1954345
Anniversary Of LoveCaslons, The1961147
Another Place Another TimeLewis, Jerry Lee1968331
Another Saturday NightCooke, Sam196330,245,379,445
Another Sleepless NightClanton, Jimmy1960414
Answer To A Maiden's Prayer, TheValli, June1959327
Anthony BoyBerry, Chuck1959387
Any Day Now (My Wild Beautiful Bird)Jackson, Chuck196224,145,284,441
Any Way That You Want MeSands, Evie1969254
Any Way You Want ItClark, Dave, Five1964/6523,216,447
Anybody But MeLee, Brenda1961149
* Anyone But YouBrown, Ruth1961104
Anyone For TennisCream1968163
Anyone Who Had A HeartWarwick, Dionne1963/6474,247,313,434
Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand)Thomas, Irma1964183
* Anyplace Is ParadisePresley, Elvis1956248
Anything That's Part Of YouPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1962205
Anyway The Wind BlowsDay, Doris1960436
Anyway You Want Me (That's How I Will Be)Presley, Elvis1956/57409
ApacheIngmann, Jorgen, & His Guitar1961181
Ape CallNervous Norvus1956145,198,367
Apple GreenValli, June1960277
Apple Of My EyeHead, Roy, and The Traits1965/66274,407
* Apples On A Lilac TreePatience & Prudence1964386
Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin PieJay and The Techniques196729,112,314,374,455
* April, Come She WillSimon & Garfunkel1966450
April Fools, TheWarwick, Dionne1969303
April LoveBoone, Pat1957/5878,235
Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In (The Flesh Failures)5th Dimension, The196946,233,344,429
Are You A Boy Or Are You A GirlBarbarians, The196584,347
* Are You Experienced?Hendrix, Jimi, Experience, The1967123
* Are You Going To Be There (At The Love-In)Chocolate Watch Band1967153
Are You Lonely For MeScott, Freddie1966/6787,297,415
Are You Lonesome To-night?Presley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1960/6114,212,289,406
Are You Really MineRodgers, Jimmie195860,412
Are You SincereWilliams, Andy1958156
Are You Still My BabyShirelles, The1964/65147
Are You There (With Another Girl)Warwick, Dionne1965/6685,396
ArizonaLindsay, Mark1969/7053,126,239,378,425
* Armpit No. 6Hawkins, Screamin' Jay1958168
ArmstrongStewart, John1969240,295,390
Around The CornerDuprees, The1965301
Around The WorldCrosby, Bing1957126,310
Around The World In Eighty DaysMcGuire Sisters, The1957278
Artificial FlowersDarin, Bobby196066,139,263
As If I Didn't KnowWade, Adam1961218,429
As Long As I Know He's MineMarvelettes, The1963/64331
* As Long As You're HereYanovsky, Zalman (Zally)1967304
As Tears Go ByFaithfull, Marianne1964/6514,88,324
As Tears Go ByRolling Stones, The1965/66253,384
As Time Goes ByNash, Johnny1959206,310,399
As UsualLee, Brenda1963/64133
Ashes To AshesMindbenders, The1966111,211
Asia MinorKokomo1961210,453
Ask MePresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1964111
Ask The LonelyFour Tops, The196551,177,333,452
* Astral WeeksMorrison, Van1968134
Astronaut (Parts 1 & 2), TheJimenez, Jose196187,368
At LastJames, Etta196173,268,336
At My Front DoorEl Dorados, The1955/569,159,256,319,424
At The ClubDrifters, The1965107,387
At The HopDanny & The Juniors1957/5820,177,195,275,344
At The SceneClark, Dave, Five196651,165
At The ShoreCaswell, Johnny1963106
At The Top Of The StairsFormations, The1968267
At The ZooSimon & Garfunkel196765,253,318,427
AttackToys, The1965/66121,274
AuctioneerVan Dyke, Leroy1956/57164,263,331
Aunt Dora's Love Soul ShackConley, Arthur1968269
Autumn LeavesWilliams, Roger1955251
Autumn Of My LifeGoldsboro, Bobby1968218,355
Away All BoatsHibbler, Al1956106
B-A-B-YThomas, Carla196657,322
B. B. Jones, TheKing, B. B.1968238
* Babalu's Wedding DayEternals, The195981
* Babe, I'm Gonna Leave YouLed Zeppelin1969236
Baby Baby All The TimeSuperbs, The1964143,425
Baby Baby BabyKing, Anna - Bobby Byrd1964241
Baby, Baby Don't CryRobinson, Smokey, & The Miracles196974
* Baby, Baby (I Still Love You)Cinderellas, The1964119
Baby Be MineJelly Beans, The196482,304
Baby BlueEchoes, The196126,119,191,327,448
Baby, Come BackEquals, The196849,364
Baby, Do The Philly DogOlympics, The1966267,373
* Baby, Don't Do It"5" Royales, The1953102
Baby Don't GoSonny & Cher196545,167,434
* Baby DriverSimon & Garfunkel1969144
Baby Elephant WalkWelk, Lawrence, and His Orchestra1962440
Baby FaceLittle Richard1958145,217,359
Baby Has Gone Bye ByeMaharis, George1962438
(Baby) Hully GullyOlympics, The1960177,421
Baby I Do Love YouGalens, The1963239
Baby I Love YouFranklin, Aretha196767,250
Baby, I Love YouKim, Andy1969219
Baby, I Love YouRonettes, The1963/6424,321,400
Baby I Need Your LovingFour Tops, The196417,220,328,436
Baby, I'm For RealOriginals, The1969119
Baby I'm LonelyIntruders, The1967261
Baby, I'm YoursLewis, Barbara196539,127,338,377
Baby It's Cold OutsideCharles, Ray, and Betty Carter1962216,393
Baby It's YouShirelles, The1961/6224,103,221,362,441
Baby It's YouSmith1969271
* Baby, It's YouSpaniels, The1953103
* Baby Let Me Take You HomeAnimals, The1964302
* Baby Let's Play HousePresley, Elvis, Scotty & Bill1955416
Baby Let's WaitRoyal Guardsmen, The1968/6996,172,260,381,420
Baby LoveSupremes, The196451,119,303,349
Baby, Now That I've Found YouFoundations, The1967/6812,119,300,368
Baby Oh BabyShells, The1960/6194
* Baby, Please Don't GoThem1965415
Baby Scratch My BackHarpo, Slim1966119
Baby Sittin' BoogieClifford, Buzz1961191
Baby Take Me In Your ArmsJefferson1969/70111
Baby TalkJan & Dean195913,214,292,391
* Baby That's MeCake, The1967357
Baby The Rain Must FallYarbrough, Glenn196520,119,255,327
Baby ToysToys, The196685
Baby What You Want Me To DoReed, Jimmy1960217
Baby WorkoutWilson, Jackie196348,185
Baby You Come Rollin' Across My MindPeppermint Trolley Company, The1968255
Baby You Got ItWood, Brenton1967/68154,386
Baby You're A Rich ManBeatles, The1967129,394
Baby, You're Driving Me CrazyDee, Joey1963321
* Baby, You're My EverythingWilliams, Little Jerry1966188
Baby You're So FineMickey and Sylvia1961341
Baby (You've Got What It Takes)Washington, Dinah, & Brook Benton196033,175,302,424
Back In Love AgainBuckinghams, The1968211
Back In My Arms AgainSupremes, The196524,142,283,361,446
Back In The U.S.A.Berry, Chuck195965,160,298,450
* Back In The U.S.S.R.Beatles, The196881
Back In The U.S.S.R.Checker, Chubby1969363
Back On My Feet AgainFoundations, The1968442
Back On The Street AgainSunshine Company, The1967218,449
Back To School AgainRogers, Timmie "Oh Yeah!"1957/5841,335
Back Up TrainGreene, Al, & The Soul Mate's1967132
Backfield In MotionMel and Tim1969/7031,375,435
BackstagePitney, Gene1966156
* Bacon FatWilliams, Andre, (Mr Rhythm) & his New Group195776
Bad BoyJive Bombers, The195710,92,322
Bad BoyWilde, Marty1960194
* Bad BoyWilliams, Larry1959136
* Bad DetectiveCoasters, The1964364
Bad GirlSedaka, Neil1963/64352,435
Bad Man BlunderKingston Trio, The1960173,335
Bad MisunderstandingCritters, The1966/67244
Bad Moon RisingCreedence Clearwater Revival196924,167,290,443
Bad MotorcycleStorey Sisters, The195895,411
Bad To MeKramer, Billy J., with The Dakotas19644,114,251
Balboa BlueMarketts, The1962214
Ball Of FireJames, Tommy, and The Shondells1969141,213
Ballad Of A Teenage QueenCash, Johnny, and The Tennessee Two195861,320,375
* Ballad Of A Thin ManDylan, Bob1965316
Ballad Of Bonnie And Clyde, TheFame, Georgie196824,219,327
Ballad Of Davy Crockett, TheHayes, Bill195549,207,277,330,450
Ballad Of Davy Crockett, TheSchumann, Walter, The Voices of1955386
Ballad Of Easy RiderByrds, The1969226
Ballad Of Irving, TheGallop, Frank1966148,411
Ballad Of Jed Clampett, TheFlatt, Lester, Earl Scruggs & The Foggy Mountain Boys1962/63148,309
Ballad Of John And Yoko, TheBeatles, The1969126,258,355,412
Ballad Of The AlamoBud and Travis1960324
Ballad Of The Green Berets, TheSadler, Ssgt. Barry196621,443
Ballad of Thunder Road, TheMitchum, Robert1958, 1962319
Ballad Of Two BrothersInman, Autry196895
Ballad Of You & Me & PooneilJefferson Airplane1967133,189,375
Bama Lama Bama LooLittle Richard1964183
* BambooPeter, Paul & Mary1962368
Banana Boat (Day-O)Belafonte, Harry195721,190
Banana Boat Song, TheTarriers, The1956/57278
Band Of GoldCarter, Mel1966339
Band Of GoldCherry, Don1955/56217
Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)Cher196676,199
Bang-Shang-A-LangArchies, The1968228
* Banjo Song, TheBig Three, The1963/64417
BarbaraTemptations, The196069,217,336,454
Barbara AnnBeach Boys, The1966287
Barbara-AnnRegents, The196135,198,421
* BarbieKenny & The Cadets1961159
Barefoot In BaltimoreStrawberry Alarm Clock1968192
Barefootin'Parker, Robert196618,155,397
Barracuda, TheCash, Alvin, & The Crawlers1965252,343
BatmanJan & Dean1966156
Batman & His GrandmotherGoodman, Dickie1966299
Batman ThemeHefti, Neal1966367
* Batman, Wolfman, Frankenstein Or DraculaDiamonds, The1959367
Battle Hymn Of The RepublicMormon Tabernacle Choir, The1959156
Battle Of Kookamonga, TheHomer and Jethro195969,243,299
Battle Of New OrleansHarpers Bizzare1968339
Battle of New Orleans, TheHorton, Johnny195920,276,389
Baubles, Bangles And BeadsStone, Kirby, Four1958323
* Bazoom (I Need Your Lovin')Cheers, The1954231
Be-Bop-A-LulaVincent, Gene, and His Blue Caps195640,99,208,316,433
Be-Bop BabyNelson, Ricky1957/5840,119,303
Be Careful Of Stones That You ThrowDion196382,243,347
Be Mad Little GirlDarin, Bobby1963246
Be My BabyRonettes, The19639,99,182,257,387
Be My BoyParis Sisters, The1961268
Be My GirlFour-Evers, The1964142
Be My GuestDomino, Fats1959/60107,432
* Be Sure (My Love)Dubs, The1958136
Be True To Your SchoolBeach Boys, The1963/64109,184,390
Be True To YourselfVee, Bobby1963441
Be Young, Be Foolish, Be HappyTams, The1968170
Beach GirlBoone, Pat1964154,430
* Beach PartyAvalon, Frankie (and Annette Funicello)1963332
Beach PartyYork, Dave, and The Beachcombers1962334
Beach TimeSmith, Roger1959351
Beat Goes On, TheSonny & Cher196736,127,298,359,445
Beat The ClockMcCoys, The1967138,405
Beatnik FlyJohnny and The Hurricanes1960378
Beautician BluesKing, B. B.1964286
Beautiful DelilahBerry, Chuck1958189
Beautiful Friendship, AFitzgerald, Ella1956350
Beautiful Morning, ARascals, The196812,252,397
Beautiful PeopleO'Dell, Kenny196796
Beauty Is Only Skin DeepTemptations, The196652,154,237,394
* BecauseBeatles, The1969250
BecauseClark, Dave, Five19645,142,254,348
Beechwood 4-5789Marvelettes, The19623,95,190,320,386
Been So LongPastels, The195828,300
Beep BeepPlaymates, The1958/5915,111,249,398
Before And AfterChad & Jeremy1965114,229
* Before You Accuse Me (Take A Look At Yourself)Diddley, Bo1957403
Beg, Borrow And StealOhio Express1967142,331
Beg MeJackson, Chuck1964322
Beggin'4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "sound" of Frankie Valli1967154,234
Beginning Of My End, TheUnifics, The1968/69132,401
* BeginningsChicago1969, 1971312
* Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!Beatles, The1967408
Believe MeRoyal Teens, The1959/6043,171,326
Believe What You SayNelson, Ricky195872,158,178
Bella LindaGrass Roots, The1968/69124,307,438
Bells Are Ringing, TheVan Dykes, The1961188
Ben CrazyGoodman, Dickie1962319
* Bend ItDee, Dave; Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich1966146
Bend Me, Shape MeAmerican Breed, The1967/6823,151,238,288,349,446
BernadetteFour Tops, The196770,210,305,408
BernardineBoone, Pat195770,427
Bertha LouMiller, Clint1958128
Besame Mucho Pt 1Coasters, The1960178
* Beside YouCrests, The1958/59180
Best Of Both WorldsLulu1967/68175
(Best Part Of) Breakin' Up, TheRonettes, The196455,186,353
* Better Man Than IKnight, Terry, and The Pack1966284
Betty And DupreeWillis, Chuck195897
Betty Lou Got A New Pair Of ShoesFreeman, Bobby1958165,240
Betty My AngelFuller, Jerry1959317,452
BewilderedMickey and Sylvia1958329
BewitchedSmith, Betty, Group1958187
Beyond The SeaDarin, Bobby196024,207,300,399
* Bible Salesman, TheVera, Billy1969246
Bible Tells Me So, TheCornell, Don1955264
* Bidin' My TimeFitzgerald, Ella1959408
Big Bad JohnDean, Jimmy1961/6234,169,283,344,448
Big Beat, TheDomino, Fats1957/58296,456
Big BoatPeter, Paul & Mary1962456
Big Bopper's WeddingBig Bopper, The1958/5956,325
Big Boy PeteOlympics, The196013,151,325
* Big DaddyThompson, Sue1964357
Big Girls Don't Cry4 Seasons, The1962/6370,207,298,352
Big Hunk O' Love, APresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires195963,117,271,420
Big Hurt, TheFisher, Miss Toni1959/6030,122,283,380
Big IronRobbins, Marty1960213,277,410
Big JohnShirelles, The1961101,198
Big ManFour Preps, The195827,114,190,284,443
Big Man In Town4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "sound" of Frankie Valli196493,247
* Big Ten-Inch RecordJackson, Moose, with Tiny Bradshaw's Orchestra195283
* Big-Town BoyMatthews, Shirley, & The Big Town Girls1964122
Bilbao Song, TheWilliams, Andy1961157,309
Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come HomeFitzgerald, Ella1963431
BillyLinden, Kathy1958226,409
Billy And SueThomas, B. J., and The Triumphs1966164
* Bim Bam BoomEl Dorados, The1956193
BimbombeyRodgers, Jimmie1958/5911,262
Biplane, Ever More, TheIrish Rovers, The1968246,363
Bird DogEverly Brothers, The19587,111,200,291,373
Bird Man, TheHighwaymen, The1962197,335
Bird On My Head, TheSeville, David, The Music of1958168,386
Bird's The Word, TheRivingtons, The1963442
BirdlandChecker, Chubby196369
Birds And The Bees, TheAkens, Jewel196529,146,263,318,454
Birth Of The BoogieHaley, Bill, and His Comets195583,193,369
BirthdayUnderground Sunshine1969221,307,359
Birthday PartyPixies Three, The196359,232,359
Bits And PiecesClark, Dave, Five196463,314
Black CloudChecker, Chubby1963106
Black Denim TrousersCheers, The195517,165,189,277
Black Denim Trousers And Motorcycle BootsMonroe, Vaughn1955327
Black Is BlackLos Bravos196630,141,266,419
Black NightsFulsom, Lowell1965/66230
Black PearlCharles, Sonny, and The Checkmates, Ltd.196972,235
Black SheepSam The Sham and The Pharaohs1967173,331
Black SlacksBennett, Joe, and The Sparkletones195741,165,201,326
Blah, Blah, BlahPaone, Nicola1959247
Blame It On The Bossa NovaGorme, Eydie196356,261
* BlancheThree Friends, The195649
* Bleecker StreetSimon & Garfunkel1964183
Bless YouOrlando, Tony1961116,244,337,438
Blessed Is The RainBrooklyn Bridge, The, Featuring Johnny Maestro196981,186
Blizzard, TheReeves, Jim1961239
Blob, TheFive Blobs, The195814,411,441
Blossom Fell, ACole, Nat "King"1955149,380
Blowin In The WindWonder, Stevie1966104
Blowin' In The WindPeter, Paul & Mary1963277,330
Blue AngelOrbison, Roy196019,184,317,367
Blue BayouOrbison, Roy196357,233,328
Blue Blue DayGibson, Don1958192
* Blue Days - Black NightsHolly, Buddy1956346
Blue GuitarChamberlain, Richard1963167,311
Blue MondayDomino, Fats195763,198,294,392
Blue MoonMarcels, The196126,141,427
Blue MoonPresley, Elvis1956/57399
Blue On BlueVinton, Bobby196344,183,441
Blue Ribbon BabySands, Tommy, & The Raiders195892
Blue Suede ShoesPerkins, Carl19563,114,208,302,362,454
* Blue SummerRoyalettes, The1963435
* Blue Turns To GreyRolling Stones, The1965141
Blue VelvetVinton, Bobby1963130,200,308
Blue Water LineBrothers Four, The1962141,331
Blue's ThemeAllan, Davie, and The Arrows1967201
Blueberry HillArmstrong, Louis, and Gordon Jenkins And His Orchestra and Chorus1956/57310
Blueberry HillDomino, Fats1956/5783,207
BluebirdBuffalo Springfield, The196778
Bluebird, The Buzzard & The Oriole, TheDay, Bobby1958/5962,440
Bluebirds Over The MountainHickey, Ersel195855,394,421
Bluejean BopVincent, Gene, and His Blue Caps1956123
* Bo DiddleyDiddley, Bo195537
* Bo DiddleyHolly, Buddy1956, 1963417
Bo WeevilDomino, Fats195679,435
* Boat That I Row, TheLulu1967215
* Bob Dylan's DreamDylan, Bob1963237
Bobby Sox To StockingsAvalon, Frankie195934,156,346
Bobby's GirlBlane, Marcie1962/6314,152,219,346
* Bold MarauderFarina, Richard & Mimi1965209
Bold Soul SisterTurner, Ike & Tina1969/70238
Boll Weevil Song, TheBenton, Brook196179,191,256,440
Bon-Doo-WahOrlons, The1963/64225
* Bong Bong (I Love You Madly)Castro, Vince1958194
Bongo RockEpps, Preston1959230
Bongo StompLittle Joey and The Flips196256,367
Bony MoronieAppalachians, The1963386
Bony MoronieWilliams, Larry1957/5823,101,369
Boogaloo Down BroadwayFantastic Johnny C, The1967/6855,151,311
Boogaloo Party, TheFlamingos, The1966185
Book Of LoveMonotones, The19587,127,264,407,446
* Bookends ThemeSimon & Garfunkel1968405
Boom BoomAnimals, The1964/65103,293
Boom BoomHooker, John Lee1962175,371
Boom Boom BoomerangDeCastro Sisters, The1955292
Bop-A-LenaSelf, Ronnie1958188
Boppin' The BluesPerkins, Carl195696,265,401
Born A WomanPosey, Sandy1966121,233
Born FreeHesitations, The1968239,393
Born FreeWilliams, Roger1966/67144
* Born In ChicagoButterfield, Paul, Blues Band1965419
* Born On The BayouCreedence Clearwater Revival1969450
* Born On The BayouShort-Kuts, The1969265
Born To Be TogetherRonettes, The, featuring Veronica1965269
Born To Be WildSteppenwolf196858,258
Born To Be With YouChordettes, The1956152,253,366
Born To LoseCharles, Ray1962229,418
Born Too LatePoni-Tails, The19589,111,297,350
Boss GuitarEddy, Duane, & The Rebelettes1963204,452
Bossa Nova BabyPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires196356,269,331,442
Both Sides NowCollins, Judy1968/6971,241
* Both Sides NowMitchell, Joni1969374
Bottle Of WineFireballs, The1967/6833,102,350,449
Bounce, TheOlympics, The196392
Bowling GreenEverly Brothers, The196770,180,277,425
Boxer, TheSimon & Garfunkel196994,200,263
Boy From New York City, TheAd Libs, The19652,126,181,245,309,448
* Boy From ..., TheLavin, Linda1966421
Boy Named Sue, ACash, Johnny1969195,276
Boy Next Door, TheSecrets, The1963/6443,305
Boy With The Beatle Hair, TheSwans, The1964221
Boy Without A Girl, AAvalon, Frankie1959179,338
* Boy Wonder I Love YouWard, Burt1966351
* BoysBeatles, The1965238
* Boys Do CryBennett, Joe, and The Sparkletones1959396
Brand New Me, ASpringfield, Dusty1969/70165,434
Bread And ButterNewbeats, The196477,147,213,334,428
* Break-A-WayThomas, Irma1964250
Break AwayBeach Boys, The1969147,250
Break Away (From That Boy)Newbeats, The196593,204,337
Break It To Me GentlyLee, Brenda19621,279
* Break My MindBox Tops, The1967275
* Break On Through (To The Other Side)Doors, The1967240
Break OutRyder, Mitch, and The Detroit Wheels1966306
Break-UpLewis, Jerry Lee, and His Pumping Piano1958238
Break Your PromiseDelfonics, The1968234
Breakin' In A Brand New Broken HeartFrancis, Connie1961133
Breakin' Up Is Breakin' My HeartOrbison, Roy1966255
Breaking Up Is Hard To DoJivin' Gene and The Jokers195944,249,445
Breaking Up Is Hard To DoSedaka, Neil196236,101,208
Breath Taking Guy, ASupremes, The1963208
BreathlessLewis, Jerry Lee, and His Pumping Piano19582,109,270,410
Breeze And I (Andalucia), TheValente, Caterina1955254,387,456
Bridge Of Love, TheDowell, Joe1961222
Brigade Of Broken Hearts, TheEvans, Paul1960193
Bright Lights, Big CityReed, Jimmy1961122
Bring A Little Lovin'Los Bravos1968197,325
Bring Back Those Rockabye Baby DaysTiny Tim1968251
* Bring Back Your HeartDel Vikings, The1961261
Bring It On Home To MeAnimals, The1965189
Bring It On Home To MeCooke, Sam196213,115,243
Bring Your Love To MeRighteous Brothers, The1965178
Bristol StompDovells, The196130,155,267,346,433
Bristol Twistin' AnnieDovells, The196281,293
Broken HeartFiestas, The1962230
Broken-Hearted MelodyVaughan, Sarah19599,172,288,443
Brontosaurus StompPiltdown Men, The1960181
Brooklyn RoadsDiamond, Neil1968149,253,388,445
Broomstick CowboyGoldsboro, Bobby1965/66164
Brother Love's Travelling Salvation ShowDiamond, Neil196974,260,347
Brown Eyed GirlMorrison, Van19671,99,157,263,361
* Brown Eyed Handsome ManBerry, Chuck, and His Combo1956262
Brown Eyed WomanMedley, Bill196884,365
* Brown Shoes Don't Make ItMothers Of Invention, The1967209
Bucket 'T'Ronny & The Daytonas1964/65201
* Buick 59Medallions, The1954308
Build Me Up ButtercupFoundations, The196917,198,439
BulldogFireballs, The1960236,440
Bumble BeeBaker, LaVern1960/61322
Bumble BeeSearchers, The1965102,269,440
Bumble BoogieB. Bumble & The Stingers1961305,453
Burn That CandleHaley, Bill, and His Comets1955/5643,201,374
Burning BridgesScott, Jack196019,106,289,379
Bus StopHollies, The19666,88,147,333,400
BustedCharles, Ray196353,359
But I DoHenry, Clarence196137,280
But It's AlrightJackson, J. J.1966, 196927,89,296,448
But Not For MeLester, Ketty1962272,399
But On The Other Hand BabyCharles, Ray, and His Orchestra1961/62129
But You Know I Love YouFirst Edition, The1969179,273
But You're MineSonny & Cher1965165
* Buttered PopcornSupremes, The1962233
ButterflyGracie, Charlie195730,109,301,434
ButterflyWilliams, Andy1957220,395
Butterfly BabyRydell, Bobby196361
* Buttons And BowsBrowns, The, featuring Jim Edward Brown1962393
Buy For Me The RainNitty Gritty Dirt Band1967117,275,307
Buying A BookTex, Joe1969127,319
Buzz Buzz A-Diddle-ItCannon, Freddy196178,258,422
Buzz-Buzz-BuzzHollywood Flames, The1957/5826,137,280,332
By The Time I Get To PhoenixCampbell, Glen1967/68109,278,328
By The Time I Get To PhoenixHayes, Isaac1969168
Bye Bye BabyWells, Mary196157,189
Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby Goodbye)4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "sound" of Frankie Valli196511,119,292
Bye Bye LoveEverly Brothers, The195752,112,195,336
C. C. RiderWillis, Chuck195745,426
C'est La VieVaughan, Sarah1955/56364
C'est Si Bon (It's So Good)Twitty, Conway1960/61192
C'mon And SwimFreeman, Bobby1964106,219
C'mon EverybodyCochran, Eddie1958/5913,154,370,434
C'mon Marianne4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "sound" of Frankie Valli196783,225,288
Cab DriverMills Brothers, The1968199
CalcuttaWelk, Lawrence, and His Orchestra1960/61323
Calendar GirlSedaka, Neil1960/6154,285,398
California BoundRonny & The Daytonas1964222,332
California Dreamin'Mamas & The Papas, The196612,143,211,292,332
California GirlsBeach Boys, The196556,268,332
California NightsGore, Lesley196717,227,332,436
California Soul5th Dimension, The1968/6981,332,426
California SunJones, Joe1961155,235
California SunRivieras, The196413,89,332,444
Call MeMathis, Johnny1958353
Call MeMontez, Chris196642,261,357
Call Me IrresponsibleJones, Jack1963144,393
Call Me LightningWho, The1968131,174
Call Me Mr. In-BetweenIves, Burl1962244,360,439
Call On MeBland, Bobby196376,439
Callin' Doctor CaseyLoudermilk, John D.1962184,347,401
Can I Change My MindDavis, Tyrone1968/69130,252,345
Can I Come Over TonightVelours, The195755
Can I Get A WitnessGaye, Marvin1963/6427,128,291
Can I Get To Know You BetterTurtles, The196746
Can I Steal A Little LoveSinatra, Frank1957243
Can You Do ItContours, The1964137
Can You Find It In Your HeartBennett, Tony1956364,456
Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?Dylan, Bob1966185
Can't Buy Me LoveBeatles, The1964125,370
* Can't Do Sixty No MoreDominoes, The195548
* Can't Find My Way HomeBlind Faith1969420
Can't Find The TimeOrpheus196975,163,364
Can't Get Enough Of You, Baby? & The Mysterians196790,435
Can't Get Over (The Bossa Nova)Gorme, Eydie1964296,400
Can't Get Used To Losing YouWilliams, Andy196337,256
Can't Help Falling In LovePresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1961/625,215
Can't Help Lovin' That Girl Of MineExcels, The1961396
Can't Seem To Make You MineSeeds, The196787,194,416
Can't Take My Eyes Off YouValli, Frankie196745,296,430
Can't Wait For SummerLawrence, Steve1957447
* Can't We Be SweetheartsCleftones, The195618
Can't You Hear My HeartbeatHerman's Hermits196535,204,300,383
Can't You See That She's MineClark, Dave, Five196478,302
* Canadian Railroad TrilogyLightfoot, Gordon1967378
Canadian SunsetJones, Etta1961363
Canadian SunsetWilliams, Andy1956126,260,336
CandyAstors, The1965102,291,374
Candy Apple RedGuitar, Bonnie1959236,374
Candy Girl4 Seasons, The196351,291,374
Candy ManOrbison, Roy1961116,216,291,374
* Candy ManVan Ronk, Dave1964330
Candy To MeHolland, Eddie1964102,429
CannonballEddy, Duane, His 'Twangy' Guitar and The Rebels1958/59417
* Captain Of Your ShipReparata and The Delrons1968259
Cara-LinStrangeloves, The196580
Cara, MiaJay & The Americans196577,202,288,369
* Care Of Cell 44Zombies, The1969153
CaribbeanTorok, Mitchell1959114,198,433
CarolBerry, Chuck195847,221,362
* Carolina In My MindTaylor, James1969163
Caroline, NoWilson, Brian196632,153,233,298
Carpet Man5th Dimension, The1968137,255
Carrie-AnneHollies, The196724,108,322
Carry Me BackRascals, The1969180,446
Casino RoyaleAlpert, Herb, & The Tijuana Brass1967197,441
Casonova (Your Playing Days Are Over)Andrews, Ruby196755
Cast Your Fate To The WindAlaimo, Steve1965219,352
Castin' My SpellOtis, Johnny, Show1959417
* Castle In The SkyBop Chords, The1957103
Castles In The SandWonder, Little Stevie1964137,456
Casual Look, ASix Teens, The195634,101,275,421
Cat In the Window (The Bird In the Sky), TheClark, Petula1967112,373
Catch A Falling StarComo, Perry195878,243
Catch The WindDonovan1965134,330,435
Catch Us If You CanClark, Dave, Five19652,108,239
CaterinaComo, Perry1962222
Cathy's ClownEverly Brothers, The196010,116,249,306,395
Cattle Call, TheArnold, Eddy1955350
* 'Cause You're MineG-Clefs, The195663
* Cease To ExistManson, Charles1968390
Certain Girl, AK-Doe, Ernie1961140,280
Certain Smile, AMathis, Johnny195858,205
Cha-Cha-Cha, TheRydell, Bobby196230,319,367
Cha-Hua-HuaPets, The1958235
Chain GangCooke, Sam19606,160,436
Chain GangDresslar, Len1956335
Chain GangScott, Bobby195643,250,431
Chain GangWilson, Jackie, and Count Basie1968335
Chain Of FoolsFranklin, Aretha1967/6847,190,281,401
ChainedGaye, Marvin1968273
ChainsCookies, The1962/6324,218,285,362
Chains Of LoveBland, Bobby1969335
Chains Of LoveDrifters, The1965335
Chances AreMathis, Johnny1957/5828,147,265,414
Change Is Gonna Come, ACooke, Sam196562
Change Of HeartYost, Dennis, and The Classics IV1969218
ChangesSt. Peters, Crispian1966146
Chantez-Chantez (Shan-Tay, "Sing")Shore, Dinah1957363
Chantilly LaceBig Bopper, The1958/5931,165,264,410
Chapel Of DreamsDubs, The195959
Chapel Of LoveDixie Cups, The19642,154,265,344
CharadeMancini, Henry, and His Orchestra1963/64394
Charanga, TheGriffin, Merv1961292
Charlie BrownCoasters, The195943,135,282
* Charm On My Arm, TheCarroll, Andrea1961315
CharmaineFour Freshmen, The1955/56238,354
CharmsVee, Bobby196396,354,422
Chattanooga Choo ChooHarpers Bizarre196760
Chattanooga Shoe Shine BoyCannon, Freddy196060
Cheater, TheKuban, Bob, and The In-Men196615,138,282,419
Chee Chee-oo Chee (Sang The Little Bird)Como, Perry, and Jaye P. Morgan1955206
Cheer Leader, ThePetersen, Paul1963137
Chelsea MorningCollins, Judy1969215,414
CherishAssociation, The19662,137,205,280,348,428
Cherry, CherryDiamond, Neil196696,243,316,371,417
Cherry Hill ParkRoyal, Billy Joe1969/7016,226,287,448
Cherry PieSkip & Flip196016,102,314,374
Cherry Pink (And Apple Blossom White)Dale, Alan1955357,386
Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom WhitePrado, Perez, and His Orchestra1955266
CherrystoneAddrisi Brothers, The1959115,323
Chewy ChewyOhio Express1968/69131,283
ChicagoSinatra, Frank1957312
Chick, TheLee and Paul1959278
Chicken, Baby, ChickenHarris, Tony1957102
Chicken FeedFabric, Bent, and His Piano1963451
* Chicken Shack BoogieMilburn, Amos1948/49107
Child Of ClayRodgers, Jimmie1967276
* Children Of St. Monica, TheGrady, Don, with The Windupwatch Band1966/67351
Children's Marching Song (Nick Nack Paddy Whack), TheMiller, Mitch, & His Orch. and Chorus1959202,445
* ChillsOrlando, Tony1962456
Chim, Chim, ChereeNew Christy Minstrels, The1965140,393,452
China Nights (Shina No Yoru)Sakamoto, Kyu1963363
Chinese Rock And Egg RollHackett, Buddy1956216
Chip ChipMcDaniels, Gene196246,129
Chipmunk Song, TheChipmunks, The (Alvin, Theodore & Simon), with The Music of David Seville1958/5920,251
Choice Of ColorsImpressions, The196984,341,456
Choice, TheO'Jays, The1968236
Chokin' Kind, TheSimon, Joe1969165,424
Choo Choo TrainBox Tops, The1968293
* Christmas Carol, ALehrer, Tom1959167
* Christmas In JailYoungsters, The1956335
Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You), TheCole, Nat "King"1960, 196220
Chug-A-LugMiller, Roger1964118,379
Church Bells May RingWillows, The195626,196,447
Church Bells May Ring, TheDiamonds, The1956317
* Cincinnati Kid, TheCharles, Ray1965406
Cinco Robles (Five Oaks)Arms, Russell1957365
Cinco Robles (Five Oaks)Paul, Les, and Mary Ford1957304
CinderellaAnka, Paul1961219,435
CinderellaFour Preps, The1958230
Cinderella RockefellaOfarim, Esther & Abi1968148,329,370
Cindy, Oh CindyMartin, Vince, with The Tarriers1956/5749,171,302
Cindy's BirthdayCrawford, Johnny196259,359
Cinnamon Cinder (It's A Very Nice Dance), ThePastel Six, The1962/6361,448
* Cinnamon GirlYoung, Neil, with Crazy Horse1970361
City Girl Stole My Country Boy, APage, Patti1961396
City LightsPrice, Ray1958163
City of AngelsHighlights, The1956/57317
Clap Your HandsBeau-Marks, The1960138,358
Clapping Song (Clap Pat Clap Slap), TheEllis, Shirley196586,150,388
Class, TheChecker, Chubby195952,222,346,393
Classical GasWilliams, Mason1968197
ClaudetteEverly Brothers, The195822,253
Click-ClackDicky Doo and The Don'ts195860,232
(Clickity Clack Song) Four Little Heels, TheHyland, Brian1960180
Climb Ev'ry MountainBennett, Tony1959/60408
Climb, TheKingsmen, The1965231
Close To CathyClifford, Mike196243
Close TogetherReed, Jimmy1961181
Close Your EyesPeaches & Herb196745,278
* Closer You Are, TheChannels, The195627
* Closest Thing To Heaven, TheSedaka, Neil1964430
Cloud NineTemptations, The1968/6995,318,434
Clouds, TheSpacemen, The1959/60444
Cloudy Summer Afternoon (Raindrops)McGuire, Barry1966164
* Cocaine BluesVan Ronk, Dave1963268
Cocoanut WomanBelafonte, Harry1957330
* Coffee BluesHurt, Mississippi John1966394
Cold, Cold HeartWashington, Dinah1962156
Cold FeetKing, Albert1968132
Cold Sweat - Part 1Brown, James, and The Famous Flames196779
Cold TurkeyPlastic Ono Band1969/7048,221
Color Him FatherWinstons, The196947,171,295,413
Color My WorldClark, Petula1966/6767,229
Colour Of My Love, TheJefferson1969203,339
* Combination Of The TwoBig Brother and The Holding Company1968423
(Come 'Round Here) I'm The One You NeedMiracles, The196626,262,436
Come A Little Bit CloserJay & The Americans196414,122,200,334,454
* Come Along BabyAstronauts, The1961195
Come And Get These MemoriesMartha & The Vandellas196326,149,341
Come And Stay With MeFaithfull, Marianne196567,348
Come BackFive Stairsteps, The1966412
Come Back BabyJoy, Roddie1965188
* Come Back My LoveWrens, The195569
Come Back Silly GirlLettermen, The1962160,392
* Come Back To MeWilson, Jackie1958161
Come Back When You Grow UpVee, Bobby, and The Strangers19678,112,255,407
Come Go With MeDell-Vikings, The195722,167,297,343,421
Come HomeClark, Dave, Five196554,196
Come HomeJohnson, Bubber1955427
Come In StrangerCash, Johnny, and The Tennessee Two1958354
Come On And Get MeFabian195970
Come On And See MeTerrell, Tammi1966267
* Come On BabyCampbell, Jo Ann1957295
Come On Down To My BoatEvery Mothers' Son19679,171,259,333,388
Come On Let's GoMcCoys, The1966264
Come On, Let's GoValens, Ritchie195858,176,428
Come On Little AngelBelmonts, The196244,179,317
Come On Over To My PlaceDrifters, The1965174
Come On, React!Fireballs, The1968158,178
Come On Sock It To MeJohnson, Syl1967122
Come On UpYoung Rascals, The1966150,295
Come Prima (Koma Preema)Bergen, Polly1958/59425
Come Rain Or Come ShineCharles, Ray1960, 1968183
Come Saturday MorningSandpipers, The1969/70213,422
Come SeeLance, Major1965265
Come See About MeSupremes, The1964/6547,143,295,419
Come See About MeWalker, Jr., & The All Stars1967/68411
Come Softly To MeFleetwoods, The195970,155,330
* Come Spy With MeRobinson, Smokey, & The Miracles196751
Come To MeJohnson, Marv195974
Come To The SunshineHarpers Bizarre1967297
Come TogetherBeatles, The1969/70149,354
Come TomorrowManfred Mann1965108,188
Come What MayMcPhatter, Clyde195894
Comin' Down With LoveGadson, Mel1960401
Comin' Home BabyTorme, Mel1962/63115,191,280,357
Comin' On Too StrongNewton, Wayne1965154,240
* Coming Back To YouJefferson Airplane1967203
Coming Home SoldierVinton, Bobby1966/67301
* Coming Into Los AngelesGuthrie, Arlo1969265
Coming On StrongLee, Brenda196639,240,364
CommotionCreedence Clearwater Revival1969210,390
Composer, TheRoss, Diana, and The Supremes1969104
Concrete And ClayUnit Four Plus Two196527,120,200,334,419
Condition RedGoodees, The1968/69141,239
Coney Island BabyExcellents, The1962/6323,140,435
ConfidentialKnight, Sonny1956/5734,258,443
CongratulationsRichard, Cliff1968251
ConscienceDarren, James1962121,304
Constant Rain (Chove Chuva)Mendes, Sergio, & Brasil '661966/67355
Continental Walk, TheRollers, The1961158
Cool JerkCapitols, The19666,105,353,378
Cool ShakeDel Vikings featuring Gus Backus195744,150,392
Cool WaterScott, Jack1960327
Corinna, CorinnaPeterson, Ray1960/6122,227,371
Corrine CorrinaTurner, Joe1956156
Cottage For Sale, AJohn, Little Willie1960292
* CottonDuvals, The1963397
Cotton FieldsHighwaymen, The1961/6253,307,403
Could This Be MagicDubs, The1957/5818,140,442
Count Every StarDonnie and The Dreamers1961444
Count Every StarRivieras, The1958163
Count Me InLewis, Gary, and The Playboys1965130,201,323
Count Your Blessings (Instead Of Sheep)Fisher, Eddie1954/55269,418
* Country FoolShowmen, The1961152
Country Girl - City ManVera, Billy, & Judy Clay1968281,334,396
Court Of LoveUnifics, The196875,190,367
Cousin Of MineCooke, Sam1964369
* CousinsSkip-Jacks, The1966423
Cowboy Jimmy Joe (Die Sterne Der Prarie)Lolita1961363
Cowboys To GirlsIntruders, The196810,193,256,415
Crackin UpDiddley, Bo1959298
Cradle Of LovePreston, Johnny196040,170,276,443
* Crawdaddy SimoneSyndicats, The1965185
Crawling BackOrbison, Roy1965282
CrazyCline, Patsy1961/6234,229,455
Crazy ArmsBeckham, Bob1960319
Crazy Country HopOtis, Johnny, Show1958105,319
Crazy DowntownSherman, Allan1965116,319
Crazy Eyes For YouHamilton, Bobby195828,92,319
Crazy Little Palace (That's My Home), AWilliams, Billy, Quartet1956319
Crazy LoveAnka, Paul195870
* Crazy Man CrazyHaley, Bill, with Haley's Comets1953319
* Crazy TimesVincent, Gene1960441
Crazy With LoveMitchell, Guy1956/57319
Creeque AlleyMamas & The Papas, The196789,165,248,309,367
Crimson And CloverJames, Tommy, and The Shondells1968/69121,344
Croce Di Oro (Cross Of Gold)Page, Patti1955/56234,429
Cross Fire!Orlons, The196333,228
Cross My HeartStewart, Billy1967/68207
Crosstown TrafficHendrix, Jimi, Experience, The1968/6976,408
Crowd, TheOrbison, Roy1962153,333,379
Crown Of CreationJefferson Airplane1968180,390
Cruel War, ThePeter, Paul & Mary1966151,253
CryCharles, Ray1965310
CryDove, Ronnie1966/67209
Cry BabyBonnie Sisters, The1956174
Cry BabyMimms, Garnet, & The Enchanters196348,159,336
Cry Baby CryAngels, The1962119,329,392
* Cry, Cry, CryEarls, The, featuring Larry Chance196395
Cry Like A BabyBox Tops, The196811,135,288,387
Cry Me A RiverLondon, Julie1955/5676,168,245
Cry SoftlyAmes, Nancy1966301
Cry Softly Lonely OneOrbison, Roy1967262
Cry To MeBurke, Solomon19629,159,178
CryingOrbison, Roy196140,207,350,423
Crying Game, TheLee, Brenda1965270
Crying In The ChapelPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1965137,395
Crying In The RainEverly Brothers, The196274,247,322,412
Crying TimeCharles, Ray, with The Raeletts1965/66139,273
* Crying, Waiting, HopingHolly, Buddy1959362
Crystal Blue PersuasionJames, Tommy, and The Shondells1969103
CupidCooke, Sam196133,110,229
CyclesSinatra, Frank1968146,375
* D.C.B.A.-25Jefferson Airplane1967410
D-I-V-O-R-C-EWynette, Tammy1968228,400
D. W. WashburnMonkees, The196847,98,231
Da Doo Ron Ron (When He Walked Me Home)Crystals, The196343,207
* DaddyThomas, B. J.1966413
* Daddy CoolRays, The195760,185
* Daddy, Daddy (Gotta Get A Phone In My Room)Clark, Robin1961295
Daddy-OBonnie Lou1955/56356
Daddy Sang BassCash, Johnny1968/69173
Daddy's HomeShep and The Limelites19614,162,291,334
Daddy's Little GirlMartino, Al1967291,413
Daddy's Little ManSmith, O. C.1969413
Daisy Petal Pickin'Gilmer, Jimmy, and The Fireballs1963/6466,432
Dammit Isn't God's Last NameLaine, Frankie1969211
* Dance At St. Francis, TheBarracuda1968137
Dance By The Light Of The MoonOlympics, The1960/6158,279
Dance, Dance, DanceBeach Boys, The1964/65105,206,361
Dance Everyone DanceMadigan, Betty1958298,417
* Dance GirlCharts, The195760
Dance On Little GirlAnka, Paul196173,268,420
Dance To The BopVincent, Gene, and His Blue Caps1957/58107,158
Dance To The MusicSly & The Family Stone196838,169,323,422
Dance With MeDrifters, The1959/6021,227
Dance With MeMojo Men, The1965196
Dance With Me GeorgieBobbettes, The1960205
Dance With Me Henry (Wallflower)Gibbs, Georgia1955173,195,306
(Dance With The) Guitar ManEddy, Duane, & The Rebelettes1962/6395,436
Dancin'Como, Perry1957231
Dancin' HolidayOlympics, The1963230
Dancin' PartyChecker, Chubby196251,156
Dancing BearMamas & The Papas, The1967/6863,216,293
Dancing In The StreetMartha & The Vandellas19642,107,175,320,450
DandelionRolling Stones, The196793,286
DandyHerman's Hermits196646,154,448
Dang MeMiller, Roger196422,145,251
Danger! Heartbreak AheadMorgan, Jaye P.1955274
Danger! She's A StrangerFive Stairsteps, The1967318
* Danger Zone, TheCharles, Ray1961150
Dangling Conversation, TheSimon & Garfunkel19662,127,191,431
Danke SchoenNewton, Wayne, and The Newton Brothers196366,253,404
Danny BoyPrice, Ray1967354
Danny BoyTwitty, Conway1959/6066
Danny BoyWilliams, Andy1961283
Dark End Of The Street, TheCarr, James1967112
Dark MoonGuitar, Bonnie1957112,201,281,387
Darkest Street In TownClanton, Jimmy1963222
Darlin'Beach Boys, The1967131,337
Darling BabyElgins, The196657,320
Darling Be Home SoonLovin' Spoonful, The19673,99,191
* Darling, How LongHeartbeats, The1956279
Darling Je Vous Aime BeaucoupCole, Nat "King"195565
Darling LorraineKnockouts, The1959/6021,293,367
Darling Take Me BackWelch, Lenny196529
* Date With The BluesWilliams, Billy1957254
DaughterBlenders, The1963172,251
* David WattsKinks, The1967120
Dawn (Go Away)4 Seasons, The196458,199,381
Dawn Of Correction, TheSpokesmen, The1965160
Day By DayFour Freshmen, The1955144
Day For DecisionSea, Johnny1966210,343
* Day In The Life, ABeatles, The1967263
Day Is DonePeter, Paul & Mary196993,202,382
Day The Rains Came, TheMorgan, Jane1958395
Day TripperBeatles, The1965/66142,278
Day TripperVontastics, The1966221
DaydreamLovin' Spoonful, The196657,173,329,418
Daydream BelieverMonkees, The1967/6865,166,233,440
Daylight Savin' TimeKeith1967304
* Days Of Pearly Spencer, TheMcWilliams, David1967191
Days Of Wine And RosesMancini, Henry, His Orchestra and Chorus1963393
Days Of Wine And RosesWilliams, Andy196379,253,449
Dead End StreetRawls, Lou196729,201,312,355
Dead Man's CurveJan & Dean196445,235
Deadend StreetKinks, The1967143,454
Dear AbbyHearts, The1963171,313
Dear DadBerry, Chuck1965401
Dear EloiseHollies, The1967/6885,171
Dear Elvis (Pages 1 & 2)Audrey1956299
Dear HeartJones, Jack1964/6579
Dear HeartWilliams, Andy1964/65212,313
Dear Hearts And Gentle PeopleSpringfields, The1962429
* Dear John Letter, ADavis, Skeeter, & Bobby Bare1965266
Dear Lady TwistBonds, Gary (U.S.)1961/6276,196
Dear LoverWells, Mary1966127
Dear Mr. D.J. Play It AgainRobin, Tina1961170
Dear OneFinnegan, Larry196254,186,380
DearestMickey and Sylvia1957188
* Death Of A ClownKinks, The, (featuring Dave Davies)196776
Death Of An AngelKingsmen, The1964265
Deck Of CardsMartindale, Wink1959/6021,149,287,351
DeDe DinahAvalon, Frankie195853,212,267
Dedicated Follower Of FashionKinks, The196652,165
Dedicated To The One I LoveMamas & The Papas, The19674,334,439
Dedicated To The One I LoveShirelles, The1959, 196193,215
Dedicated (To The Songs I Love)3 Friends, The1961397
Dedication Song, TheCannon, Freddy1966214,339
Deep Blue SeaDean, Jimmy1957192
Deep In The Heart Of HarlemMcPhatter, Clyde196492,305,359
Deep PurpleTempo, Nino, & April Stevens196317,92,340
* Deep River BluesWatson, Doc1964330
* Deep Sea BluesDominoes, The195288
DelawareComo, Perry1960302,425
Delia GoneBoone, Pat1960335
Delicious!Backus, Jim, and Friend1958238
DelilahJones, Tom196879,255,345
Delilah JonesMcGuire Sisters, The1956347
Delta LadyCocker, Joe1969180
DeniseRandy & The Rainbows196316,120,428
DeserieCharts, The195749,213
Desert PeteKingston Trio, The1963124,223,428
Destination: AnywhereMarvelettes, The1968162
Detroit CityBare, Bobby196381,161,320,410
* Devil DollOrbison, Roy, and The Roses1957327
* Devil In Her HeartBeatles, The1963313
* Devil In His HeartDonays, The196267
Devil Or AngelVee, Bobby196019,308,432
Devil With A Blue Dress On & Good Golly Miss MollyRyder, Mitch, and The Detroit Wheels1966/6781,389
* Devil With The Blue DressLong, Shorty1964318
Devil WomanRobbins, Marty196276,303,355
Devil's AngelsAllen, Davie, and The Arrows1967327
* Devil's HideawayBrown, James, at the Organ and His Orchestra1965327
Devoted To YouEverly Brothers, The195841,241,420
Diamond RingWallace, Jerry (With Ev Freeman Singers)1958347
Diamonds And PearlsParadons, The196023,174,347
* Diamonds Are A Girl's Best FriendChanning, Carol1950347
DianaAnka, Paul1957/585,112,240,346
DianeBachelors, The196479,306
Dianne, DianneRonny & The Daytonas196672
Diary, TheSedaka, Neil1958/5922,127
Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind?Lovin' Spoonful, The196612,86,193,338
Did You Have A Happy BirthdayAnka, Paul1963359
Did You See Her EyesIllusion, The1969148
Diddle-Dee-Dum (What Happens When Your Love Has Gone)Belmonts, The1962279
* Diddy Wah DiddyRemains, The1966162
* Didn't Want To Have To Do ItLovin' Spoonful, The1966262
Didn't WeHarris, Richard1969148,253
Different DrumStone Poneys, The, Featuring Linda Ronstadt1967/688,157,271,323,438
Dim, Dim The Lights (I Want Some Atmosphere)Haley, Bill, and His Comets1954/5542,259,352,424
* Dime A Dozen, AThomas, Carla1968331
Ding-A-LingRydell, Bobby196069
Ding Dong! The Witch Is DeadFifth Estate, The1967118,352,453
Dinner With Drac Part 1Zacherle, John, "The Cool Ghoul"195827,202,267,359
* Dirty Old ManFugs, The19??135
Dirty WaterStandells, The196632,106,303
Dis-Advantages Of You, TheBrass Ring, The1967187
Distant DrumsReeves, Jim1966395
Distant ShoresChad & Jeremy1966197
DizzyRoe, Tommy196941,152,357
Dizzy, Miss LizzyWilliams, Larry195874,214,362
Do I Love You?Ronettes, The196470,279,397
Do I Make Myself ClearJames, Etta, & Sugar Pie DeSanto1965314
Do It AgainBeach Boys, The196881,381
Do It Again A Little Bit SlowerJon & Robin and The In Crowd196761,196,417
Do-Re-MiDorsey, Lee1961/62235
Do-Re-MiMiller, Mitch, & His Orch. and Chorus1959/60190
Do The Best You CanHollies, The1968402
Do The BirdSharp, Dee Dee1963199
Do The BoomerangWalker, Jr., & The All Stars196596,416
Do The ClamPresley, Elvis, With The Jordanaires, Jubilee Four & Carol Lombard Trio1965343
Do The FreddieFreddie and The Dreamers196530,232
Do-Wacka-DoMiller, Roger1964/65397
Do-Wah-DiddyExciters, The1964104,185,383
Do Wah Diddy DiddyManfred Mann19641,240,316,453
Do What You DidHarris, Thurston1958225,372
Do You Believe In MagicLovin' Spoonful, The19651,105,188,264,376,442
Do You Know How To TwistBallard, Hank1962333
Do You Know The Way To San JoseWarwick, Dionne196856,126,215,332
Do You Love MeContours, The1962, 198829,320,426
Do You Mind?Newley, Anthony1960395
Do You Wanna Dance?Beach Boys, The1965273
Do You Wanna DanceMamas & The Papas, The1968187
Do You Want To DanceFreeman, Bobby195821,364,421
Do You Want To Know A SecretBeatles, The1964116,236
Do Your Own ThingBenton, Brook1968231
Do Your ThingWatts 103rd Street Rhythm Band1969179
Dr. Ben BaseyShorr, Mickey and The Cutups1962401
* Dr. Do-GoodElectric Prunes, The1967401
Doctor Feel-GoodDr. Feelgood and The Interns1962116,401
Dr. Jon (The Medicine Man)Jon & Robin and The In Crowd1968265
Does Anybody Know I'm HereDells, The1968/69318
Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On The Bedpost Over Night)Donegan, Lonnie, and His Skiffle Group196180,299,339
Does Your Mama Know About MeTaylor, Bobby, & The Vancouvers196874,315,378
Dogface SoldierMorgan, Russ, and his Orchestra1955373
Doggin' AroundWilson, Jackie196064,279,373
Doggone RightRobinson, Smokey, & The Miracles1969372
Doin' The Continental WalkDanny & The Juniors1962211
(Doin' The) Lovers LeapPierce, Webb1960339
Dollar Down, ALimeliters, The1961330,452
Domani (Tomorrow)LaRosa, Julius1955252
DominiqueSinging Nun, The (Soeur Sourire)1963/64117,251,363
Don'tPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1958125,333
Don't Ask Me To Be FriendsEverly Brothers, The1962212
Don't Ask Me (To Be Lonely)Dubs, The195724,175,439
Don't Ask Me WhyPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1958251
Don't Be Afraid, Little Darlin'Lawrence, Steve1963285
Don't Be AngryBrown, Nappy1955110,452
Don't Be CruelBlack's, Bill, Combo1960283
Don't Be CruelPresley, Elvis1956/5776,161,344,428
Don't Bet Money HoneyScott, Linda196131,268,331
Don't Blame MeEverly Brothers, The196180,258,418
Don't Blame The ChildrenDavis, Sammy, Jr.1967319
* Don't Bogart MeFraternity Of Man1968428
* Don't Bother MeBeatles, The1964180
Don't Break The Heart That Loves YouFrancis, Connie196237,198
Don't Bring Me DownAnimals, The196626,172,290,342
Don't Change Your LoveFive Stairsteps & Cubie1968294
Don't Come Running Back To MeWilson, Nancy1965293
Don't Cry, BabyFranklin, Aretha1962222
Don't Cry DaddyPresley, Elvis1969/70190,413
Don't Cry No MoreBland, Bobby1961204
Don't Do ItDolenz, Micky1967185,351
* Don't Ever ChangeCrickets, The1962285,342
Don't Ever Leave MeFrancis, Connie1964280
Don't Forbid MeBoone, Pat1956/57190
Don't Forget I Still Love YouMartin, Bobbi1964/65186
Don't Get Around Much AnymoreBelmonts, The1961377
Don't Get Around Much AnymoreHunter, Tab1957273
Don't Give In To HimPuckett, Gary, and The Union Gap1969142,430
Don't Give UpClark, Petula1968454
Don't Go HomePlaymates, The195853,196
Don't Go Near The EskimosColder, Ben1962351
Don't Go Near The IndiansAllen, Rex1962164,351
Don't Go Out Into The Rain (You're Going To Melt)Herman's Hermits1967139
Don't Go To StrangersMonroe, Vaughn1956339
Don't Hang UpOrlons, The1962/6330,193,287,372,455
Don't It Make You Want To Go HomeSouth, Joe1969162,445
Don't Just Stand ThereDuke, Patty196576,226,357
* Don't Knock The RockHaley, Bill, and His Comets1956361
* Don't Leave MeNelson, Ricky1959184
Don't Let GoHamilton, Roy19584,139,279,355
Don't Let Her Be Your BabyContours, The1963179
Don't Let Love Hang You UpButler, Jerry1969386
Don't Let Love Pass Me ByAvalon, Frankie1960188
Don't Let Me Be MisunderstoodAnimals, The196530,153,303,412
Don't Let Me DownBeatles, The, with Billy Preston1969173
Don't Let The Joneses Get You DownTemptations, The1969254,316
Don't Let The Rain Come Down (Crooked Little Man)Serendipity Singers, The196449,273
Don't Let The Rain Fall Down On MeCritters, The1967204,355
Don't Let The Sun Catch You Cryin'Charles, Ray1960335,444
Don't Let The Sun Catch You CryingGerry and The Pacemakers196436,108,243,408
* Don't Look BackRemains, The196689
Don't Look BackTemptations, The1965/66104,447
Don't Make Me OverWarwick, Dionne1962/637,190,348,441
Don't Make The Good Girls Go BadHumphrey, Della1968176
Don't Mention My NameShepherd Sisters, The1963169
Don't Mess With BillMarvelettes, The196662,124,254
Don't Play That Song (You Lied)King, Ben E.196232,169,284,414
* Don't Put It DownHair Soundtrack1968277
Don't Say Goodnight And Mean GoodbyeShirelles, The1963132
Don't Say Nothin' Bad (About My Baby)Cookies, The19632,270,342
Don't Sleep In The SubwayClark, Petula196762,211,354
Don't Take It So HardRevere, Paul, and The Raiders Featuring Mark Lindsay1968254,415
Don't Take The StarsMystics, The195962,303
Don't Take Your Guns To TownCash, Johnny1959207
Don't Take Your Love From MeLynne, Gloria1964322
Don't Talk To StrangersBeau Brummels, The1965138,311
Don't Think TwiceWonder Who?, The1965/6625,281,423
Don't Think Twice, It's All RightPeter, Paul & Mary196395,231,328
Don't Throw Away All Those TeardropsAvalon, Frankie1960196,447
Don't Throw Your Love AwaySearchers, The196452,145,300
* Don't TouchTanega, Norma1966402
Don't Wake Me Up In The Morning, MichaelPeppermint Rainbow, The1969447
Don't WorryRobbins, Marty1961171,270,404
Don't Worry BabyBeach Boys, The196483,134,307
Don't Worry Mother, Your Son's Heart Is PureMcCoys, The1966236,388
Don't You Believe ItWilliams, Andy1962441
Don't You CareBuckinghams, The19675,172,312
Don't You Just Know ItSmith, Huey (Piano), and The Clowns195834,191,434
Don't You KnowReese, Della1959/6072,186,288,423,453
Don't You Know YockomoSmith, Huey (Piano), and The Clowns1958/59211,282
Don't You Miss Me A Little Bit BabyRuffin, Jimmy1967337
Donald Where's Your Troosers?Stewart, Andy, with The White Heather Group1961165,414
Doncha' Think It's TimePresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1958105,187,354
DonnaValens, Ritchie1958/591,152,264,325,436
Donna The Prima Donna(Di Muci), Dion196331,321
DonnieBermudas, The1964185
* Doolang, TheCarroll, Andrea1964154
Door Is Still Open To My Heart, TheMartin, Dean1964199
DottieDanny & The Juniors1958101
Double-O-SevenDetergents, The1965243,408
Double Shot (Of My Baby's Love)Swingin' Medallions, The196632,160,243,319,382
Down At Lulu'sOhio Express1968154,425
(Down At) Papa Joe'sDixiebelles, The196319,448
Down By The StationFour Preps, The1959/6056,171,315
* Down In MexicoCoasters, The1956104
Down In The BoondocksRoyal, Billy Joe196531,309,413
Down In The ValleyBurke, Solomon196294
Down On MeBig Brother and The Holding Company1968254
* Down On My KneesHeartbeats, The195847
Down On The CornerCreedence Clearwater Revival1969/7055,229,403
Down The Aisle Of LoveQuin-tones, The195825,123,200
Down The Aisle (Wedding Song)LaBelle, Patti, and The Blue Belles196355,167
DowntownClark, Petula1964/6510,98,423
* Downtown SoulvilleEdwards, Chuck1967296
Drag CityJan & Dean1963/6453,333
Dream A Little Dream Of MeMama Cass with The Mamas & The Papas196841,200,263
Dream Baby (How Long Must I Dream)Orbison, Roy1962119,195,294
Dream LoverDarin, Bobby195911,152,311
Dreamin'Burnette, Johnny196048
* DreamingCosmic Rays, The, with Sun Ra and Arkestra1955349
Dreams Of The Everyday HousewifeCampbell, Glen1968161
Dreams Of The Everyday HousewifeNewton, Wayne1968303,358
Dreamy EyesTillotson, Johnny1958/59, 1961/6259,272
* Dressed In BlackShangri-Las, The1966280
Drinking Man's Diet, TheSherman, Allan1965135
Drip DropDi Muci, Dion1963/6480,169,229,427
Drive In ShowCochran, Eddie195754,277
Drive My CarKuban, Bob, and The In-Men1966277
Drummin' Up A StormNelson, Sandy1962236
DrumsJon & Robin1967231
* DrunkLiggins, Jimmy, & His 3-D Music1953107
Dry Your EyesBrenda & The Tabulations196727,252
Duck, TheLee, Jackie1965/6671,378,440
Duke Of EarlChandler, Gene1962114,202,312
Dum DumLee, Brenda196137,235,371
Dum Dum Dee DumCymbal, Johnny1963187,301
Dumb HeadArnell, Ginny1963/64194,386
Dungaree DollFisher, Eddie1955/5666,259,400,432
DustyRag Dolls, The1965124,197,324
DynamiteLee, Brenda1957346
* Each DayCole, Ann, with The Suburbans1957112
Early In The MorningHolly, Buddy195859,138
Early In The MorningRinky-Dinks, The1958218,303
Early In The MorningVanity Fare1969/7059,182,257,359
Early Morning RainPeter, Paul & Mary1965143,322,437
Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine)Mann, Gloria1955181
Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine)Penguins, The1954/551,151,284,311,378
Easier Said Than DoneEssex, The196312,111,202,443
East WestHerman's Hermits1966/6790,155,329,445
* Easter ParadeGarland, Judy, and Fred Astaire1948291
Easy To Be HardThree Dog Night196964,237,373,429
Ebb TideRighteous Brothers, The1965/6637,326
Ebb TideWelch, Lenny1964246
Ebony EyesEverly Brothers, The196182,139,205,317
EchoEmotions, The1962/63172,447
Echo ParkBarbour, Keith1969146,275,375
* EchoesClark, Gene, (with the Gosdin Brothers)1967306
* Echoes Keep Calling Me, TheLittle Joe The Thriller1957420
Eddie My LoveTeen Queens, The19569,175,201,370,437
Eggplant That Ate Chicago, TheDr. West's Medicine Show and Junk Band1966/67312,401
* Egyptian ShumbaTammys, The1964442
Eight Days A WeekBeatles, The1965138,279,455
Eight Miles HighByrds, The196663,115,194,264,332,452
8 X 10Anderson, Bill196390
18 Yellow RosesDarin, Bobby1963114
81, TheCandy and The Kisses1964/6524,193,281
El MatadorKingston Trio, The1960205,409
El PasoRobbins, Marty1959/6057,182,257,336
El WatusiBarretto, Ray1963239,417
Eleanor RigbyBeatles, The1966124,182,257,330
Eleanor RigbyFranklin, Aretha1969/70426
ElenoreTurtles, The196813,124,384
11th Hour MelodyHibbler, Al1956262
Eli's ComingThree Dog Night1969/7085,164,375
EloiseRyan, Barry1968/69164,255,443
EloiseThompson, Kay1956401
Elusive ButterflyLind, Bob196610,139,308
ElviraFrazier, Dallas196679,408
EmotionsLee, Brenda1960/6162,183
Empty ArmsBrewer, Teresa1957384
Empty ArmsHunter, Ivory Joe195774
EnchantedPlatters, The195946
Enchanted Sea, TheIslanders, The1959378
End Of Our Road, TheKnight, Gladys, & The Pips1968199,271,334
End Of The World, TheDavis, Skeeter19634,237,348
End, TheGrant, Earl1958/5928,203
Endless SleepReynolds, Jody195820,88,186,454
EndlesslyBenton, Brook1959240
Engine Engine #9Miller, Roger196561,418
England SwingsMiller, Roger1965/66126,243
Entertainer, TheClarke, Tony1965142
* Epic Ride Of John H. Glenn, TheBrennan, Walter1962224
Epistle To DippyDonovan196790,153,229
Eso Beso (That Kiss!)Anka, Paul1962199
Eve Of DestructionMcGuire, Barry196511,86,160,294,344,428
Even The Bad Times Are GoodTremeloes, The196785,360
* Ever See A Diver Kiss His Wife While The Bubbles Bounce About Above The Water?Ellis, Shirley1966392
EvergladesKingston Trio, The1960147,262
* EvergreenOrbison, Roy1962437
Everlasting LoveKnight, Robert196724,238,337,372,452
Everlovin'Nelson, Rick196169,261,446
Every Beat Of My HeartPips, The196139,166,304,340
Every Breath I TakePitney, Gene196139,176,342
Every Day I Have To CryAlaimo, Steve196331,235,341,384
* Every Day Of The WeekStudents, The195829
Every Leaf That FallsCarroll, Cathy1961380
Every Little Bit HurtsHolloway, Brenda196415,166,349
Every Little Thing I DoDion and The Belmonts195947,182,257
Every Night (I Pray)Chantels, The195854,252
EverybodyRoe, Tommy1963/6485,236,430
Everybody Do The SloopyThunder, Johnny1965456
Everybody KnowsClark, Dave, Five1967/6873,250,423
Everybody Knows (I Still Love You)Clark, Dave, Five196441,187
Everybody Knows MatildaBaxter, Duke1969284,398
* Everybody Knows My Name4 Seasons, The, Featuring the 'sound' of Frankie Valli1966269
Everybody Likes To Cha Cha ChaCooke, Sam195997
Everybody Loves A ClownLewis, Gary, and The Playboys196515,151,249,353,446
Everybody Loves A LoverDay, Doris195878,233,390
Everybody Loves A LoverShirelles, The1962/63180
Everybody Loves A NutCash, Johnny1966331
Everybody Loves Me But YouLee, Brenda1962333,422
Everybody Loves SomebodyMartin, Dean196437,314,369
Everybody Needs Somebody To LoveBurke, Solomon1964267,455
Everybody Needs Somebody To LovePickett, Wilson196782
Everybody's Got A Home But MeFisher, Eddie1955/56133
Everybody's Somebody's FoolFrancis, Connie196054,207,294,455
Everybody's Somebody's FoolHeartbeats, The1957387
Everybody's Talkin'Nilsson1968, 196954,209,295,325,410
* Everybody's Trying To Be My BabyPerkins, Carl1957308
* EverydayHolly, Buddy195785
Everyday PeopleSly & The Family Stone1968/6982,182,257,390,445
Everyday With You GirlClassics IV, The, Featuring Dennis Yost196985
Everyone Was ThereKayli, Bob1958376
Everyone's Gone To The MoonKing, Jonathan19658,108,162,308,390
Everyone's LaughingSpaniels, The1957184,249
Everything That Touches YouAssociation, The196846,171,349,442
Everything's AlrightNewbeats, The1964134,357
Evil Woman Don't Play Your Games With MeCrow1969/70141,423
Evol-Not LoveFive Americans, The1966265
* Excerpts From A Teenage OperaWest, Keith1967130
ExodusFerrante & Teicher1960/61222,451
Expecting To FlyBuffalo Springfield, The1968220,378
Experience UnnecessaryVaughan, Sarah1955300,368
Experiments With MiceDankworth, Johnny, and His Orchestra1956186
Expressway (To Your Heart)Soul Survivors196712,162,267,417
Eyes Of A New York Woman, TheThomas, B. J.196881,186,294,428
Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa (Sad Song)Redding, Otis196663,252
FabulousGracie, Charlie195772,233,404
Fabulous CharacterVaughan, Sarah1956360
Face It Girl, It's OverWilson, Nancy1968202
Fakin' ItSimon & Garfunkel196725,157,309
Fallen Star, ANewman, Jimmy1957159
Fallin'Francis, Connie195896,229,285
FallingOrbison, Roy196390,358
Fame And FortunePresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1960253,334
FancyGentry, Bobbie1969/70247
Fancy NancySkip & Flip1959125,356
Fannie MaeBrown, Buster196065,150
Farmer JohnPremiers, The196480,185,419
Farther Up The RoadBland, Bobby "Blue"1957111
FascinationMorgan, Jane, and The Troubadors1957129,251,366
Feel So FinePreston, Johnny1960121,292
Feelin' So Good (S.k.o.o.b.y-D.o.o)Archies, The1968/69309,381
Feeling AlrightCocker, Joe1969, 1972163,337
FelicidadField, Sally1967243
* Femme FataleVelvet Underground & Nico196795
Ferris Wheel, TheEverly Brothers, The1964416
Ferry Cross The MerseyGerry and The Pacemakers196546,200,340
FeverJohn, Little Willie195686,402
FeverLee, Peggy195829,205,432
FeverMcCoys, The1965/66155
Fiddle AroundJan & Dean1966208
59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy), TheHarpers Bizarre196716,149,205,324,431
Find Another GirlButler, Jerry1961225
Finger Poppin' TimeBallard, Hank, and The Midnighters196052,247,436
Fingertips - Pt 2Wonder, Little Stevie196335,346,393
FireBrown, Arthur, The Crazy World Of196813,141,203,319
FireFive By Five1968241
FireflyBennett, Tony1958278
First AnniversaryCarr, Cathy1959265
First BornFord, "Tennessee" Ernie1956/57359
* First Cut Is The Deepest, TheArnold, P. P.1967415
First Date, First Kiss, First LoveJames, Sonny1957293
First Day Back At SchoolPaul & Paula1963179,356
First I Look At The PurseContours, The19655,96
First Name InitialAnnette with The Afterbeats1959/6040,132,260
First Of MayBee Gees, The1969134,305,400
First QuarrelPaul & Paula196345
* First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, TheLightfoot, Gordon1966245
Fish, TheRydell, Bobby1961343,440
5 D (Fifth Dimension)Byrds, The1966149
Five Feet High And RisingCash, Johnny1959301
500 Miles Away From HomeBare, Bobby1963114,332
Five O'Clock WorldVogues, The1965/662,103,239,365
* Fixing A HoleBeatles, The1967277
* Flatfoot SamT. V. Slim1957129
* Flip Flop And FlyTurner, Joe195566
Float, TheBallard, Hank, and The Midnighters1961269,411
* Flower Children, TheStrassman, Marcia1967226
* Flowers Never Bend With The RainfallSimon & Garfunkel1966300
Flowers On The WallStatler Brothers, The1965/6629,198,283,357,402
Fly Me To The MoonBaker, LaVern1965308
Fly Me To The Moon - Bossa NovaHarnell, Joe, and His Orchestra1962/63224,444
Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words)Bennett, Tony1965170,370
Fly, TheChecker, Chubby1961296
* Flyin' Saucers Rock & RollRiley, Billy, and His Little Green Men195797
* Flying On The Ground Is WrongBuffalo Springfield1966372
Flying Saucer (Parts 1 & 2), TheBuchanan and Goodman195674
Flying Saucer The 2ndBuchanan and Goodman1957203
Follow MeLyme & Cybelle1966275
Follow That DreamPresley, Elvis196259
Follow The BoysFrancis, Connie196370
Folsom Prison BluesCash, Johnny1968177
Fool For YouImpressions, The1968198,377
Fool In Love, ATurner, Ike & Tina196049,296,397
Fool Never Learns, AWilliams, Andy196460
Fool #1Lee, Brenda1961/6260,282,414
Fool On The Hill, TheMendes, Sergio, & Brasil '661968109,221,282
Fool, TheClark, Sanford195619,98,289,416
Fool's ParadiseCrickets, The195868,174
Foolish FoolWarwick, Dee Dee1969387
Foolish Little GirlShirelles, The19637,159,303
Fools Fall In LoveDrifters, The195741,252,437
Fools Rush InNelson, Rick196360,234
Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear To Tread)Benton, Brook1960/61317,399
Foot Stomping - Part 1Flares, The196122,227,329
FootstepsLawrence, Steve196054,272,404
For A PennyBoone, Pat1959331
For Lovin' MePeter, Paul & Mary196576,212
For My BabyBenton, Brook1961278
For My Good FortuneBoone, Pat195868
* For No OneBeatles, The1966389
For Once In My LifeBennett, Tony1967144
For Once In My LifeWonder, Stevie1968/6983,262
For Sentimental ReasonsCleftones, The196197,253
For The Love Of IvyMamas & The Papas, The1968116,333
For What It's Worth (Stop, Hey What's That Sound)Buffalo Springfield, The196710,86,248,450
For YouNelson, Rick1963/6433,187
For Your LoveTownsend, Ed195827,250
For Your LoveYardbirds, The196540,115,234,288
For Your Precious LoveButler, Jerry, and The Impressions195815,227
For Your Precious LoveToney, Oscar, Jr.196788
For Your Sweet LoveCascades, The1963/64374
* Foreign PolicyBuckinghams, The1967/68298
ForeverCooke, Sam1957/58269
ForeverLittle Dippers, The196084
ForeverMarvelettes, The1963136,329
Forever Came TodayRoss, Diana, and The Supremes1968161
Forever DarlingAmes Brothers, The1956292
Forget DomaniSinatra, Frank1965273
Forget HimRydell, Bobby1963/6426,238
Forget Me NotKalin Twins, The1958/59209,298
Fortunate SonCreedence Clearwater Revival1969/70141,340
FortunetellerCurtola, Bobby196257,135
Forty Cups Of CoffeeHaley, Bill, and His Comets1957145,189
Forty DaysHawkins, Ronnie195995,361,434
Forty Miles Of Bad RoadEddy, Duane, His 'Twangy' Guitar and The Rebels1959222,289
49 Shades Of GreenAmes Brothers, The1956277
Found LoveReed, Jimmy1960261
442 Glenwood AvenuePixies Three, The196423,162,411
409Beach Boys, The1962208,366,409
Four Strong WindsBare, Bobby1964212,355,434
* Four Strong WindsIan & Sylvia1964334
Four WallsLowe, Jim1957360
Four WallsReeves, Jim195772
1492Johnson, Betty1957) (1957339
1432 Franklin Pike Circle HeroRussell, Bobby196895
Foxey LadyHendrix, Jimi1967/68156,311,440
* FramedRobins, The195597
* Frank MillsHair, The Original Broadway Cast1969370
FrankieFrancis, Connie195951,258
Frankie And JohnnyCooke, Sam196379
FrauleinHelms, Bobby1957272
FrauleinLawrence, Steve1957363
Freeze, TheTony and Joe195868,175
Freight TrainDraper, Rusty195766
French Foreign LegionSinatra, Frank1959263
French Song (Quand Le Soleil Dit Bonjour Aux Montagnes), TheStarr, Lucille1964135
Friday On My MindEasybeats, The19676,122,294,384,456
Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)Boone, Pat1956/5787,209,354,422
FriendsBeach Boys, The1968348
Friendship TrainKnight, Gladys, & The Pips1969/7062,290
FroggBrothers Four, The1961339
From A Jack To A KingMiller, Ned1962/63140,232
From A WindowKramer, Billy J., with The Dakotas196424,123,318
From Me To YouBeatles, The196423,295,454
From Me To YouShannon, Del1963221
From The Bottom Of My Heart (I Love You)Moody Blues, The1965144,266
From The Candy Store On The Corner To The Chapel On The HillBennett, Tony1956291
Full MeasureLovin' Spoonful, The1967153
Fun, Fun, FunBeach Boys, The19645,154,272,371,413
Function At The JunctionLong, Shorty1966136,190
Funky BroadwayPickett, Wilson196753,265
Funky Broadway - Part IDyke and The Blazers1967145
Funky Judge, TheBull & The Matadors196884
Funky North PhillyCosby, Bill1968267
Funky StreetConley, Arthur196879,219
FunnyBrown, Maxine196167,249
FunnyHinton, Joe1964247
Funny Familiar Forgotten FeelingsJones, Tom1967249
Funny GirlStreisand, Barbra1964249
* Funny How Love Can BeIvy League, The1965108
Funny How Time Slips AwayElledge, Jimmy1961/6271
Funny Way Of Laughin'Ives, Burl196253,249,446
* G. I. BluesPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires196054
G.T.O.Ronny & The Daytonas196436,258,452
Gallant MenDirksen, Senator Everett McKinley1966/67225
GalvestonCampbell, Glen196988,168,333,390
Game Of LoveFontana, Wayne, & The Mindbenders196511,177,334,385
Games People PlaySouth, Joe196997,235,294,423
Garden Of EdenValino, Joe195668,434
* (Gary, Please Don't Sell) My Diamond RingHill, Wendy1965347
Gas MoneyJan & Arnie1958201,331
Gator Tails And Monkey RibsSpats, The, featuring Dick Johnson1964165
* GaudeamusEscorts, The1962363
* GeeCrows, The195431
GeeJan & Dean1960181
GeePixies Three, The1964278
Gee, But It's LonelyBoone, Pat1958230
* Gee The Moon Is Shining BrightDixie Cups, The1965429,444
Gee WhizInnocents, The1960/6144,258,338
Gee Whiz (Look At His Eyes)Thomas, Carla196139,270,348,422
Geisha GirlLocklin, Hank1957/58363,396
Gentle On My MindCampbell, Glen1967, 196853,353,437
Georgia On My MindCharles, Ray196048
Georgia On My MindRighteous Brothers, The1966386
Georgia PinesCandymen, The1967115,270,374
Georgie PorgieAkens, Jewel1965273
Georgy GirlSeekers, The1966/6741,175,277,429
Get A JobSilhouettes, The19589,142,267,365
Get AwayFame, Georgie, and The Blue Flames1966150,395
Get BackBeatles, The, with Billy Preston1969157,310
Get HimExciters, The1963231,401
Get Me To The Church On TimeLaRosa, Julius1956353,439
Get Me To The World On TimeElectric Prunes, The196746,162
Get Off Of My CloudRolling Stones, The196575,137,241,348
Get On UpEsquires, The196755,274
Get Out NowJames, Tommy, and The Shondells1968172
Get ReadyTemptations, The196635,200,321,432
Get TogetherYoungbloods, The1967, 196993,200,317,369
Gettin' TogetherJames, Tommy, and The Shondells196726,269,405
(Ghost) Riders In The SkyRamrods, The1961189
Giddyup GoSovine, Red1966220
GidgetDarren, Jimmy195999,351
GigiDamone, Vic1958393
* Gimme A Little Kiss, Will Ya Huh?Stevens, April, with Henri Rene and his Orchestra1951438
Gimme Gimme Good Lovin'Crazy Elephant1969126,228,288,440
Gimme Little SignWood, Brenton196731,193,277
* Gimme ShelterRolling Stones, The1969390
Gimme Some Lovin'Davis, Spencer, Group1966/6796,182,257,340,417
GinaMathis, Johnny196290,204,349
Ginger BreadAvalon, Frankie195826,241,299
Ginny Come LatelyHyland, Brian196268,220,315
Girl Can't Help It, TheLittle Richard and His Band195743,115,348,383
Girl Come Running4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "sound" of Frankie Valli1965116,216,304
Girl Don't Care, TheChandler, Gene1967273
Girl Don't ComeShaw, Sandie1965155,266,316
* Girl Don't Tell MeBeach Boys, The1966146
Girl From Ipanema, TheGetz/Gilberto1964126,253,379,438
Girl I Knew Somewhere, TheMonkees, The196783,198
Girl I'll Never Know (Angels Never Fly This Low), TheValli, Frankie1969251
Girl In LoveOutsiders, The1966101,239,319,363
Girl In My Dreams, TheCliques, The195659
Girl Like You, AYoung Rascals, The196744,238,322,396,434
Girl Of My Best FriendDonner, Ral, & The Starfires196128,313,381
Girl On A SwingGerry and The Pacemakers196651,229
Girl WatcherO'Kaysions, The196814,89,300,345,454
Girl (Why You Wanna Make Me Blue)Temptations, The196475,188,396
Girl With The Story In Her Eyes, TheSafaris, The, with The Phantom's Band1960396
Girl, You'll Be A Woman SoonDiamond, Neil196740,112,290,414
Girl You're Too YoungBell, Archie, & The Drells1969396
Girl's A Devil, TheDukays, The1961255,359
* Girl's Alright With Me, TheTemptations, The1964348
Girl's Work Is Never Done, AChordettes, The1959180,392
GirlsLance, Major1964396
Girls Can't Do What The Guys DoWright, Betty1968368,407
(Girls, Girls, Girls) Made To LoveHodges, Eddie196260,366
Girls Girls Girls (Part II)Coasters, The196128,214
Girls Grow Up Faster Than BoysCookies, The1963/6426,236
Girls In LoveLewis, Gary, and The Playboys1967125
Girls It Ain't EasyHoney Cone, The1969452
GitarzanStevens, Ray1969118,220,299
Give A DamnSpanky and Our Gang196863,263,406
Give Him A Great Big KissShangri-Las, The1964/6522,128,201,314
Give It Up Or Turnit A LooseBrown, James1969213
Give Peace a ChancePlastic Ono Band1969136,219,295
Give Us Your BlessingsShangri-Las, The1965214,447
Giving UpKnight, Gladys, & The Pips196455
Glad All OverClark, Dave, Five196448,238,290,395
* Glad All OverPerkins, Carl1958290
Glad Rag DollCrazy Otto1955236
* Glad To Be HereAndrews, Lee, and The Hearts1958101
Glad To Be UnhappyMamas & The Papas, The196775
* GloriaCadillacs, The195431
GloriaShadows Of Knight, The196666,429
GloriaThem1965, 1966279
* Gloria's Dream (Round And Around)Belfast Gypsies, The1966122
Glory Of LoveRoommates, The196162,370
* Glory Of LoveVelvetones, The1957127
Go Ahead And CryRighteous Brothers, The1966142
Go Away From My WorldFaithfull, Marianne1965144,260,454
Go Away Little GirlHappenings, The1966245
Go Away Little GirlLawrence, Steve1962/634,310,342
Go, Jimmy, GoClanton, Jimmy1959/6012,89,276
Go Now!Moody Blues, The196547,115,211,292,395
Go On With The WeddingPage, Patti1956171
Go Where You Wanna Go5th Dimension, The19675,162,322,448
Go With MeGene & Debbe1967236,377
God Bless AmericaFrancis, Connie1959/60240
God, Country And My BabyBurnette, Johnny1961239
God Only KnowsBeach Boys, The196672,194
Goin' BackByrds, The1967128,443
* Goin' DownMonkees, The1967356
Goin' Out Of My HeadLittle Anthony and The Imperials1964/6527,319,358
Goin' Out Of My Head/Can't Take My Eyes Off YouLettermen, The1967/68144,328
Goin' SteadySands, Tommy1957179
Going Back To LouisianaChannel, Bruce196481,235
Going Going GoneBenton, Brook1964243
Going In CirclesFriends Of Distinction, The1969218
Going To A Go-GoMiracles, The1965/6647,138,300
Going Up The CountryCanned Heat1968/6936,151,224,300
Golden Gate ParkRejoice!1968179
* Golden TeardropsFlamingos, The195393
GoldfingerBassey, Shirley196551,206,408
GoneHusky, Ferlin195771,153,250
Gone, Gone, GoneEverly Brothers, The1964110,371
Gonna Find Me A BluebirdRainwater, Marvin1957141,228,355
Gonna Get Along Without Ya NowPatience & Prudence1956/5721,98,340
Gonna Get Along Without You NowDavis, Skeeter1964272
Gonna Give Her All The Love I've GotRuffin, Jimmy1967320
Gonna Send You Back To Walker (Gonna Send You Back To Georgia)Animals, The196481,182,257,411
Goo Goo Barabajagal (Love Is Hot)Donovan with The Jeff Beck Group1969274
Good And LonesomeStarr, Kay1955360
Good Book, TheStarr, Kay1956335
Good Clean FunMonkees, The1969201
Good Day SunshineLonget, Claudine1967423
Good Golly, Miss MollyLittle Richard1958213,361,431
Good Life, TheBennett, Tony1963389
Good Lovin'Olympics, The1965183,401
Good Lovin'Young Rascals, The19667,123,248,377
Good Luck CharmPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires196285,231,440
Good Morning StarshineOliver196914,258,409
Good Morning StarshineStrawberry Alarm Clock1969207,444
Good NewsCooke, Sam1964116
* Good NightBeatles, The1968404
Good Night BabyButterflys, The1964280
Good Old Rock 'N RollCat Mother and The All Night News Boys1969110,264,373
* Good Rockin' TonightHarris, Wynonie194834
* Good Rockin' TonightPresley, Elvis1954346
Good ThingRevere, Paul, and The Raiders Featuring Mark Lindsay1966/6779,369
Good Time BabyRydell, Bobby196143
Good TimesCooke, Sam196482,283
Good Times Bad TimesLed Zeppelin1969170
Good Timin'Jones, Jimmy19608,146,276,409
Good VibrationsBeach Boys, The1966/6780,188,260,352
GoodbyeHopkin, Mary196980,191,287
Goodbye BabyScott, Jack, with The Chantones1958119
Goodbye Baby (Baby Goodbye)Burke, Solomon1964107,288
Goodbye ColumbusAssociation, The1969175,378
Goodbye Cruel WorldDarren, James1961/6234,89,214,430
Goodbye, Jimmy, GoodbyeLinden, Kathy1959121
Goodbye My LoveBrown, James1968179
GoodnightOrbison, Roy196572
* Goodnight BabyKing Tones, The1969363
* Goodnight IreneLittle Richard1964428
Goodnight My LoveFleetwoods, The1963101
Goodnight My LoveHappenings, The1966/67254,385
* Goodnight My Love (Pleasant Dreams)Belvin, Jesse1956/5710
* Goodnight, Sweetheart, GoodnightMcGuire Sisters, The1954370
* Goodnite, Sweetheart, GoodniteSpaniels, The19542
Goody GoodyLymon, Frankie, and The Teenagers195734,156,217,361
Goody Goody Gumdrops1910 Fruitgum Co.1968137,291
Got A Date With An AngelWilliams, Billy1957317,421
Got A GirlFour Preps, The1960174
* Got A JobMiracles, The195852
Got To Get You Off My MindBurke, Solomon1965286
* Gotta Give Her LoveVolumes, The1964197
Gotta Have Your LoveSapphires, The1965349
Gotta Lotta LoveAlaimo, Steve1963456
Gotta Travel OnGrammer, Billy1958/5937,144,181,305,413
Gotta Travel OnYuro, Timi1963335
Graduation DayFour Freshmen, The195642,217,421
Graduation Song... Pomp And Circumstance, TheKimberly, Adrian1961453
Graduation's HereFleetwoods, The1959192,341
Grass Is Greener, TheLee, Brenda196387,412
Gravy (For My Mashed Potatoes)Sharp, Dee Dee196251,156
Grazing In The GrassFriends Of Distinction, The196962,161,366,407
Grazing In The GrassMasekela, Hugh1968222
Greasy HeartJefferson Airplane1968353
Great Airplane Strike, TheRevere, Paul, and The Raiders Featuring Mark Lindsay1966150,243,332
Great Balls Of FireLewis, Jerry Lee, and His Pumping Piano1957/5862,158,319,434
Great Balls Of FireTiny Tim1969367
* Great Mandella (The Wheel Of Life), ThePeter, Paul & Mary1967297
Great Pretender, ThePlatters, The1955/563,123,313,361
Green Chri$tma$Freberg, Stan1958/59145,263
Green Door, TheLowe, Jim1956/5756,218,298,394
Green GrassLewis, Gary, and The Playboys196658,142,296,375,406
Green, GreenNew Christy Minstrels, The196384,253,359
Green, Green Grass Of HomeJones, Tom1966/6738,141,243,420
Green Leaves Of Summer, TheBall, Kenny, and His Jazzmen1962406
Green Leaves Of Summer, TheBrothers Four, The196099,223
Green LightAmerican Breed, The1968279,382
Green Mosquito, TheTune Rockers, The1958440
Green OnionsBooker T. & The MG's1962431
Green RiverCreedence Clearwater Revival1969131,266,384
Green TambourineLemon Pipers, The1967/6811,102,199,372,448
Greenback DollarKingston Trio, The196332,272,370
GreenfieldsBrothers Four, The196061,160,234,330
Greetings (This Is Uncle Sam)Monitors, The196671,234
Grizzly BearYoungbloods, The1966/67110,384
Grooviest Girl In The World, TheFun and Games1969137
Groovin'Young Rascals, The196752,206,350,427
Groovy BabyAbbott, Billy, and The Jewels1963119,334
Groovy Kind Of Love, AMindbenders, The19662,138,245,352,438
GuantanameraSandpipers, The196684,330,414
* Guardian AngelImaginations, The196191
Guess Things Happen That WayCash, Johnny, and The Tennessee Two1958114,366
Guess WhoBelvin, Jesse195948,324
* Guess Who?Springfield, Dusty1964/65324
* Guided MissilesCuff Links, The195756
Guilty Of Loving YouFuller, Jerry1961335
Guitar Boogie ShuffleVirtues, The1959283
Guitar ManPresley, Elvis1968445
Gum DropCrew-Cuts, The1955150
Gypsy Cried, TheChristie, Lou1963155,207
Gypsy Rover, TheHighwaymen, The1961/6284,237
Gypsy WomanImpressions, The1961/6229,116,311
Ha Ha Said The ClownYardbirds, The1967121,249
HairCowsills, The1969135,346,429
Hair On My Chinny Chin Chin, TheSam The Sham and The Pharaohs196647,193,315
Half Heaven - Half HeartachePitney, Gene1962/63144,258,327
Halfway To ParadiseOrlando, Tony196153,252,342
* Hallelujah! I Love Her SoCharles, Ray195642
Hallelujah, I Love Him SoLee, Peggy1959362
Handy ManJones, Jimmy1959/6018,129,211,313,357
Hang 'Em HighBooker T. & The MG's1968/69246
Hang On SloopyMcCoys, The1965184,340
Hang Up My Rock And Roll ShoesWillis, Chuck195832,92,165,235
Hanging Tree, TheRobbins, Marty1959173,370
Hanky PankyJames, Tommy, and The Shondells196665,135,299
Happening, TheSupremes, The196713,255,445
Happenings Ten Years Time AgoYardbirds, The1966/67128,336
HappinessShades Of Blue1966147
HappyBlades Of Grass1967424
* Happy Am IFour Lovers, The1956181
Happy AnniversaryFour Lads, The1959197
Happy Birthday BluesYoung, Kathy, with The Innocents196159,217,359
* (Happy Birthday) Mr. Twenty-OneOrlons, The1962359
Happy Birthday, Sweet SixteenSedaka, Neil1961/6238,97,215,359
Happy-Go-Lucky-MeEvans, Paul196069
Happy, Happy Birthday BabyTune Weavers, The1957/583,112,205,306,359,438
Happy HeartWilliams, Andy1969308
Happy JackWho, The196789,271
Happy Muleteer, TheRobic, Ivo1960363,440
Happy Reindeer, TheDancer, Prancer and Nervous1959/60299
Happy Shades Of BlueCannon, Freddy1960246
Happy Song (Dum-Dum), TheRedding, Otis1968151
Happy Summer DaysDove, Ronnie1966406
Happy Times (Are Here To Stay)Orlando, Tony1961412
Happy TogetherTurtles, The196710,139,288,344,448
Happy Whistler, TheRobertson, Don1956191
Harbor LightsPlatters, The196058,178,338,400
Hard Day's Night, ABeatles, The1964128,181,271,446
Hard Headed WomanPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires195874,206,370
Hard Lovin' Loser'Collins, Judy1967160,260
Hard Times (The Slop)Watts, Noble "Thin Man", & His Rhythm Sparks1957219
Hard To GetMacKenzie, Gisele1955365
Hard To HandleRedding, Otis196879,238
Harlem NocturneViscounts, The1959/60, 1965/66349,451
Harlem ShuffleBob & Earl1963/6445,149
Harper Valley P.T.A.Riley, Jeannie C.196852,198,251,388,416
Harry The Hairy ApeStevens, Ray196353,132,412
* Hart Brake MotelHomer and Jethro1956224
Harvey's Got A Girl FriendRoyal Teens, The1958396
Hats Off To LarryShannon, Del196111,124,341
Haunted HouseSimmons, Gene196472,235,357
* Havana MoonBerry, Chuck195673
Have A Good TimeThompson, Sue1962387
Have I The Right?Honeycombs, The196443,194,302
Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?Nelson, Ricky195765,236
* Have Love Will TravelBerry, Richard, and The Pharaohs1960447
Have Mercy BabyBobbettes, The1960171
Have You Ever Loved SomebodySearchers, The1966164
Have You HeardDuprees, The, featuring Joey Vann1963/6431,180,181
Have You Looked Into Your HeartVale, Jerry1964/65368
Have You Seen Her FaceByrds, The1967260
Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow?Rolling Stones, The1966115,216,309
Havin' FunDion1961358
Having A PartyCooke, Sam196246,107,336
* Hawaiian Wedding Song, ThePresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires196143
Hazy Shade Of Winter, ASimon & Garfunkel1966/6724,171,245,284,403
HeHibbler, Al1955/56246,379
HeRighteous Brothers, The1966167
He Ain't Give You NoneScott, Freddie1967148
He Ain't Heavy, He's My BrotherHollies, The1969/7096,172,229,316
He Ain't No AngelAd Libs, The1965274
He CriedShangri-Las, The1966184
He Don't Really Love YouDelfonics, The1968220
* He Hit Me (And It Felt Like A Kiss)Crystals, The1962439
He Knows I Love Him Too MuchParis Sisters. The1962237,342
He Thinks I Still CareFrancis, Connie1962113
He Walks Like A ManMiller, Jody1964113
* He Was A FriendDian and The Greenbriar Boys1963366
* He Was My BrotherSimon & Garfunkel1964432
He Was Really Sayin' Somethin'Velvelettes, The196593,356
He Will Break Your HeartButler, Jerry1960/6144,113,228
He'll Have To GoReeves, Jim1959/6018,153,256,443
He's A Bad BoyKing, Carole1963113,414
* He's A DollHoneys, The1964159
He's A Good Guy (Yes He Is)Marvelettes, The1964113
He's A RebelCrystals, The1962/6328,113,166,403
* He's All I GotSupremes, The196696
He's GoneChantels, The195767
He's Got No LoveSearchers, The1965113
He's Got The PowerExciters, The1963143,235,412
He's Got The Whole World (In His Hands)London, Laurie1958126,346
He's In TownTokens, The1964120,176
He's MinePlatters, The1957113,397
He's Mine (I Love Him, I Love Him, I Love Him)Alice Wonder Land1963189
He's My GuyThomas, Irma1964113
He's So FineChiffons, The19633,113,230,346
He's Sure The Boy I LoveCrystals, The1962/6354,133,385
(He's) The Great ImpostorFleetwoods, The196180,188,307
* Headin' For The PoorhouseSilhouettes, The1958407
HeartChandler, Kenny1963150
HeartFisher, Eddie1955296,389
HeartFour Aces featuring Al Alberts1955213
Heart And SoulCleftones, The19618,115,399
Heart And SoulJan & Dean1961435
Heart BreakerChristie, Dean1962305
Heart Full Of SoulYardbirds, The196512,105,280,367
Heart! (I Hear You Beating)Newton, Wayne, and The Newton Brothers1963295
Heart In HandLee, Brenda1962140,260
Heart Of StoneRolling Stones, The196582,313
HeartachesMarcels, The196170,258,311,424
Heartaches By The NumberMitchell, Guy1959/6035,297,432
HeartbeatHolly, Buddy1958/5973,225,325,455
* Heartbreak AheadMurmaids, The1964251
Heartbreak HotelPresley, Elvis195677,162,302,356
Heartbreak (It's Hurtin' Me)John, Little Willie1960132,225,364
Hearts Of StoneBlack's, Bill, Combo1961323
Hearts Of StoneCharms, The1954/5582,431
Hearts Of StoneFontane Sisters, The1954/55260,340,403
Heat WaveMartha & The Vandellas196360,115,281,319,437
Heather HoneyRoe, Tommy1969124,446
HeavenRascals, The1969168,327
* Heaven And ParadiseJulian, Don, and The Meadowlarks195565
Heaven KnowsGrass Roots, The1969/7071,260,327
Heaven Must Have Sent YouElgins, The196678,314
Hello, Dolly!Armstrong, Louis, and The All Stars196439,164,259,443
Hello GoodbyeBeatles, The1967/68183,321
Hello Heartache, Goodbye LoveMarch, Little Peggy196397,398
Hello HelloSopwith "Camel", The1966/6745,371
Hello, I Love YouDoors, The196872,172
Hello It's MeNazz1969147,245,439
* Hello Little GirlFourmost, The1963221
Hello Mary LouNelson, Ricky196128,205,287,345,403
Hello Mudduh, Hello Fadduh! (A Letter from Camp)Sherman, Allan196393,352,453
Hello Mudduh, Hello Fadduh! (A Letter From Camp) (New 1964 Version)Sherman, Allan1964148,401
Hello StrangerLewis, Barbara19633,177,256,379
Hello WallsYoung, Faron1961134,307,439
Help!Beatles, The196599,246,308
Help Me GirlOutsiders, The196686
Help Me, RhondaBeach Boys, The1965124,207,288,328
HelplessWeston, Kim1966176
* Helter SkelterBeatles, The1968212
HenriettaDee, Jimmy, & The Offbeats1958124
* Her MajestyBeatles, The1969286
Her Royal MajestyDarren, James196294,267,342
* Here Come The NiceSmall Faces1967270
Here Comes HeavenArnold, Eddy1967327
Here Comes My BabyTremeloes, The196730,171,300,448
Here Comes SummerKeller, Jerry195936,191,370
* Here Comes That Song AgainOrbison, Roy1960384
Here Comes The BoyDey, Tracey1963/64226
Here Comes The JudgeLong, Shorty196896,299
Here Comes The JudgeMarkham, Pigmeat1968408
Here Comes The NightThem196539,110,234,419
* Here I Go AgainHollies, The196473
Here I StandFlemons, Wade, and The Newcomers1958/59202,391
Here It Comes AgainFortunes, The196576,244,433
(Here They Come) From All Over The WorldJan & Dean196551,168,361
Here's To YouCamp, Hamilton1968196
Heroes And VillainsBeach Boys, The196798,275,340
Hey! BabyChannel, Bruce19624,119,295
Hey Baby (They're Playing Our Song)Buckinghams, The196717,119,402,436
* Hey BartenderDixon, Floyd1955175
Hey, Bobba NeedleChecker, Chubby1964284,433
* Hey BulldogBeatles, The1969373
Hey-Da-Da-DowDolphins, The1964/65343
* Hey Doll BabyEverly Brothers, The1958350
Hey, GirlScott, Freddie196327,217,342
Hey Girl Don't Bother MeTams, The196476
* Hey, Good Lookin'Williams, Hank, & His Drifting Cowboys1951156
Hey Hey BunnyFred, John, & His Playboy Band1968291
Hey! Jealous LoverSinatra, Frank1956110
Hey Jean, Hey DeanDean and Jean196476,191,410
Hey JoeLeaves, The1966122,196
Hey JudeBeatles, The1968/69140,202,357
Hey Little CobraRip Chords, The1963/6432,185,195,343
Hey Little GirlClark, Dee195964,304,382,417
Hey Little GirlLance, Major196364,247,368,446
Hey! Little GirlShannon, Del1961/6252,193,368
Hey! Little GirlTechniques, The1957/5864,404
Hey Little OneBurnette, Dorsey196054
Hey LoverDovale, Debbie1963185
Hey NowGore, Lesley1964361
Hey PaulaPaul & Paula1962/633,124,297,439
Hey, SchoolgirlTom & Jerry1957/5814,158,217,271,334
* Hey, That's No Way To Say GoodbyeCohen, Leonard1967360
Hey There Lonely BoyRuby and The Romantics1963193,311
Hey There Lonely GirlHolman, Eddie1969/7054,358,396
Hey, Western Union ManButler, Jerry196866
Hi-Heel SneakersTucker, Tommy1964128,248
Hickory, Dick And DocVee, Bobby1964172
Hide 'Nor HairCharles, Ray196265
Hide & Go Seek, Part 1Hill, Bunker1962153,260,428
HideawayFour Esquires, The1958/5961
* High and The Mighty, TheBaxter, Les, with His Chorus and Orchestra1954451
High HopesSinatra, Frank, "and a bunch of kids"195956,298,393
High On A HillEnglish, Scott1964391
High On LoveKnickerbockers, The1966179
High School ConfidentialLewis, Jerry Lee, and His Pumping Piano195894,202,320
High School RomanceHamilton, George, IV1957356
High School U.S.A. (area)Facenda, Tommy1959/6080,178,448
High SignDiamonds, The1958384
* Highway 61 Revisited/Friends/Highway 61 RevisitedReid, Terry1969179
* Highwayman, TheOchs, Phil1965242
Him Or Me - What's It Gonna Be?Revere, Paul, and The Raiders196776,281
Hippy Hippy ShakeSwinging Blue Jeans, The1964141,221,300,362,452
* His Hand In MinePresley, Elvis1960321
His KissHarris, Betty1964231,412
* His Lips Get In The WayCastro, Bernadette1964197
History Repeats ItselfStarcher, Buddy1966339
* Hit And RunKingston Trio, The1966243
Hit RecordBenton, Brook1962236
Hit The Road JackCharles, Ray, and His Orchestra196131,200,357
Hitch HikeGaye, Marvin196381,225,312,404
Hitch It To The HorseFantastic Johnny C, The1968238
Hitchcock RailwayFeliciano, Jose1968292
Hold MeBaskerville Hounds, The1969323
Hold MeProby, P. J.1964128,220
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss MeCarter, Mel196539,183
* Hold Me TightBeatles, The1964324
Hold Me TightNash, Johnny196837,209,276,407
Hold OnRadiants, The196885,218
Hold On! I'm A Comin'Sam & Dave196657,189,366
Hold What You've GotTex, Joe1964/6531,301
HolidayBee Gees, The1967138,259
Holiday For ClownsHyland, Brian1967282
Holly HolyDiamond, Neil1969/70134,190
HollywoodFrancis, Connie1961332
Holy CowDorsey, Lee1966315
HomburgProcol Harum1967115,424
* Home Is Where The Heart IsPresley, Elvis1962326
Home Of The BraveMiller, Jody1965104,228,434
Home To YouEarth Opera1969176
Homeward BoundSimon & Garfunkel196652,290,418
Honest I DoInnocents, The196082,297,356
Honest I DoReed, Jimmy1957/5882
HoneyGoldsboro, Bobby196821,153,269,352
Honey ChileReeves, Martha, & The Vandellas196751,434
* Honey, Don't!Perkins, Carl195671
* Honey Honey (You Don't Know)Lymon, Lewis, & The Teenchords1956/5770
Honey HushTurner, Joe1959/60129
* Honey LoveDrifters, The1954356
HoneycombRodgers, Jimmie1957/5896,198,272,344
* Honeydripper (Parts 1 & 2), TheLiggins, Joe, and His "Honeydrippers"1945235
Honky-Tonk ManHorton, Johnny1962169
Honky Tonk WomenRolling Stones, The196992,220,270
Honolulu LuluJan & Dean196381,229
Hoochi Coochi Coo, TheBallard, Hank, and The Midnighters1960/61161,296
Hooka TookaChecker, Chubby1963/64118,236
Hooked On A FeelingThomas, B. J.1968/6913,225,416,452
Hooray For HazelRoe, Tommy1966151,178,422
HootenannyGlencoves, The1963196,330,419
* Hooty SappertickerBarbara & The Boys1958189
* Hop, Skip And JumpCollins Kids, The1957340
Horse FeverNobles, Cliff, & Co.1968440
Horse, TheNobles, Cliff, & Co.1968230
Hot Diggity (Dog Ziggity Boom)Como, Perry1956109,321,352,453
Hot Dog Buddy BuddyHaley, Bill, and His Comets1956151
Hot Fun In The SummertimeSly & The Family Stone1969109,236,306,421
Hot PastramiDartells, The1963174
Hot Rod LincolnBond, Johnny1960155
Hot Rod LincolnRyan, Charlie, and The Timberline Riders196066,235,381
Hot Smoke & SasafrassBubble Puppy, The1969157,373,420
Hotel HappinessBenton, Brook1962/63329
HoudiniBrennan, Walter1962376
Hound DogPresley, Elvis1956/5764,268,373
* Hound DogThornton, Willie Mae "Big Mama"1953116
Hound Dog ManFabian1959/6072,253,373
House Is Not A Home, ABenton, Brook1964441
House Of Blue Lights, TheMiller, Chuck1955101,181,404
House Of The Rising Sun, TheAnimals, The19647,123,232,395
House That Jack Built, TheFranklin, Aretha1968134,336
HoustonMartin, Dean1965126,315
How Blue Can You GetKing, B. B.1964229
How Can I Be SureYoung Rascals, The196710,197,268,416
How Can I Meet Her?Everly Brothers, The196293,197
How Deep Is The OceanFisher, Miss Toni1960310,343
How Do You Catch A GirlSam The Sham and The Pharaohs1966/67167,372
How Do You Do It?Gerry and The Pacemakers19641,145,258,362
How Does That Grab You, Darlin'?Sinatra, Nancy196653,177
* How Great Thou ArtPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires and The Imperials Quartet1969207
How High The Moon (Part 1)Fitzgerald, Ella1960246
How I Miss You BabyWomack, Bobby1969255
How Important Can It Be?James, Joni1955156,415
How Important Can It Be?Vaughan, Sarah1955353
* How Is The Air Up There?Changin' Times, The1966174
How Many TeardropsChristie, Lou196385
How Many TearsVee, Bobby1961213
How Much Is That Doggie In The WindowBaby Jane & The Rockabyes1963195,373,440
How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By YouGaye, Marvin1964/6544,204
How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)Walker, Jr., & The All Stars1966269
How The Time FliesWallace, Jerry195870,268,367
How To Handle A WomanMathis, Johnny1960/61212
How'd We Ever Get This WayKim, Andy1968104,348
How's The World Treating YouLouvin Brothers, The1961414
Hucklebuck, TheChecker, Chubby1960/61179
Hula Hoop Song, TheBrewer, Teresa1958299
Hula Hoop Song, TheGibbs, Georgia1958168,369
Hula LoveKnox, Buddy, with The Rhythm Orchids1957/5866,229,385
Hully Gully BabyDovells, The196275,239
HummingbirdPaul, Les, and Mary Ford1955274,372
Humpty Dumpty HeartBaker, LaVern195799,437
Hundred Pounds Of Clay, AMcDaniels, Gene196133,201,324
Hung Up In Your EyesHyland, Brian1967254
* Hungarian Goulash No. 5Sherman, Allan1963249
HungryRevere, Paul, and The Raiders Featuring Mark Lindsay196617,102,305
Hunter Gets Captured By The Game, TheMarvelettes, The196767,128,306,424
Hurdy Gurdy ManDonovan1968109,182,257
HurtYuro, Timi196128,195,368
Hurt By LoveFoxx, Inez1964429
Hurt So BadLittle Anthony and The Imperials196543,207,328
* Hurtin InsideClark, Dave, Five1965192
* Hurting Each OtherRuby and The Romantics1969314
Husbands And WivesMiller, Roger1966179,387
HushDeep Purple196869,234,309
HushRoyal, Billy Joe1967349
Hush, Hush, Sweet CharlottePage, Patti1965226,306,445
HushabyeMystics, The19598,143,285,337,421
* Hymn No. 5Mighty Hannibal, The1966257
HypnotizedJones, Linda196767,228
I Adore HimAngels, The196367,149,208,416
I Ain't Gonna Eat Out My Heart AnymoreYoung Rascals, The1965/66103,177,313,420
I Ain't Got To Love Nobody ElseMasqueraders, The1968143
* I Ain't Marching AnymoreOchs, Phil1965398
I Ain't NeverPierce, Webb1959203
I Almost Lost My MindBoone, Pat195691
I AmBennett, Tony1957223
I Am A RockSimon & Garfunkel196682,204,266,347
I Am A WitnessHunt, Tommy1963289
I Am The WalrusBeatles, The1967102,200,291
I Beg Of YouPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires195889,173,353
I BelieveBachelors, The1964359
* I BelieveEarls, The196491
I Believed It AllPozo-Seco Singers, The1967359
* I Call Your NameMama's and the Papa's, The1966436
I Can Hear MusicBeach Boys, The1969103,285
I Can Hear MusicRonettes, The, featuring Veronica196635,421
* I Can Hear The RainReparata and The Delrons1967353
I Can Make It With YouPozo-Seco Singers, The1966137,324,389
I Can Never Go Home AnymoreShangri-Las, The1965/6657,218,340,405
I Can RememberPurify, James & Bobby1968230
I Can See For MilesWho, The196715,122,187,410
I Can Take Or Leave Your LovingHerman's Hermits1968131,353
I Can't Be All BadAdams, Johnny1969339
I Can't Believe I'm Losing YouSinatra, Frank1968209
I Can't Believe What You Say (For Seeing What You Do)Turner, Ike & Tina1964382
I Can't Control MyselfTroggs, The1966131,454
I Can't ExplainWho, The196592,178
I Can't Get Next To YouTemptations, The1969101,247,377,453
(I Can't Get No) SatisfactionRolling Stones, The196566,122,200,295,344
* I Can't Give Back The Love I Feel For YouWright, Rita1968220
I Can't Go On Livin' Baby Without YouTempo, Nino, & April Stevens1967387
I Can't Grow Peaches On A Cherry TreeJust Us1966157,386
* I Can't Hear A Word You SayBrown, Ruth1959158
I Can't Hear YouEverett, Betty1964188,280,342
I Can't Help MyselfFour Tops, The19657,167,277,314,429
(I Can't Help You) I'm Falling TooDavis, Skeeter196077
I Can't Let GoHollies, The196630,98,239,328
I Can't Love You EnoughBaker, LaVern1956254,333
I Can't Make It AloneMedley, Bill1968213
I Can't Make It AloneRawls, Lou1969342
I Can't Say GoodbyeFireflies, The, Featuring Ritchie Adams196087
* I Can't See NobodyBee Gees, The1967161
I Can't Stand ItSoul Sisters, The196491
I Can't Stay Mad At YouDavis, Skeeter196316,147,178,342
I Can't StopHoneycombs, The1964/6585,241
I Can't Stop DancingBell, Archie, & The Drells19687,315
I Can't Stop Loving YouCharles, Ray196240,290,344,426
I Can't Stop Talking About YouSteve and Eydie1963/64294
I Can't Take ItFisher, Mary Ann1961287
I Can't Turn You LooseChambers Brothers, The1968/69292
I Can't Work No LongerButler, Billy, & The Chanters1965176,392
* I Care So MuchFleetwoods, The1959354
* I ConfessBelmonts, The196277
I ConfessNew Colony Six, The196677
I Could Be So Good To YouDon and The Goodtimes1967111,184
* I Could Conquer The WorldShevelles, The1964131
I Could Have Danced All NightKing, Ben E.196399
I Could Have Danced All NightShore, Dinah1956302
I Could Have Loved You So WellPeterson, Ray1961/62280,412
I Could Never Be PresidentTaylor, Johnnie1969160,339
I Could Never Love Another (After Loving You)Temptations, The196872,286
I Couldn't Live Without Your LoveClark, Petula196660,364
I Count The TearsDrifters, The1960/6193,171,289,431
I CriedDamiano, Joe1959269
I Cried A TearBaker, LaVern1958/5967,321
I Cried My Last TearK-Doe, Ernie1961183
* I Deserve ItJones, Samantha1965364
I Dig GirlsJackson, J. J.1966247
I Dig Rock And Roll MusicPeter, Paul & Mary196741,196,353,436
I DoMarvelows, The1965312
I Do Love YouStewart, Billy1965, 196973
(I Do The) Shimmy ShimmyFreeman, Bobby1960128
* I Don't CareChants, The1963254
I Don't Care If The Sun Don't ShinePresley, Elvis1956139,223
I Don't Know What You've Got But It's Got Me - Part 1Little Richard1965184
I Don't Know WhyScott, Linda1961/62346
I Don't Know WhyWonder, Stevie1969423
I Don't Love You No More (I Don't Care About You)Norman, Jimmy1962132
I Don't Need You AnymoreTeddy Bears, The1959400
I Don't Wanna Be A LoserGore, Lesley196464
I Don't Wanna Lose You BabyChad & Jeremy1965108
I Don't Want Nobody (To Have My Love But You)Herman, Woody, and His Orchestra1956386
I Don't Want To CryJackson, Chuck196156,114,324
* I Don't Want To Go On Without YouDrifters, The1964169
I Don't Want To See You AgainPeter and Gordon196454,225,366,423
I Don't Want To Spoil The PartyBeatles, The1965107,289,382
I DreamedJohnson, Betty1956/5769,254
I Dreamed Of A Hill-Billy HeavenRitter, Tex1961327
I Fall To PiecesCline, Patsy196167,256,420
I Feel FineBeatles, The1964/65122,336
I Feel GoodShirley & Lee1956/5776,429
I Feel So BadPresley, Elvis196188,337
I Forgot To Be Your LoverBell, William1969163
* I Forgot To Remember To ForgetPresley, Elvis1956256
I Fought The LawFuller, Bobby, Four196616,152,265,325,415
I Found A GirlJan & Dean1965123,197
I Found A LoveFalcons, The, & Band (Ohio Untouchables)196279,385,425
I Found A Love - Part 1Pickett, Wilson1967206
I Found A New BabyDarin, Bobby1962359
* I Gave My Love A DiamondThem1965164
* I Get Along Without You Very WellRussell, Jane1952399
I Get AroundBeach Boys, The196451,152,354
* I Get So Lonely (When I Dream About You)Four Knights, The1954288
I Get The Sweetest FeelingWilson, Jackie196887
I Go ApeSedaka, Neil195964,319,440
I Go To PiecesPeter and Gordon19651,108,274,380
I Got A FeelingNelson, Ricky1958/59151,228
* I Got A FeelingRandolph, Barbara1967320
I Got A Line On YouSpirit1969135
I Got A WifeMark IV, The1959150
I Got RhythmHappenings, The196754,195,309,399
I Got StripesCash, Johnny1959414
I Got StungPresley, Elvis1958/5979,150
I Got The Feelin'Brown, James, and The Famous Flames1968133,250
I Got The Feelin' (Oh No No)Diamond, Neil1966/67214
* I Got To Find My BabyBerry, Chuck1960402
I Got To Handle ItCapitols, The1966283
I Got You BabeSonny & Cher19653,152,375
I Got You (I Feel Good)Brown, James, and The Famous Flames1965/661,227,318
I Gotta Dance To Keep From CryingMiracles, The1963/6475
I Gotta Woman (Part One)Charles, Ray, and His Orchestra1965362
I Guess I'll Always Love YouIsley Brothers, The1966183,340
I Guess The Lord Must Be In New York CityNilsson1969152,217,338,436
I Had A DreamRevere, Paul, and The Raiders Featuring Mark Lindsay196732
I Had A Talk With My ManCollier, Mitty196491
I Had Too Much To Dream (Last Night)Electric Prunes, The1966/6715,102,210,433
I Have A BoyfriendChiffons, The1963/6493,300
I Have a DreamKing, Rev. Martin Luther1968318
I Hear A SymphonySupremes, The1965/6670,166,360
* I Hear Bells (Wedding Bells)Del Vikings, The1961391
I Hear Trumpets BlowTokens, The196691,420
I Hear You KnockingStorm, Gale1955/5679,270
I Heard It Through The GrapevineGaye, Marvin1968/69240,303
I Heard It Through The GrapevineKnight, Gladys, & The Pips1967/6847,149,403
I Idolize YouTurner, Ike & Tina1960/61213
I Just Don't Know What To Do With MyselfWarwick, Dionne1966160,380
I Just Don't UnderstandAnn-Margret196191,174,362
I Keep Forgettin'Jackson, Chuck196291,231,429
* I Knew I'd Want YouByrds, The1965353
I Knew It All The TimeClark, Dave, Five1964275
I Knew You WhenRoyal, Billy Joe1965114,328,403
* I KnowSpaniels, The1960372
I Know A PlaceClark, Petula196541,247
(I Know) I'm Losing YouTemptations, The1966/6756,272,412
I Know (You Don't Love Me No More)George, Barbara1961/6260,213,336
I Left My Heart In San FranciscoBennett, Tony196253,332,384
I Left My Heart In The BalconyScott, Linda1962126,380
I Like ItGerry and The Pacemakers196454,177,361
I Like It Like ThatClark, Dave, Five1965173
I Like It Like That, Part 1Kenner, Chris19612,227,379
I Like The WayJames, Tommy, and The Shondells1967173
I Like Your Kind Of LoveWilliams, Andy195791,295
I Live For The SunSunrays, The196543,275
I Love How You Love MeParis Sisters, The1961126,223,340
I Love MickeyMantle, Mickey, and Teresa Brewer1956225,375
I Love My Baby (My Baby Loves Me)Corey, Jill1956/57416
I Love OnionsChristie, Susan1966190,323
* I Love ParisHawkins, Screamin' Jay1957249
I Love The Way You LoveJohnson, Marv196030,125,203
I Love YouPeople196866,138,191,385
I Love YouVolume's, The196241,196,250,385
I Love You, BabyAnka, Paul1957321
I Love You BecauseMartino, Al196391
(I Love You) For Sentimental ReasonsCooke, Sam1957/58399
I Love You In The Same Old WayAnka, Paul1960118,409
I Love You MadlyFantastic Four, The1968397
I Love You MadlyFour Coins, The1955250
I Love You More And More Every DayMartino, Al1964244
I Love You SoChantels, The195893,286,392,452
I Love You The Way You AreVinton, Bobby196257
I Make A Fool Of MyselfValli, Frankie196787,155
* I May Be RightBig 3, The, (Cass Elliot, Tim Rose, Jim Hendricks)1964196
I Met Her In ChurchBox Tops, The1968146,428
I Met Him On A Sunday (Ronde-Ronde)Shirelles, The195829,253,379
I Miss You SoAnka, Paul195991,237
I Miss You SoLittle Anthony and The Imperials1965180
I Must Be Seeing ThingsPitney, Gene1965218
I Need Some OneBelmonts, The1961/62432
I Need Somebody? & The Mysterians1966/6768,225,393
I Need You NowFisher, Eddie1954/55326
I Need Your Love TonightPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires195941,258
I Need Your Lovin'Hamilton, Roy1959184
I Need Your LovingGardner, Don, and Dee Dee Ford196274,196,382
* I Never DreamedCookies, The1964152
I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You)Franklin, Aretha196778,256
I Only Have Eyes For YouFlamingos, The19598,89,290,399
I Only Want To Be With YouSpringfield, Dusty19643,161,302
* I Only Want YouPassions, The196046
I Pity The FoolBland, Bobby196186,235
I Promise To RememberLymon, Frankie, and The Teenagers1956/5741,304
I Put A Spell On YouCreedence Clearwater Revival1968265
* I Put A Spell On YouHawkins, Screamin' Jay195635
I Put A Spell On YouPrice, Alan, Set1966403
* I Put The Bomp (In The Bomp Bomp Bomp)Lymon, Frankie1961391
I Really Don't Want To KnowEdwards, Tommy1960167,372,422
I Really Love YouSharp, Dee Dee1965/66195
I Really Love YouStereos, The196136
I RememberWilliams, Maurice, & The Zodiacs1961115
I Remember YouIfield, Frank196247,217,395
I Rise, I FallTillotson, Johnny1964220,315
I Saw EsauAmes Brothers, The1956/57247
I Saw Her AgainMamas & The Papas, The196626,125,247,415
I Saw Her Standing ThereBeatles, The196485,206,302,433
I Saw Linda YesterdayLee, Dickey1962/6331,255
I Say A Little PrayerFranklin, Aretha1968441
I Say A Little PrayerWarwick, Dionne196767,248
* I Scare MyselfHicks, Dan, & His Hot Licks1969293
I Second That EmotionRobinson, Smokey, & The Miracles1967/683,142
I See The LightFive Americans, The1966158
* I Shall Be FreeDylan, Bob1963418
* I Shall Be Free, No. 10Dylan, Bob1964299
I Shot Mr LeeBobbettes, The196086,434
I Should Have Known BetterBeatles, The1964117,262,421
I Sold My Heart To The JunkmanBlue-Belles, The196247
I Stand AccusedButler, Jerry196483
I Started A JokeBee Gees, The1968/69109,211,403
I Still Believe In TomorrowRyder, John & Anne1969148,422
I Still Get JealousArmstrong, Louis, and The All Stars1964190,444
I Still Love YouVejtables, The196598,270
I Take It BackPosey, Sandy1967452
I Talk To The TreesRos, Edmundo, and His Orchestra1959386
I Thank The Lord For The Night TimeDiamond, Neil196733,251,365
I Thank YouSam & Dave196845,286,356
* I Think It's Going To Rain TodayCollins, Judy1967139
I Think We're Alone NowJames, Tommy, and The Shondells196713,111,433
I Threw It All AwayDylan, Bob1969400
I Turned You OnIsley Brothers, The1969199,442
I Understand (Just How You Feel)Freddie and The Dreamers1965293
I Understand (Just How You Feel)G-Clefs, The1961/6271,156,366
I Waited Too LongBaker, LaVern1959285
I Wake Up CryingJackson, Chuck1961194
I Walk The LineCash, Johnny, and The Tennessee Two1956/5742,243,383
I Wanna Be AroundBennett, Tony196391
* I Wanna Be FreeMonkees, The1967156
I Wanna Be LovedNelson, Ricky1959/6091,269
* I Wanna KnowDu Droppers, The1953143
I Wanna LiveCampbell, Glen1968368
I Wanna Love Him So BadJelly Beans, The19649,175,291,365
(I Wanna) Love My Life AwayPitney, Gene196157,300,375,406
(I Wanna) TestifyParliaments, The196791,178,408
I Wanna Thank YouEnchanters, The1964110
I Want CandyStrangeloves, The19658,86,178,291,417
I Want My Baby BackCross, Jimmy196588,359
I Want SomeoneMad Lads, The1966447
I Want To Be WantedLee, Brenda196072,164,310,443
I Want To (Do Everything For You)Tex, Joe196591
I Want To Go With YouArnold, Eddy1966209
I Want To Hold Your HandBeatles, The1964131,269,344,445
I Want To Stay HereSteve and Eydie1963169
I Want To Take You HigherSly & The Family Stone1969, 1970168
I Want To Walk You HomeDomino, Fats19592,227,409
I Want YouDylan, Bob1966104,176,354
I Want You BackJackson 5, The1969/7074,203,320,423
I Want You Back AgainZombies, The1965120
I Want You, I Need You, I Love YouPresley, Elvis195647,183,303,422
I Want You To Be My BabyBriggs, Lillian195538
I Want You To Be My BabyGibbs, Georgia1955226,425
I Want You To Be My BabyGreenwich, Ellie1967414
I Want You To Be My GirlLymon, Frankie, and The Teenagers195624,123,400
I Want You To KnowNew Colony Six, The1969196
(I Was) Born To CryDion1962183,380
I Was Kaiser Bill's BatmanSmith, Whistling Jack1967367
I Was Made To Love HerWonder, Stevie1967112,274,329,421
I Was The OnePresley, Elvis1956192,394
* I Was YoursPaulette Sisters, The1960214
(I Washed My Hands In) Muddy WaterRivers, Johnny196687,404
I (Who Have Nothing)King, Ben E.1963101,231,394
I (Who Have Nothing)Knight, Terry, and The Pack1966/67153,289
I WillMartin, Dean1965/66269
I Will Always Think About YouNew Colony Six, The196839,202,414
I Will Follow HimMarch, Little Peggy19633,142,224,324,423
* I Wish I Knew What Dress To WearArnell, Ginny1964111
I Wish I Were A PrincessMarch, Little Peggy196339,204,430
I Wish It Would RainKnight, Gladys, & The Pips1968449
I Wish It Would RainTemptations, The196847,216,302,355,417
I Wish That We Were MarriedRonnie and The Hi-Lites196239,210
I Wish You Could Be HereCyrkle, The1967146,266,443
I Wish You LoveLynne, Gloria196433,140,409
* I WonderButterflys, The1965266
* I WonderGants, The1967172
* I Wonder If I Care As MuchEverly Brothers, The195750
I Wonder What She's Doing TonightBarry and The Tamerlanes196330,134,306
I Wonder What She's Doing ToniteBoyce, Tommy, & Bobby Hart1967/6830,147,306,415
I Wonder WhyDion and The Belmonts195876,207,346
I Wouldn't Know Where To BeginArnold, Eddy1956/57333
I Wouldn't Trade You For The WorldBachelors, The1964148
* I'd Be SatisfiedWard, Billy, and His Dominoes1952322
I'd Rather Be An Old Man's Sweetheart (Than A Young Man's Fool)Staton, Candi1969291
I'd Wait A Million YearsGrass Roots, The196942,244,365
I'll Always Love YouSpinners, The1965131,447
* I'll Be BackBeatles, The1964/65248
I'll Be DoggoneGaye, Marvin196533,104,182,257,373
* I'll Be Forever Loving YouEl Dorados, The1955/5639,429
* I'll Be HomeFlamingos, The1956125
I'll Be In TroubleTemptations, The1964117
* I'll Be On My WayBeatles, The1963139
I'll Be SatisfiedWilson, Jackie195935,258,418
I'll Be Seeing YouFive Satins, The196062
I'll Be Seeing YouPoni-Tails, The1959399
I'll Be ThereDamita Jo196176,231
I'll Be ThereDarin, Bobby1960194
I'll Be ThereGerry and The Pacemakers1964/6512,136,301,433
* I'll Be TrueAdams, Faye1953/5474
(I'll Be With You In) Apple Blossom TimeHunter, Tab1959187
I'll Bring It Home To YouThomas, Carla1962368
* I'll Come RunningLulu1964/65434
I'll Come Running Back To YouCooke, Sam1957/58164,364
I'll Cry InsteadBeatles, The196465,300
* I'll Feel A Whole Lot BetterByrds, The1965177
* I'll Follow The SunBeatles, The1964/65427
* I'll Get YouBeatles, The1964133
* I'll Give You Time (To Think It Over)Outsiders, The, featuring Sonny Geraci1967166
I'll Hold Out My HandClique, The1969244
I'll Just Have A Cup Of Coffee (Then I'll Go)Gray, Claude1961218
I'll Keep Holding OnMarvelettes, The196550
I'll Keep You SatisfiedKramer, Billy J., with The Dakotas196457,221,302
I'll KnowDavis, Sammy, Jr.1955/56288
I'll Love You ForeverHolidays, The1966434
I'll Make It All Up To YouLewis, Jerry Lee, and His Pumping Piano1958358
I'll Make You MineVee, Bobby, with The Eligibles1964148
I'll Never Dance AgainRydell, Bobby196291,179
I'll Never Fall In Love AgainBacharach, Burt1969441
I'll Never Fall In Love AgainJones, Tom1967, 1969144,414
I'll Never Fall In Love AgainRay, Johnnie1959416
I'll Never Fall In Love AgainWarwick, Dionne1969/70144,216,277,401
I'll Never Find Another YouSeekers, The19654,125,238,422
I'll Never Smile AgainPlatters, The1961182,257
I'll Never Stop Loving YouDay, Doris1955288
I'll Sail My Ship AloneLewis, Jerry Lee, and His Pumping Piano1959106
I'll Say Forever My LoveRuffin, Jimmy1968167
I'll Take Care Of YouBland, Bobby1960174
I'll Take Good Care Of YouMimms, Garnet196689
I'll Take You HomeDrifters, The196354
I'll Take You Home Again KathleenWhitman, Slim1957230,318
I'll Take You Where The Music's PlayingDrifters, The196572
I'll Touch A StarStafford, Terry1964178
I'll Try AnythingSpringfield, Dusty1967152
I'll Try Something NewMiracles, The1962143
I'll Try Something NewRoss, Diana, and the Supremes & the Temptations1969426
I'll Turn To StoneFour Tops, The1967132,323
I'll Wait For YouAvalon, Frankie1958/5961,321
I'm A BelieverMonkees, The1966/677,215,288,344
I'm A Better ManHumperdinck, Engelbert1969246,441
I'm A FoolDino, Desi & Billy196550
I'm A Fool To CareBarry, Joe1961274,329
I'm A Happy ManJive Five, The, (featuring Eugene Pitt)196531,129,382
I'm A Hog For YouCoasters, The195962
* I'm A LoserBeatles, The1964/65282
I'm A ManDavis, Spencer, Group196753,128,206,407
I'm A ManFabian195953,219
I'm A ManYardbirds, The1965/6653,218,415
I'm A Midnight MoverPickett, Wilson1968197
I'm A NutPullins, Leroy1966355
(I'm A) Road RunnerWalker, Jr., & The All Stars196665,162,444
I'm A Telling YouButler, Jerry1961375
I'm A WomanLee, Peggy1963231
I'm Afraid To Go HomeHyland, Brian1963145,289,450
* I'm AliveHollies, The196547
I'm AvailableRayburn, Margie1957/5884,230
I'm Blue (The Gong-Gong Song)Ikettes, The196267,141
I'm Comin' Home, CindyLopez, Trini196691,407
I'm Comin' On Back To YouWilson, Jackie196191
* I'm Confessin'Chantels, The195977
I'm Crazy 'Bout My BabyGaye, Marvin1963319
* I'm Crazy BabyAce, Johnny1954149
I'm CryingAnimals, The196456,191
* I'm DownBeatles, The1965155
I'm FreeWho, The196963,433
(I'm Gettin') Nuttin' For ChristmasZahnd, Ricky, & The Blue Jeaners1955/56307
I'm Gonna Be A Wheel Some DayDomino, Fats195984,271
I'm Gonna Be StrongPitney, Gene1964/6570,275
* I'm Gonna Buy Me A DogGamma Goochee Himself1965382
I'm Gonna Do What They Do To MeKing, B. B.1968282
I'm Gonna Get MarriedPrice, Lloyd19596,175,418
I'm Gonna Knock On Your DoorHodges, Eddie196156,190,433
I'm Gonna Laugh You Right Out Of My LifeCole, Nat "King"1956249
I'm Gonna Love You TooHullaballoos, The1964/65120,264
I'm Gonna Make You Love MeBell, Madeline1968167,417
I'm Gonna Make You Love MeRoss, Diana, and The Supremes & The Temptations1968/6971,338
I'm Gonna Make You Love MeWarwick, Dee Dee1966262
I'm Gonna Make You MineChristie, Lou196983,261
I'm Gonna Make You MineShadows Of Knight, The1966174
I'm Gonna Miss YouArtistics, The1966/67131
I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A LetterWilliams, Billy195713,127,248,348
I'm Gonna' Be Warm This WinterFrancis, Connie1962/63230
I'm Happy Just To Dance With YouBeatles, The196442,185,266
I'm Henry VIII, I AmHerman's Hermits19659,253,389
I'm Here To Get My Baby Out Of JailEverly Brothers, The1962125,223,330
I'm Hurtin'Orbison, Roy1960/61133,295
I'm In Love AgainDomino, Fats195647,233
* I'm In My TeensCollins Kids, The1956257
I'm In The Mood For LoveChimes, The1961310,341,399
(I'm In With) The Out CrowdSam The Sham and The Pharaohs1966352
I'm Into Somethin' GoodEarl-Jean1964145,235,426
I'm Into Something GoodHerman's Hermits1964/6536,302,342
I'm Learning About LoveLee, Brenda1961326
I'm Leaving It Up To YouDale & Grace1963/6434,135,292
* I'm Left, You're Right, She's GonePresley, Elvis1955320
I'm Livin' In ShameRoss, Diana, And The Supremes196940,263,388
* I'm Lookin' For Someone To LoveCrickets, The195789,230
I'm Movin' OnLucas, Matt1963174
* I'm Moving OnScott, Chyvonne1963377
* I'm Not A Juvenile DelinquentLymon, Frankie, and The Teenagers195642
* I'm Not Like Everybody ElseKinks, The1966239
* I'm Not SayingNico1965210
(I'm Not Your) Steppin' StoneMonkees, The1966/6764,193,296,347
I'm On My WayHighwaymen, The1962330
I'm On The Outside (Looking In)Little Anthony and The Imperials196438,247,318
I'm Over YouBradley, Jan1965438
I'm ReadyDomino, Fats195911,152
I'm Ready For LoveMartha & The Vandellas1966/6763,252
* I'm So Glad We Had This Time TogetherBurnett, Carol1967436
* I'm So Happy (Tra-La-La)Lymon, Lewis, & The Teenchords195745
I'm So Lonesome I Could CryThomas, B. J., and The Triumphs196623,172,425
I'm So ProudImpressions, The196456,246,318,367
I'm So ThankfulIkettes, The196591
* I'm So YoungStudents, The195863,434
I'm SorryDelfonics, The1968166,429
I'm SorryLee, Brenda196028,114,250,352
I'm SorryPlatters, The195725,227
I'm Sorry I Made You CryFrancis, Connie1958168
I'm Stickin' With YouBowen, Jimmy, with The Rhythm Orchids195740,276
I'm Still A Struggling ManStarr, Edwin1969211
I'm Telling You NowFreddie and The Dreamers19652,108,283,419
(I'm The Girl On) Wolverton MountainCampbell, Jo Ann1962162
I'm The Lonely OneRichard, Cliff196492
I'm The OneGerry and The Pacemakers196447,252,412
I'm The One Who Loves YouImpressions, The1963447
I'm TiredSavoy Brown1969273
I'm Tossin' And Turnin' AgainLewis, Bobby1962189
I'm Walkin'Domino, Fats195735,256,372
I'm WalkingNelson, Ricky1957411
(I'm Watching) Every Little Move You MakeMarch, Little Peggy1964297
I'm WonderingWonder, Stevie1967209,384,413
I'm Your PuppetPurify, James & Bobby19668,92,244,329,448
I'm YoursPresley, Elvis1965189,427
I've Been EverywhereSnow, Hank1962450
I've Been HurtDeal, Bill, & The Rhondels196997,202
I've Been Lonely Too LongYoung Rascals, The196742,223,368,437
I've Been Loving You Too Long (To Stop Now)Redding, Otis196582,216,382
I've Got A Tiger By The TailOwens, Buck1965256,394
I've Got BonnieRydell, Bobby196294
I've Got Dreams To RememberRedding, Otis1968169
I've Got Five Dollars And It's Saturday NightGeorge & Gene (George Jones & Gene Pitney)1965331
I've Got Love For My BabyYoung Hearts, The1968132
* I've Got My Mind Set On YouRay, James1962245
I've Got Sand In My ShoesDrifters, The196458,247
(I've Got) Spring FeverJohn, Little Willie1961260
I've Got The SkillRoss, Jackie1964265
I've Got To Have A ReasonClark, Dave, Five1967201
I've Got You Under My Skin4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "sound" of Frankie Valli196655,215,399
I've Gotta Be MeDavis, Sammy, Jr.1968/6942,224
I've Gotta Get A Message to YouBee Gees, The196816,181,340,383
I've Grown Accustomed To Your FaceClooney, Rosemary1956384
I've Had ItBell Notes, The195912,167,326,422
* I've Just Seen A FaceBeatles, The1965338
I've Lost YouWilson, Jackie1967174
I've Passed This Way BeforeRuffin, Jimmy1966/6777,197,433
I've Told Every Little StarScott, Linda19618,122,333,391
Ice Cream SongDynamics, The1969374
* Ice Melts In The SunLewis, Gary, and The Playboys1967192
Idol With The Golden HeadCoasters, The1957122
If A Woman Answers (Hang Up The Phone)Van Dyke, Leroy1962335
If I Can DreamPresley, Elvis1968/6991
If I Can't Have YouEtta & Harvey1960213
If I Could Build My Whole World Around YouGaye, Marvin, & Tammi Terrell1967/68144,368
If I Cried Every Time You Hurt MeJackson, Wanda1962387
If I Didn't CareFrancis, Connie1959278
If I Didn't CarePlatters, The1961310
If I Didn't Have A Dime (To Play The Jukebox)Pitney, Gene1962350,428
If I Didn't Love YouJackson, Chuck1965438
If I FellBeatles, The1964103,225,422
If I Give My Heart To YouKallen, Kitty1959217
If I Had A GirlLauren, Rod1959/6090,181
If I Had A HammerLopez, Trini1963294
If I Had A Hammer (The Hammer Song)Peter, Paul & Mary196235,94,325
If I Loved YouChad & Jeremy196562,412
If I MayCole, Nat "King", and The Four Knights1955144,382
* If I Needed SomeoneKingsmen, Fax, or Cryan' Shames1965/66182
If I Ruled The WorldBennett, Tony1965442
If I Were A CarpenterDarin, Bobby196617,248,404
* If I Were A MagicianFour-Evers, The1964455
If I'm A Fool For Loving YouWood, Bobby1964282,386
If Mary's ThereHyland, Brian1963287,346
* If My Car Could Only TalkChristie, Lou1966171
* (If Paradise Is) Half As NiceAmen Corner1969344
* If She Walked Into My LifeLettermen, The1967222
If This World Were MineGaye, Marvin, & Tammi Terrell1968166
If You Can WantRobinson, Smokey, & The Miracles1968420
If You Can't Rock MeNelson, Rick196389
* If You Can't Say Something NiceBox, David1962354
(If You Cry) True Love, True LoveDrifters, The1959/60116,394
If You Don't Want My LoveJohn, Robert1968226,394
If You Don't Want My LoveMorgan, Jaye P.1955/56360,394
If You Gotta Make A Fool Of SomebodyRay, James1961/6291
If You Love MeBaker, LaVern1959310
If You Need MeBurke, Solomon196382
If You Really Want Me To, I'll GoRon-Dels, The1965185
If You Wanna Be HappySoul, Jimmy19639,227,345
* If You've Got The Money, I've Got The TimeStafford, Jo1950/51331
Igmoo (The Pride Of South Central High)Jackson, Stonewall1959323
Iko IkoDixie Cups, The196545,371
Image Of A GirlSafaris, The19609,156,405
* ImaginationQuotations, The196249
Impossible Dream (The Quest), TheJones, Jack1966149
Impossible Mission (Mission Impossible)Soul Survivors1968105
In-A-Gadda-Da-VidaIron Butterfly196816,277,410
In A MomentIntrigues, The1969159,267
In A Shanty In Old Shanty TownSmith, Somethin', & The Redheads1956435
In And Out Of LoveRoss, Diana, and The Supremes1967/6838,311
In Another LandWyman, Bill1967/68108
In DreamsOrbison, Roy19635,128,338
In My HeartTimetones, The1961152,269
In My LifeBeatles, The1965453
In My Little Corner Of The WorldBryant, Anita1960130
In My Lonely RoomMartha & The Vandellas196487,228
In My RoomBeach Boys, The1963/6490,173,384,446
In My Room (El Amor)Smith, Verdelle1966186,289
In Need Of A FriendCowsills, The196891
In Our TimeSinatra, Nancy1966376
* In ParadiseCookies, The1956188
In The GhettoPresley, Elvis196981,160,312,450
In The Hall Of The Mountain KingSounds Incorporated1965453
In The Heat Of The NightCharles, Ray196799,421
In The MeantimeFame, Georgie, and The Blue Flames1965120
In The Middle Of A HeartacheJackson, Wanda1961286
In The Middle Of An IslandBennett, Tony1957106
In The Middle Of The HouseMonroe, Vaughn1956203
In The Midnight HourMirettes, The1968354
In The Midnight HourPickett, Wilson196574,180,436
In The Misty MoonlightMartin, Dean1967/68163
In the Misty MoonlightWallace, Jerry196425,408
In The MoodFields, Ernie, Orch.1959/60451
In The Still Of The NightDion and The Belmonts1960205,350
In The Still Of The NiteFive Satins, The1956/57, 1960, 196112,143,302,391,424
In The Summer Of His YearsFrancis, Connie1963/64160,406
In The Year 2525 (Exordium & Terminus)Zager & Evans196970,123,195,271,334,428
'In' Crowd, TheGray, Dobie196513,266,352
Incense And PeppermintsStrawberry Alarm Clock1967/686,102,300,428
* Indian GiverAnnette with The Up Beats1961142
Indian Giver1910 Fruitgum Co.196961,164,410
Indian LakeCowsills, The196819,106,162,379
InnamorataMartin, Dean1956202,409
Inner Light, TheBeatles, The1968177,416
Inside - Looking OutAnimals, The1966252
Into The NightDream Weavers, The, Featuring Wade Buff1956224
* Invitation To Cry, AnMagicians, The1965158
Invitation To The BluesPrice, Ray1958169
Irresistible YouDarin, Bobby1961/62129
Is It Because I'm BlackJohnson, Syl1969/70424
Is It TrueLee, Brenda1964184,348
Is That All There IsLee, Peggy1969104,282
* Is This The DreamZombies, The1965128
Is This What I Get For Loving You?Ronettes, The, featuring Veronica1965342,438
Island In The SunBelafonte, Harry1957438
* Island Of LoveSheppards, The195951
IsraelitesDekker, Desmond, & The Aces196970,216,369
* Istanbul (Not Constantinople)Four Lads, The1953/5458
It Ain't Me BabeTurtles, The196518,104,231,294
It Ain't No Big ThingRadiants, The1965132,409
* It Ain't The MeatSwallows, The195153
It Could Be We're In LoveCryan' Shames, The1967312
It Do Me So GoodAnn-Margret1961244,400
It Doesn't Matter AnymoreHolly, Buddy195945,188,264,366
It Don't Hurt No MoreBrown, Nappy1958176
It Feels So RightPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1965254
It Happened TodaySkyliners, The195910,311
* It Hurts Me TooJames, Elmore1965109
It Hurts To Be In LoveLaurie, Annie1957250
It Hurts To Be In LovePitney, Gene196411,120,296
It Hurts To Be SixteenCarroll, Andrea1963254
It Keeps Rainin'Domino, Fats1961139
It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin'Tillotson, Johnny196237,389
It May Be Winter Outside (But In My Heart It's Spring)Taylor, Felice1967176
It Might As Well Rain Until SeptemberKing, Carole196225,88,271,356,401,430
It Must Be HimCarr, Vikki1967128,326,446
(It Never Happens) In Real LifeJackson, Chuck1961337
It Only Happened YesterdayScott, Jack1960366
It Only Hurts For A Little WhileAmes Brothers, The1956199,358
It Should Have Been MeKnight, Gladys, & The Pips196882
It Takes TwoGaye, Marvin, & Kim Weston196778,296
It Tears Me UpSledge, Percy196691
It Was A Very Good YearSinatra, Frank1965/6642,149,205,341,450
* It Was Easier To Hurt HerMimms, Garnet1965382
It Was ISkip & Flip195930,86,196,303,423
* It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk AngelsWells, Kitty1952317
It Will StandShowmen, The1961/62, 196498,185,286
It Won't Be This Way (Always)King Pins, The1963194
It Won't Be WrongByrds, The1966150
* It'll Be MeLewis, Jerry Lee1957133
It's-A-HappeningMagic Mushrooms, The1966154,376
It's A Happening ThingPeanut Butter Conspiracy, The1967316
It's A Happening WorldTokens, The1967159
It's A Man Down ThereCrockett, G. L.196594
It's A Man's Man's Man's WorldBrown, James, and The Famous Flames196691,353
It's A Sin To Tell A LieSmith, Somethin', & The Redheads1955121,240
It's All In The GameEdwards, Tommy1958/591,94,224,300,408
It's All OverJackson, Walter1964152
It's All OverKing, Ben E.196488
It's All Over NowRolling Stones, The1964143,194
It's All Over NowValentinos, The196468,307,426
* It's All Over Now Baby BlueBaez, Joan1967200
It's All RightImpressions, The196338,101,188,312
* It's All Too MuchMonday Rain1969182
It's Almost TomorrowLanson, Snooky1955/56365
It's AlrightFaith, Adam, with The Roulettes1965110,254
* It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)Dylan, Bob1965205
(It's Been A Long Time) Pretty BabyGino & Gina195891,266
It's Cold OutsideChoir, The19672,92,284
It's CrazyHarris, Eddie1968224
It's For YouBlack, Cilla1964108,221,454
It's Getting BetterMama Cass1969193,388
It's Gonna Be AlrightGerry and The Pacemakers196532,99,308
It's Gonna Be FineYarbrough, Glenn1965356
It's Gonna Take A MiracleRoyalettes, The196575,416
It's Gonna Work Out FineTurner, Ike & Tina196182,311,392
It's Gonna' Be Warm This WinterFrancis, Connie1962/6391
It's Good News WeekHedgehoppers Anonymous1965/6662,129
It's GrowingTemptations, The1965144
It's Just A Little Bit Too LateFontana, Wayne, & The Mindbenders1965407
It's Just A Matter Of TimeBenton, Brook195934,218,405
It's LateNelson, Ricky195931,123,351,413
* It's Love Baby (24 Hours A Day)Brown, Ruth1955144
It's MagicPlatters, The1962376
It's My LifeAnimals, The1965/6635,225,338,397
It's My PartyGore, Lesley196359,110,278,344,402
It's My Thing (You Can't Tell Me Who To Sock It To)Whitney, Marva1969314
* It's My WaySainte-Marie, Buffy1964278
It's Nice To Be With YouMonkees, The1968255
It's Not For Me To SayMathis, Johnny195736,237,409
It's Not UnusualJones, Tom196541,233,430
It's Now Or NeverPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires196051,199,288,352,453
It's Now Winters DayRoe, Tommy1966/67101,301
It's ObdaciousJohnson, Buddy, and His Orchestra1955452
It's Only LoveJames, Tommy, and The Shondells1966/67204
It's Only LoveThomas, B. J.1969250
It's Only Make BelieveTwitty, Conway1958/5915,97,195,326
It's Only The Good TimesEdwards, Tommy1959155
It's OverOrbison, Roy196455,122,250,395
It's OverRodgers, Jimmie1966179
* It's RainingThomas, Irma196288
It's Raining OutsidePlatters, The1958219
* It's So Easy!Crickets, The195856
* It's Such A Pretty World TodayStewart, Wynn1967256
* It's Summer Time U.S.A.Pixies Three, The1964435
It's That Time Of The YearBarry, Len1966401
It's The Same Old SongFour Tops, The196512,227,348,428
It's Time To CryAnka, Paul1959/6037,253,418
It's Too LateGoldsboro, Bobby196615,250,328
* It's Too LateWillis, Chuck, and His Band1956264
It's Too Soon To KnowBoone, Pat1958409
It's Up To YouNelson, Rick1962/6325,206,322
It's WonderfulYoung Rascals, The1967/6863,262,447
It's Wonderful To Be In LoveOvations, The, (featuring Louis Williams)1965132
It's You I LoveDomino, Fats1957273
It's Your ThingIsley Brothers, The196991,248,335
Itchy Twitchy FeelingHendricks, Bobby195857,107,293,424
Itchycoo ParkSmall Faces1967/6850,150,302
Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot BikiniHyland, Brian1960105,165,265,344,429
Itty Bitty PiecesRay, James1962315
Ivory TowerCarr, Cathy195637,326,419
Ivory TowerStorm, Gale1956234
Ivy RoseComo, Perry1957/58170
JacksonSinatra, Nancy, & Lee Hazlewood196769,126,231,324,456
JacquelineHelms, Bobby1958315
Jailer, Bring Me WaterLopez, Trini1964102,335
Jailhouse RockPresley, Elvis1957/5882,163,201,285,335
Jam Up Jelly TightRoe, Tommy1969/707,389
Jamaica FarewellBelafonte, Harry1956/57126,223,294,397
Jambalaya (On The Bayou)Domino, Fats1961/62156,403
James Bond Theme, TheStrange, Billy1964431
James (Hold The Ladder Steady)Thompson, Sue1962146,341,413
JamieHolland, Eddie196265
* Java Jones (Java)Lynn, Donna1964322
Je T'Aime ... Moi Non PlusBirkin, Jane, & Serge Gainsbourg1969/70128,395
Jealous Of You (Tango Della Gelosia)Francis, Connie1960354
Jeannie Jeannie JeannieCochran, Eddie1958176
* Jeff's BoogieYardbirds, The1966431
Jelly Jungle (Of Orange Marmalade)Lemon Pipers, The1968180
* Jelly Roll Gum DropMothers of Invention, The1968305,388
* Jelly Roll Gum DropRuben and The Jets1968305
Jennie LeeJan & Arnie1958272
Jennie LeeWard, Billy, and His Dominoes1958181
Jennifer EcclesHollies, The196889,301,413
Jennifer JuniperDonovan196866,220,302
Jenny BrownSmothers Brothers, The1963262,330,447
Jenny, JennyLittle Richard195748,234
Jenny Take A Ride!Ryder, Mitch, and The Detroit Wheels1965/66135,206,336
Jeremiah Peabody's Poly Unsaturated Quick Dissolving Fast Acting Pleasant Tasting Green And Purple PillsStevens, Ray1961101
Jerk & TwineRoss, Jackie196581
Jerk, TheLarks, The1964/6540,176
Jesus Is A Soul ManReynolds, Lawrence1969278
JillLewis, Gary, and The Playboys1967124
Jim DandyBaker, LaVern, and The Gliders1956/5774,153,427
Jim Dandy Got MarriedBaker, LaVern1957251
* Jimmy LoveCarroll, Cathy1961226
Jimmy MackMartha & The Vandellas19678,112,276,448
Jimmy's GirlTillotson, Johnny1961212,418
Jingle Bell RockHelms, Bobby1957/58, 1958/59, 1960, 1961/62, 196220,200
Jingle JangleArchies, The1969/70210,375
Jitterbug, TheDovells, The1962261
Jo-AnnPlaymates, The195844,223
Jo-Jo The Dog-Faced BoyAnnette1959175,373
Joe Joe GunBerry, Chuck1958201,277
Joey BabyAnita and Th' So-And-So's1962305
* Joey's Last Big GameScott, Linda Gaye1964425
Johnny AngelFabares, Shelley196221,159,189,317,445
Johnny B. GoodeBerry, Chuck195838,127,276,361
Johnny B. GoodeDi Muci, Dion1964194
* Johnny (Baby Please Come Home)Love, Darlene1964276
Johnny Get AngrySommers, Joanie19626,164,276,323
Johnny JingoMills, Hayley1962124
Johnny Loves MeFabares, Shelley1962111,276,351
Johnny One TimeLee, Brenda1969180
Johnny RebHorton, Johnny1959160
Joker (That's What They Call Me), TheHilltoppers, The1957/58282
Joker (That's What They Call Me), TheMyles, Billy1957/5859,149
Joker Went Wild, TheHyland, Brian196659,230,360
Jokers, ThePeter and Gordon1967249
Jolly Green Giant, TheKingsmen, The196553,115,299,415
* Jones Girl, TheFive Satins, The1956204
Journey To The Center Of The MindAmboy Dukes, The196813,162,239,415
Ju Ju HandSam The Sham and The Pharaohs196593,155
Juanita BananaPeels, The1966391
Judy In Disguise (With Glasses)Fred, John, & His Playboy Band1967/6838,170,251,398
Judy's Turn To CryGore, Lesley196351,107,306,390
* Jug Band MusicLovin' Spoonful, The1966321
Juke Box BabyComo, Perry1956275
Juke Box Saturday NightNino & The Ebb Tides1961110,238
* JulianneNew Christy Minstrels, The1963366
July You're A WomanBoone, Pat1969269
Jump BackThomas, Rufus1964360
Jumpin' Jack FlashRolling Stones, The1968116,224,369
Just A DreamClanton, Jimmy, and His Rockets195831,159,298
Just A LittleBeau Brummels, The196517,98,191,419
Just A LittleLee, Brenda1960212
Just A Little BitBlue Cheer1968261
Just A Little BitGordon, Rosco1960304
Just A Little Bit BetterHerman's Hermits196544,159,364
Just A Little Too MuchNelson, Ricky195992,170,404
* Just A RoomTurtles, The1966145
Just As Much As EverBeckham, Bob1959/60278
Just Ask Your HeartAvalon, Frankie195938,258,284
Just Be TrueChandler, Gene196432
Just BecausePrice, Lloyd1957114,384,453
Just Between You And MeChordettes, The1957112,402
Just Born (To Be Your Baby)Como, Perry1957/58359
Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)First Edition, The196825,146,402
Just For Old Time's SakeMcGuire Sisters, The1961387
Just Got To KnowMcCracklin, Jimmy1961/62122
Just Keep It UpClark, Dee195932,202
Just Like A WomanDylan, Bob1966121,231,370
Just Like In The MoviesUpbeats, The1958195
Just Like MeRevere, Paul, and The Raiders Featuring Mark Lindsay1965/6698,350
(Just Like) Romeo & JulietReflections, The196416,86,333,431
Just Once In My LifeRighteous Brothers, The196561,342,421
Just One LookHollies, The1964, 19671
Just One LookTroy, Doris1963183,268,328
Just One SmilePitney, Gene1966/6797
Just Out Of Reach (Of My Two Empty Arms)Sledge, Percy1967246
Just Out Of Reach (Of My Two Open Arms)Burke, Solomon196161
Just Tell Her Jim Said HelloPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1962241
Just To Be With YouPassions, The195927,180
Just To Hold My HandMcPhatter, Clyde1957122,181
Just Walking In The RainRay, Johnnie1956/5719,218,276,395
Just YouSonny & Cher1965160
JustineRighteous Brothers, The196599
* K.C. Lovin'Littlefield, Little Willie1952/53155
Ka-Ding DongG-Clefs, The195653,185
Kansas CityHarrison, Wilbert195918,86,221,322,383
Kansas CityLopez, Trini1963/64425
Kansas City StarMiller, Roger196581,253
KarateEmperor's, The1966132
* KarenSurfaris, The1964124
Kathy-ODiamonds, The1958124,347
KayRyles, John Wesley, I1968/69171,305
Keep A Knockin'Little Richard1957/5873,214
Keep A Light In The Window Till I Come HomeBurke, Solomon1967194
* Keep An Eye On HerJaynetts, The1963278
Keep On DancingGentrys, The196522,211,372
* Keep On DancingRonettes, The1964285
Keep On PushingImpressions, The196482,252,347
Keep On RunningDavis, Spencer, Group196692,184,395
Keep Searchin' (We'll Follow The Sun)Shannon, Del1964/6543,305
Keep The Ball Rollin'Jay and The Techniques1967/687,90,277,341,433
Keep Your Hands Off My BabyLittle Eva1962/637,119,221
Keep Your Love Locked (Deep In Your Heart)Petersen, Paul1962342
* KellyShannon, Del1963309
Kentucky WomanDeep Purple1968/69141,196
Kentucky WomanDiamond, Neil196761,404
Kewpie DollComo, Perry1958273
KicksRevere, Paul, and The Raiders Featuring Mark Lindsay196615,90,169,275
KiddioBenton, Brook196036,247,369
* Kids Are Alright, TheWho, The1966207
Killer JoeRocky Fellers, The196346,240,340,439
Kind Of A DragBuckinghams, The1966/6730,265,437
Kind Of Boy You Can't Forget, TheRaindrops, The19638,156,271,391
* Kind WomanBuffalo Springfield, The1968273
King Midas In ReverseHollies, The1967117,181,372
King Of ClownsSedaka, Neil1962249
King Of The RoadMiller, Roger196568,136,256,420
King Of The Whole Wide WorldPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1962264
* Kiss Me, BabyBeach Boys, The1965119
Kiss Me GoodbyeClark, Petula196859,289
Kiss Me QuickPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1964167,350
Kiss Me SailorRenay, Diane196493,187,260,430
* Kiss Tomorrow GoodbyeWhite, Danny1962184
Kisses Sweeter Than WineRodgers, Jimmie1957/5833,223,374
Kissin GameDion1961255
Kissin' CousinsPresley, Elvis1964172
Kissin' TimeRydell, Bobby19596,214,346,439
Kissing Tree, TheGrammer, Billy1959386
* Kites Are FunFree Design, The1967377
Knee Deep In The BluesMitchell, Guy1957351
Knight In Rusty ArmourPeter and Gordon1966/6745,252,397
Knock On WoodFloyd, Eddie196614,161,245
Knock On WoodOtis & Carla1967386
Ko Ko Mo (I Love Her So)Crew-Cuts, The195575
Kookie, Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb)Byrnes, Edward, and Connie Stevens195920,249,309,397
Kookie Little Paradise, ACampbell, Jo Ann1960374
Kozmic BluesJoplin, Janis1969/70178,264,390
L. David SloaneLee, Michele1968305,351
L-O-V-ECole, Nat "King"1964156
* L'Autre JourHerman's Hermits1966269
La BambaValens, Ritchie1958/5983,182,257,363
La Dee DahBilly & Lillie195820,145,268,334
La-Do-DadaHawkins, Dale1958166
La La La (If I Had You)Sherman, Bobby1969/70234
La La La La LaBlendells, The1964301
La - La - Means I Love YouDelfonics, The19686,137,311,419
LadyJones, Jack1967273,456
Lady BirdSinatra, Nancy, & Lee Hazlewood1967112,277,435
Lady GodivaPeter and Gordon1966/6710,145,260
* Lady Is A Tramp, TheFitzgerald, Ella1956375
Lady JaneRolling Stones, The196616,98,202,316,445
* Lady Like YouBrewer & Shipley1969288
Lady LuckPrice, Lloyd1960228,416
Lady MadonnaBeatles, The196889,326,388
Lady-OTurtles, The1969442
* Lady SamanthaJohn, Elton1969369
Lady WillpowerPuckett, Gary, and The Union Gap196852,262,419
(Lament Of The Cherokee) Indian Reservation, TheFardon, Don196879,245,357
* LanaOrbison, Roy1962422
Land Of Milk And Honey, TheVogues, The1966173,377
Land Of 1000 DancesCannibal & The Headhunters196520
Land Of 1000 DancesKenner, Chris1963183,300
Language Of LoveLoudermilk, John D.1961/6271,244,357
Lara's Theme from 'Dr. Zhivago'Williams, Roger1966451
Last Chance To Turn AroundPitney, Gene1965111
Last KissWilson, J. Frank, and The Cavaliers196419,152,245,345
Last Leaf, TheCascades, The1963148
* Last NightLittle Walter and His Jukes1954/55227
Last NightMar-Keys, The1961349
* Last Time, TheOldham, Andrew Loog, Orchestra1966186
Last Time, TheRolling Stones, The196552,138,273,418
Last Train To ClarksvilleMonkees, The196631,133,270
Last Waltz, TheHumperdinck, Engelbert1967230,358
* Later That NightMothers Of Invention, The1968237
* LatherJefferson Airplane1968284
LaughVelvets, The1961244,282
Laugh At MeSonny196580,135,249,400
Laugh, LaughBeau Brummels, The196558,120,249,371
LaughingGuess Who, The196978,220,324,423
Laughing BoyWells, Mary1963249
* Laughing Gnome, TheBowie, David1967102
Laurie (Strange Things Happen)Lee, Dickey196522,191,415
Lavender-BlueTurner, Sammy195922,141,377
* Lawdy Miss ClawdyPrice, Lloyd195248
Lay Down Your ArmsShelton, Anne195698,258
Lay Lady LayDylan, Bob196921,169,261,432
Lazy DaySpanky and Our Gang196747,170,374,432
Lazy Mary (Luna Mezzo Mare)Monte, Lou1958287
Lazy RiverDarin, Bobby196142
Lazy Summer NightFour Preps, The1958406
Leader Of The LaundromatDetergents, The1964/6517,118,299
Leader Of The PackShangri-Las, The1964/654,104,285
LeahOrbison, Roy196263,223,368
Lean JeanHaley, Bill, and His Comets1958252
Leaning On The Lamp PostHerman's Hermits196670,166,283
Learnin' The BluesSinatra, Frank195537,260
* Leatherwing BatPeter, Paul & Mary1969243
Leave Me AloneWashington, Baby1963244
* Leave My Girl AloneEverly Brothers, The1966222
Leave My Kitten AloneJohn, Little Willie1959, 196164,286
Leave My Kitten AlonePreston, Johnny1961362
* Leave My Woman AloneCharles, Ray195686
Leaving HereHolland, Eddie196478
Leaving On A Jet PlanePeter, Paul & Mary1969/7082,162,265,348,433
Left Right Out Of Your Heart (Hi Lee Hi Lo Hi Lup Up Up)Page, Patti1958130,380
* Legend Of A MindMoody Blues, The1968162
Lemon TreeLopez, Trini196574,386
Lemon TreePeter, Paul & Mary1962247,341
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box HatDylan, Bob1967128
LeroyScott, Jack195865
Let It Be MeCorey, Jill, with Jimmy Carroll1957325
Let It Be MeEverett, Betty, & Jerry Butler1964144,196
Let It Be MeEverly Brothers, The19603,295
Let It Out (Let It All Hang Out)Hombres, The196772,158,219,443
* Let It Please Be YouDesires, The195958
Let Love Come Between UsPurify, James & Bobby1967412
Let Me BeTurtles, The196563,150,304,349,410
Let Me Be Good To YouThomas, Carla1966180
Let Me Be The Man My Daddy WasChi-Lites, The1969413
(Let Me Be Your) Teddy BearPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires195784,222,324,398
Let Me Belong To YouHyland, Brian1961304
Let Me Call You SweetheartYuro, Timi1962354
* Let Me Down EasyLavette, Betty1965194
Let Me Go LoverWeber, Joan1954/5553,145,325
Let Me InSensations, The196211,204,402
* Let Me Love YouGoodman, George, & His Headliners196590
Let Me Tell You, BabeCole, Nat "King"1966255
Let The Bells Keep RingingAnka, Paul1958101,258
Let The Four Winds BlowBrown, Roy195776
Let The Four Winds BlowDomino, Fats1961445
Let The Good Times RollCharles, Ray196066
Let The Good Times RollShirley & Lee195625,118,217,392
Let The Good Times Roll & Feel So GoodSigler, Bunny1967291
Let The Heartaches BeginBaldry, Long John1968289,395
Let The Little Girl DanceBland, Billy196016,226,368
Let Them TalkJohn, Little Willie1960150
Let's Call It A Day GirlRazor's Edge, The1966297
Let's DanceMontez, Chris19626,154,259,432
* (Let's Do) The TasterFischer, Larry "Wild Man", backed by Frank Zappa and The Mothers Of Invention19??135
* Let's Get Lost On A Country RoadKit Kats, The1966137
Let's Get TogetherMills, Hayley, and Hayley Mills1961109,226,369
Let's Get TogetherWe Five1965155
Let's Go Again (Where We Went Last Night)Ballard, Hank, and The Midnighters1961292
Let's Go Get StonedCharles, Ray1966149,258,437
Let's Go, Let's Go, Let's GoBallard, Hank, and The Midnighters1960/6112,256,429
Let's Go Steady AgainSedaka, Neil196371
Let's Hang On!4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "sound" of Frankie Valli1965/6615,172,311,437
Let's Have A PartyJackson, Wanda196048,107,233,422
* Let's Jump The BroomstickLee, Brenda1958294
Let's Live For TodayGrass Roots, The19674,105,238,405,431
Let's Lock The Door (And Throw Away The Key)Jay & The Americans1964/657,232,391
Let's Spend The Night TogetherRolling Stones, The1967112,361,422
Let's Start All Over AgainDove, Ronnie1966261
Let's StompComstock, Bobby1963397
Let's Think About LivingLuman, Bob196070,218,394
Let's Try AgainMcPhatter, Clyde1959/60382
Let's Turkey TrotLittle Eva196364,226,286
Let's Twist AgainChecker, Chubby196139,267
Let's Work Together (Part 1)Harrison, Wilbert1969/7074,224,392
Letter From Betty, AVee, Bobby, with The Johnny Mann Singers1963127
Letter From SherryWard, Dale1963/64124,270
Letter Full Of TearsKnight, Gladys, & The Pips1961/6278,164,301,380
Letter, TheArbors, The1969405
Letter, TheBox Tops, The196750,127,241,345
* Letter, TheMedallions, The195457
Letter To An Angel, AClanton, Jimmy1958/59358
Letter To Dad, AEvery Father's Teenage Son1967292,339,413
Letter To The Beatles, AFour Preps, The196495
Liar, LiarCastaways, The196546,159,305,428
Lie To MeBenton, Brook1962109
Liechtensteiner PolkaGlahe, Will, and His Orchestra1957/58363
LiesKnickerbockers, The1965/6613,138,301,423
LifeSly & The Family Stone1968282
Life And Death In G & AAbaco Dream1969238,404
* Life Is But A DreamHarptones, The1955394
Lifetime Of Loneliness, ADeShannon, Jackie1965244
Light My FireDoors, The196777,200,348
Light My FireFeliciano, Jose1968272
Lightnin' StrikesChristie, Lou1965/6640,101,197,274
Lightning's GirlSinatra, Nancy1967139
* Lights OutByrne, Jerry1958176
(Lights Went Out In) Massachusetts, TheBee Gees, The196781,278
Like A BabyBarry, Len196673,407
Like A Rolling StoneDylan, Bob196535,149,264,321
Like An Old Time MovieMcKenzie, Scott1967134,308
Like Columbus DidReflections, The1964193
* Like Dreamers DoApplejacks, The196490
Like I Love YouByrnes, Edd, and Friend1959299,351
Like, Long HairRevere, Paul, and The Raiders1961453
Like StrangersEverly Brothers, The1960/6160
Like The Big Guys DoRocky Fellers, The1963130
Like To Get To Know YouSpanky and Our Gang196817,212,303
Lil' Red Riding HoodSam The Sham and The Pharaohs196626,246,313
Limbo RockChecker, Chubby1962/6356
LindaJan & Dean196331,259
Linda LuSharpe, Ray195934
Ling, Ting, TongFive Keys, The1954/5546,193,377
Lion Sleeps Tonight, TheTokens, The1961/6218,167,240,296,433
Lips Of WineWilliams, Andy195785,389
Lipstick And Candy And Rubbersole ShoesLaRosa, Julius1956291
Lipstick On Your CollarFrancis, Connie195920,98,165,287,367
Lipstick Traces (On A Cigarette)O'Jays, The1965197
Lipstick Traces (On A Cigarette)Spellman, Benny1962304
Lisbon AntiguaRiddle, Nelson, and His Orchestra1955/56219
* Listen, My DarlingHarrison, Wilbert1959211
Listen PeopleHerman's Hermits19663,177,313,427
Listen To The BandMonkees, The1969420
* Listen To The WarmMcKuen, Rod1968232
Little ArrowsLeapy Lee1968/6984,302
Little Band Of GoldGilreath, James196386,293
Little BellDixie Cups, The1964/65142
* Little Betty Falling StarCascades, The1964178
Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You, AMonkees, The196773,279,325,383
Little Bit Now (A Little Bit Later), AMajors, The1962115
Little Bit O' SoulMusic Explosion, The196738,174,311,410
Little Bit Of Soap, AExciters, The1966365
Little Bit Of Soap, AJarmels, The19619,130,297,428
Little Bitty GirlRydell, Bobby196065
Little Bitty Pretty OneHarris, Thurston1957/5839,175
Little Bitty Tear, AIves, Burl1961/6249,165,272
Little Black BookDean, Jimmy1962151
Little Black Egg, TheNightcrawlers, The196743,98,402
Little BoxesSeeger, Pete196417,277,325,450
Little BoyCrystals, The1964153,297
Little Boy BlueDuvall, Huelyn1959138
* Little Boy Blue (Is Blue No More)Elegants, The195941
Little Boy (In Grown Up Clothes)4 Seasons, The1965/66143
Little Boy SadBurnette, Johnny1961176,276
Little By LittleBrown, Nappy1957140
Little By LittleMarlo, Micki1957295
Little ChildrenKramer, Billy J., with The Dakotas19641,155,229,288,361,412
Little DarlinGladiolas, The1957183,426
Little Darlin'Diamonds, The19579,272
Little Darling, I Need YouGaye, Marvin196690,403
* Little DemonHawkins, Screamin' Jay195694
Little Deuce CoupeBeach Boys, The196393,149,365
Little DevilSedaka, Neil196144,228,327,378
Little DianeDion196279,323
Little Drummer Boy, TheSimeone, Harry, Chorale1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 196220,263
Little Eeefin AnniePerkins, Joe1963187
Little Egypt (Ying-Yang)Coasters, The196152,158,321,363
Little GamesYardbirds, The1967111,343
Little GirlSyndicate Of Sound19663,111,275
Little Girl I Once Knew, TheBeach Boys, The1965/6632,218
Little Girl Of MineCleftones, The195622,175,402
* Little Girl Sing Ting-A-LingBartholomew, Dave1952201
Little Green ApplesMiller, Roger1968438
Little Green ApplesSmith, O. C.196838,199,324
Little HondaHondells, The196431,185,293,421
* Little KidsZager & Evans1969307
Little Latin Lupe LuKingsmen, The1964206
Little Latin Lupe LuRighteous Brothers, The196363,419
Little Latin Lupe LuRyder, Mitch, and The Detroit Wheels1966326
Little Less Conversation, APresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1968213
Little Lonely OneJones, Tom1965142
Little ManSonny & Cher196699
Little MarieBerry, Chuck1964240
Little MaryDomino, Fats1958287
Little Miss BlueDion1960141,272,381
Little Miss SadFive Emprees, The1965174
Little Miss Stuck-UpPlaymates, The1961432
Little Miss SunshineRoe, Tommy1967265
Little Old Lady (From Pasadena), TheJan & Dean19645,111,306,421
Little Ole Man (Uptight-Everything's Alright)Cosby, Bill196755,240
Little QueenieBerry, Chuck195951,238,338
Little Red Rented RowboatDowell, Joe1962106
Little Red Riding HoodBig Bopper, The1958364
Little Red RoosterCooke, Sam1963/6465,263
* Little Saint NickBeach Boys, The1963383
Little SisterPresley, Elvis19612,216,304
Little Space Girl, TheTurner, Jesse Lee195961,155,387,444
Little StarElegants, The195815,111,174,350,428
Little ThingsGoldsboro, Bobby196548,292
Little Things Mean A LotJames, Joni1959/60192
Little Tin SoldierToy Dolls, The1962/63226
Little Town FlirtShannon, Del1962/6332,141,404
Little White LiesJohnson, Betty1957241
Little WomanSherman, Bobby1969139,408
Little You, AFreddie and The Dreamers1965255
LiveMerry-Go-Round, The1967138,228,403
Live For LifeJones, Jack1967311
Live WireMartha & The Vandellas1964167
Livin' Above Your HeadJay & The Americans1966174
Living DollRichard, Cliff, and The Drifters195934,294
Living In The U.S.A.Miller, Steve, Band1968, 1974115
Lizzie BordenMitchell, Chad, Trio1962354
Lo Mucho Que Te Quiero (The More I Love You)Rene & Rene1968/6936,225
Locking Up My HeartMarvelettes, The1963429
Loco-Motion, TheLittle Eva196267,180,245,342
Loddy LoChecker, Chubby1963/64103,405
LodiCreedence Clearwater Revival196981,179,332
Lolita Ya-YaVentures, The1962197
LollipopChordettes, The195828,159,214,374,449
LollipopRonald and Ruby1958347
* Lollipop (I Like You)Intruders, The1969449
Lollipops And RosesJones, Jack1962136,258,374
Lollipops And RosesPetersen, Paul1962449
Lone Teen Ranger, TheLandis, Jerry196379,295,378,453
(Loneliness Made Me Realize) It's You That I NeedTemptations, The196776,320
* Lonely AvenueCharles, Ray1956169
Lonely Blue BoyTwitty, Conway1959/6045,129,233,370
Lonely Blue NightsRosie formerly with The Originals1961194,432
Lonely BoyAnka, Paul195914,90,200,344
Lonely Bull (El Solo Toro), TheTijuana Brass, The, featuring Herb Alpert1962/63440
* Lonely Days, Lonely NightsFabulaires, The1963455
Lonely DrifterO'Jays, The1963159
Lonely For YouStites, Gary195983,233
Lonely GuitarAnnette1959272,346
Lonely IslandCooke, Sam1958239
Lonely ManPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1961404
* Lonely NightsHearts, The195599
Lonely SoldierWilliams, Mike1966160
* Lonely Soldier, AButler, Jerry1960160
Lonely StreetHenry, Clarence1961224
Lonely StreetWilliams, Andy1959226,294
Lonely Surfer, TheNitzsche, Jack1963178
Lonely TeardropsWilson, Jackie1958/5938,200,391
Lonely TeenagerDion1960/6163,180,404
Lonely WeekendsRich, Charlie196070,202
Lonely WindsDrifters, The1960139
Lonesome RoadWonder Who?, The1967196
* Lonesome TearsCrickets, The1958338
Lonesome TownNelson, Ricky1958/5958,162,346
Long Gone Lonesome BluesWilliams, Hank, Jr.196474
Long Hot Summer, TheRodgers, Jimmie1958406
* Long John BluesWashington, Dinah, with Cootie Williams' Orchestra1949238
Long Legged Girl (With The Short Dress On)Presley, Elvis1967396
Long Line RiderDarin, Bobby196998
Long Live LoveShaw, Sandie196595,175,385,454
Long Live Our LoveShangri-Las, The196671
Long Lonely NightsAndrews, Lee, and The Hearts195718,198,267
* Long Tall GirlCarnations, The196141
Long Tall SallyLittle Richard and His Band195654,124,259,404
Long Tall TexanKellum, Murry1963/64118,248,394,421
* Long Time GoneEverly Brothers, The1958303
Longest Walk, TheMorgan, Jaye P.1955243,442
* Look AroundRascals, The1969236
* Look At Me GirlPlayboys of Edinburg, The1966398
Look For A Star - Part IMills, Garry1960208
Look Homeward AngelFour Esquires, The1956317
Look Homeward, AngelRay, Johnnie1957241
Look In My EyesChantels, The196136,210,379,446
Look Of LoveGore, Lesley1964/6535,122,259,380
Look Of Love, TheMendes, Sergio, & Brasil '661968215,288,431
Look Of Love, TheSpringfield, Dusty196735
* Look Out (Here Comes Tomorrow)Monkees, The1967316
Look Through Any WindowHollies, The1965/6652,110,218,392
Look Through My WindowMamas & The Papas, The196652,134,304
Look To Your SoulRivers, Johnny1968121
Looking BackCole, Nat "King"1958280
Looking For A FoxCarter, Clarence1968158
Looking Through The Eyes Of LovePitney, Gene1965104,285
Loop De LoopThunder, Johnny1962/63107,265,436
Loser, TheSkyliners, The196564
Loser (With A Broken Heart), TheLewis, Gary, and The Playboys196794,274
Losing YouLee, Brenda196388,229,366
Losing YouSpringfield, Dusty196588
Lost SomeoneBrown, James, and The Famous Flames1961/62158
Lotta Lovin'Vincent, Gene, and His Blue Caps19576,152,178,290
* Louie, LouieBerry, Richard, and The Pharaohs1957132,272
Louie LouieKingsmen, The1963/64, 196636,200,329,371
* Louisiana MamaPitney, Gene1961403
Louisiana ManGentry, Bobbie1968425
Love And MarriageShore, Dinah1955/56246
Love And MarriageSinatra, Frank1955/5633,422
Love Bug CrawlEdwards, Jimmy1958175
Love Came To MeDion1962/6344,341,402
Love (Can Make You Happy)Mercy196932,172,307
Love ChildRoss, Diana, and The Supremes1968/6983,302
* Love HurtsEverly Brothers, The1960213
Love I Saw In You Was Just A Mirage, TheRobinson, Smokey, & The Miracles196723,104
Love In Every RoomMauriat, Paul, and His Orchestra1968230,451
Love In The CityTurtles, The1969138
Love In Them There HillsVibrations, The1968169
Love Is A 5-Letter WordPhelps, James196595
Love Is A Golden RingLaine, Frankie, with The Easy Riders1957263
Love Is A Hurtin' ThingRawls, Lou196654,286
Love Is A Many-Splendored ThingFour Aces featuring Al Alberts1955/56140,267,355,393
Love Is All AroundTroggs, The19685,89,219,314
Love Is All I Have To GiveCheckmates, Ltd., The1969380
* Love Is All RightNobles, Cliff, & Co.1968151
Love Is All We NeedEdwards, Tommy1958/59177,427
Love Is BlueMartino, Al1968248
Love Is Blue (L'Amour Est Bleu)Longet, Claudine196878,363
Love Is Here And Now You're GoneSupremes, The196741,154,380
Love Is Just A Four-Letter WordBaez, Joan1969255,400
(Love Is Like A) Baseball GameIntruders, The1968222,372
Love Is Like An Itching In My HeartSupremes, The19665,111,313
Love Is StrangeMickey and Sylvia195711,99,238,300,454
Love LettersLester, Ketty19628,92,305,337,433
Love Letters In The SandBoone, Pat195722,186,277,448
* Love Like Yours, ATurner, Ike & Tina1966255
Love, Love, LoveClovers, The195649,132,385
Love MachineO'Kaysions, The1968283
Love Makes A WomanAcklin, Barbara196867,311
Love (Makes Me Do Foolish Things)Martha & The Vandellas1965/6678,385
Love (Makes The World Go 'Round)Anka, Paul1963385
Love Makes The World Go RoundJackson, Deon196662,157,250
Love MePresley, Elvis1956/5793,296
Love Me All The WayWeston, Kim196396
Love Me As I Love YouMaharis, George1962351
Love Me DoBeatles, The1964136
Love Me ForeverGorme, Eydie1957322
Love Me Or Leave MeHorne, Lena1955454
Love Me TenderPresley, Elvis1956/57121,301,328
Love Me To PiecesCorey, Jill1957232,422
Love Me TonightJones, Tom1969108,197
Love Me Two TimesDoors, The1967/68125,385
Love Me Warm And TenderAnka, Paul1962278,384
Love Me With All Your Heart (Cuando Calienta El Sol)Charles, Ray, Singers1964130,303,357
Love Of A Boy, TheYuro, Timi1962/63173,429
Love Of My LifeEverly Brothers, The1958192,434
Love Of My Man, TheKilgore, Theola196387
Love Of My Own, AThomas, Carla1961132
Love Of The Common PeopleWinstons, The196987,385
* Love Of The LovedBlack, Cilla1963115
* Love Only YouMeadowlarks, The1954214
Love Potion No. 9Clovers, The1959102,215,426
Love Potion Number NineSearchers, The1964/652,271
Love PowerSandpebbles, The1967/68239
Love She Can Count On, AMiracles, The1963101
Love So Fine, AChiffons, The1963165
Love That's Real, AIntruders, The1967132
Love Theme From Romeo & JulietMancini, Henry, His Orchestra and Cho.1969222,431
Love Walked InFlamingos, The195983
* Love Will Make You Fail In SchoolMickey and Sylvia1957145
* Love Will Make Your Mind Go WildPenguins, The1954452
Love With The Proper StrangerJones, Jack1964215
Love You Save (May Be Your Own), TheTex, Joe1966284
Love You SoHolden, Ron, with The Thunderbirds196021,151,303
Love You So MuchNew Colony Six, The1967293,385
* Love's Gone BadClark, Chris196665
* Love's Gone BadUnderdogs, The1967373
Love's Made A Fool Of YouFuller, Bobby, Four196672,264
* Lovely RitaBeatles, The1967365
Lover Come Back To MeCleftones, The1962226
Lover PleaseMcPhatter, Clyde196219,142,414
Lover's Concerto, AToys, The19654,170,352,453
Lover's HolidayScott, Peggy, & Jo Jo Benson1968179
Lover's IslandBlue Jays, The196168,329
Lover's Prayer, ADion and The Belmonts1959123,389
Lover's Question, AMcPhatter, Clyde1958/5950,137,194,385
Lovers By Night, Strangers By DayFleetwoods, The1962143,304
Lovers Never Say GoodbyeFlamingos, The195912,97,274
Lovers Who WanderDion1962129,353
Lovesick BluesIfield, Frank1962/63158
Lovey DoveyOtis & Carla1968204
* Lovin' MachineHarris, Wynonie1951110
Lovin' PlaceGarnett, Gale1964/65273
Lovin' ThingsGrass Roots, The196972,366,437
Loving YouPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires195758,250
Loving You Is Sweeter Than EverFour Tops, The1966163
LucilleEverly Brothers, The1960221,362
LucilleLittle Richard and His Band195794,322,403
Lucky DevilDobkins, Carl, Jr.1959/60147,327,402
Lucky LadybugBilly & Lillie1958/59121,328,427
Lucky LipsBrown, Ruth195771,284
Lucky LipsRichard, Cliff1963231
* Lucy In The Sky With DiamondsShatner, William1968196
Lullaby Of BirdlandBlue Stars, The1955/56444
Lullaby Of LovePoppies, The1966453
M.T.A.Kingston Trio, The195956,208,330,378,407
M'LadySly & The Family Stone1968219
MacArthur ParkHarris, Richard1968121,202,375
MacArthur ParkJennings, Waylon, and The Kimberlys1969325
* MachinesLothar & The Hand People1968244
Mack The KnifeDarin, Bobby1959/6053,187,310,357,453
Madison Time - Part I, TheBryant, Ray, Combo1960203,339
Magic BusWho, The1968108,220,376
Magic Carpet RideSteppenwolf1968/6952,154,376
Magic FingersFisher, Eddie1955376
Magic Is The NightYoung, Kathy, with The Innocents1961376
Magic MelodyPaul, Les, and Mary Ford1955, 1956339,376
Magic MomentsComo, Perry195887,376,441
Magic Moon (Clair De Lune)Rays, The1961376
Magic Of Our Summer Love, TheTymes, The1964376
* Magic Star (Tel-Star)Singleton, Margie1963365
Magic TownVogues, The196625,192,285,376
Magic WandDon & Juan1962376
Magnificent Seven, TheCaiola, Al, and His Orchestra1960/61222
* Main StreetLewis, Gary, and The Playboys1968173
Main Title From 'The Man With The Golden Arm'May, Billy, and His Orchestra1956451
Majestic, TheDion1961/6222,94
Make BelieveWind1969139,355
* Make Him MineMaughan, Susan1964166
Make It Easy On YourselfButler, Jerry1962125,308,426
Make It Easy On YourselfWalker Bros., The196514,217,395
Make Like A Bunny, HoneyCorey, Jill, with Jimmy Carroll1957291
Make Me A MiracleRodgers, Jimmie1958228
* Make Me Know ItPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1960389
Make Me Your BabyLewis, Barbara196526,174,273,382,455
Make Me YoursSwann, Bettye196776,158,263,426
Make The World Go AwayArnold, Eddy1965/6649
Make The World Go AwayYuro, Timi1963189,321
Make Your Own Kind of MusicElliot, Mama Cass1969329
Make Yourself ComfortableGriffith, Andy1955351
Make Yourself ComfortableVaughan, Sarah1954/55447
Makin' LoveRobinson, Floyd195968,212
Makin' WhoopeeCharles, Ray1964/65212,399
Making Every Minute CountSpanky and Our Gang1967133,312
MalaguenaFrancis, Connie1960363
* Malibu U.Harpers Bizarre1967332
MamaFrancis, Connie1960237,388
MamaThomas, B. J.1966199,388
* Mama (Can I Go Out Tonight)Campbell, Jo Ann195899
Mama Didn't LieBradley, Jan196313,153,301,388
Mama From The TrainPage, Patti1956/5766,283,388
Mama (He Treats Your Daughter Mean)Brown, Ruth, with The Milestone Singers196265,388
Mama Look At BubuBelafonte, Harry195735,258,418
Mama SaidShirelles, The19614,153,388
Mama, Teach Me To DanceGorme, Eydie1956372,447
* Mama Told Me Not To ComeBurdon, Eric, & The Animals1966439
* Mama (When My Dollies Have Babies)Cher1966388
Mambo RockHaley, Bill, and His Comets1955136,238
MameAlpert, Herb, & The Tijuana Brass1966/67246
Man Chases A Girl (Until She Catches Him), AFisher, Eddie1955341
Man In The Raincoat, TheWright, Priscilla, with Don Wright & The Septette1955150,338
Man, TheGreene, Lorne1965351
(Man Who Shot) Liberty Valance, ThePitney, Gene196260,152,251,308
* Man With MoneyEverly Brothers, The196598
Man Without Love (Quando M'innamoro), AHumperdinck, Engelbert1968161
Manhattan SpiritualOwen, Reg, and His Orchestra1958/59275
Many Tears AgoFrancis, Connie1960/6187,321,409
Marble Breaks And Iron BendsDrafi1966220
MargieDomino, Fats1959350
MariaMathis, Johnny1960, 1961173,378
MariaWilliams, Roger1961/62431
MarianneGilkyson, Terry, and The Easy Riders195737,265,379,445
MarieBachelors, The196575,240
(Marie's The Name) His Latest FlamePresley, Elvis196130,94,240,329,417
Marlena4 Seasons, The1963103,252
Marrakesh ExpressCrosby, Stills & Nash196960,168,333
Married ManBurton, Richard1965180
Martian HopRan-Dells, The196346,158
Marvelous Toy, TheMitchell, Chad, Trio1963/64330
Mary Ann RegretsIves, Burl1962287
Mary Ann ThomasFreeman, Bobby1959287
* Mary AnneIan & Sylvia1962287
* Mary-Anne With The Shaky HandsWho, The1967341
Mary Don't You WeepJackson, Stonewall1959/60287,420
Mary In The MorningMartino, Al1967112,179,287
Mary LouHawkins, Ronnie, and The Hawks195954,287,402
* Mary, MaryMonkees, The1967274
* Mary Was PrettySmothers Brothers, The1963287
Mary's Boy ChildBelafonte, Harry1956/57129,287
Mary's Little LambDarren, James1962438
Mashed Potato TimeSharp, Dee Dee19621,247,415
* Masked Marauder, TheCountry Joe and The Fish1967206
* Masquerade Is Over, TheHarptones, The195655
Master JackFour Jacks and A Jill196832,234,443
Matador, TheLance, Major1964262
MatchboxBeatles, The196493,322
MatildaCookie & His Cupcakes1959398
* Matthew And SonStevens, Cat1967271
May IDeal, Bill, & The Rhondels196952,149
May My Heart Be Cast Into StoneToys, The1966236,323,381
May The Bird Of Paradise Fly Up Your NoseDickens, "Little" Jimmy196540,249
May You AlwaysMcGuire Sisters, The1959144,397
MaybeChantels, The195822,143,404
Maybe BabyCrickets, The195823,110,184
Maybe I KnowGore, Lesley19645,104,285,456
Maybe The Rain Will FallCascades, The1969297
Maybe TomorrowIveys, The1969108,283
Maybe TonightShirelles, The1964138
MaybelleneBerry, Chuck, and His Combo195540,92,163,281,328
Me About YouLovin' Spoonful, The1969225,439
Me Japanese Boy I Love YouGoldsboro, Bobby1964386
Mean Woman BluesOrbison, Roy196373,326,432
MeccaPitney, Gene19636,115
* Mechanical Man, TheBolt, Bent, & The Nuts1966225
Medicine Man (Part I)Buchanan Brothers, The1969218
Meditation (Meditacao)Longet, Claudine1966400
Meet Me At The Twistin' PlaceMorisette, Johnnie1962254
Meeting Over YonderImpressions, The1965136
Mellow YellowDonovan1966/6714,225,369
Melodie D'Amour (Melody Of Love)Ames Brothers, The1957/58222,338,414
Melody For An Unknown GirlUnknowns, The1966301,396
Melody Of LoveFour Aces featuring Al Alberts1955313
Melody Of LoveSinatra, Frank, and Ray Anthony and His Orchestra1955161
MemoriesPresley, Elvis196938,146,437
Memories Are Made Of ThisMartin, Dean1955/5678,146,195,379
* Memories Of El MontePenguins, The, Featuring Cleve Duncan196344
Memories Of YouGoodman, Benny, Trio, The, with Rosemary Clooney1956133
MemphisRivers, Johnny196477,223,320,362
Memphis Soul StewKing Curtis1967408
Men In My Little Girl's Life, TheDouglas, Mike1965/66130,413
MendocinoSir Douglas Quintet, The196965,332
MercyOhio Express1969172,305
Mercy, MercyCovay, Don, & The Goodtimers196482,341
Mercy, Mercy, MercyAdderley, "Cannonball"1967244,371
Mercy, Mercy, MercyBuckinghams, The1967149,398
Mercy, Mercy, MercyShaw, Marlena1967447
Mess Of Blues, APresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1960237
Message To MichaelWarwick, Dionne196669,237,292,417
Mexican Drummer ManAlpert's, Herb, Tijuana Brass1964337
Mexican Hat RockApplejacks, The1958/59393
MiamiChurch, Eugene195981
MichaelHighwaymen, The1961114,207,260
MichelleVaughn, Billy, His Orchestra and Chorus1966261
Mickey's MonkeyMiracles, The196364,229,309,417
Midnight ConfessionsGrass Roots, The19689,114,176,345
Midnight FlyerCole, Nat "King"1959211
Midnight In MoscowBall, Kenny, and His Jazzmen1962301,363
Midnight MaryPowers, Joey1963/6425,134,287,368
Midnight SpecialRivers, Johnny196542,403
Midnight StrollRevels, The1959131
Midnite SpecialEvans, Paul1960216,328
Mighty GoodNelson, Ricky1959/60220
Mighty Quinn (Quinn The Eskimo)Manfred Mann196852,102,301,427
Milk Cow BluesNelson, Ricky1960/61160
Miller's CaveBare, Bobby1964432
Million To One, ACharles, Jimmy, & The Revelletts196023,95
MilordDarin, Bobby1964265
MilordPiaf, Edith196186
Mind, Body And SoulFlaming Ember, The19699,226
Mind ExcursionTrade Winds, The1966126
Mine ExclusivelyOlympics, The1966115,349
Mini-Skirt MinniePickett, Wilson1969274
* Minnesota FatsJohnny and The Hurricanes1962187
Mio AmoreFlamingos, The196087,225
Miracle Of LoveGibson, Ginny1956309
Miracle Of LoveRodgers, Eileen1956374
MirageJames, Tommy, and The Shondells196736,97,318
* MirandaWest, Adam1966367
Miss AnnLittle Richard1957140,387
* Missin' My BabyKing, Clydie1965392
Missing YouPeterson, Ray1961212,394
Mission BellBrooks, Donnie196019,133,266,433
Mission-ImpossibleSchifrin, Lalo1968187
Mr. Bass ManCymbal, Johnny196320,118,276,349,407
Mr. BlueFleetwoods, The1959/6029,128,248,346,416
* Mister BluePaxton, Tom1967141
Mr. BojanglesWalker, Jerry Jeff1968125,215,358,407
Mr. Bus DriverChannel, Bruce1967219
Mr. BusinessmanStevens, Ray196827,306
Mr. CusterVerne, Larry196049,249,450
Mr. Dieingly SadCritters, The196612,116,191,314
* Mister GarfieldCash, Johnny1965339
Mr. LeeBobbettes, The1957/5819,180,271,346
Mr. LonelyVinton, Bobby1964/6528,147,437
* Mister MoonlightDr. Feelgood and The Interns1962258
Mister NicoFour Jacks and A Jill1968148,232,380
Mr. PitifulRedding, Otis196583,300
Mr. PleasantKinks, The1967144
Mr. SandmanChordettes, The1954/5533,280,336
Mr. SongwriterStevens, Connie1962125,360
Mr. SpacemanByrds, The196693,444
Mr. Sun, Mr. MoonRevere, Paul, and The Raiders Featuring Mark Lindsay196959
Mr. Tambourine ManByrds, The1965104,231,400
* Mr. Tambourine ManDylan, Bob1965282
* Mr. TurnkeyZager & Evans1969289
Mr. Walker, It's All OverSpears, Billie Jo1969259,381
Mrs. Brown You've Got A Lovely DaughterHerman's Hermits196511,134,281,333
Mrs. RobinsonSimon & Garfunkel196874,189,270,344,391
MistyMathis, Johnny1959/6054,272,312
Misty BlueArnold, Eddy1967358
Mixed-Up, Shook-Up, GirlPatty & The Emblems196426,204,353
* Mo' MadisonBrown('s), Al, Tunetoppers Featuring Cookie Brown196075
MockingbirdFoxx, Inez, with Charlie Foxx196340,239,417
Model GirlMastro, Johnny, The Voice Of The Crests196180,396
Mohair SamRich, Charlie196587,198,424
MollyGoldsboro, Bobby1962/63223
* MollyRose, Biff1968329
MomentsHawkins, Jennell1962185
Moments To RememberFour Lads, The1955/5635,114,303
* MonaDiddley, Bo1957312
Mona LisaMann, Carl195965,202,320
Mona LisaTwitty, Conway1959393
Monday, MondayMamas & The Papas, The196645,154,215,371
* Mondo Cane #2Winding, Kai1964451
MoneyLovin' Spoonful, The1968309,404
* Money HoneyMcPhatter, Clyde, & The Drifters1953/5457
Money HoneyPresley, Elvis1956374
Money (That's What I Want)Strong, Barrett196019,212,281,426
Money (That's What I Want) Part 1Walker, Jr., & The All Stars1966331
Money Tree, ThePatience & Prudence1956/57331
Money Tree, TheWhiting, Margaret1956/57386,432
Money Won't Change You Part 1Brown, James, and The Famous Flames1966331
* Monkey ManBaby Huey and The Baby Sitters1965440
* Monkey, TheBartholomew, Dave1957216
Monkey Time, TheLance, Major196358,120,416
* Monkey's Uncle, TheAnnette196564
Monster MashPickett, Bobby "Boris", and The Crypt-Kickers1962, 1970, 197317,249,356
Monsters' HolidayPickett, Bobby "Boris", and The Crypt-Kickers1962/63129,299
Montage From How Sweet It Is (I Knew That You Knew)Love Generation, The1968241
MontereyBurdon, Eric, & The Animals1967/68126,332
Mony MonyJames, Tommy, and The Shondells196864,245,371
Moody RiverBoone, Pat196137,88,153,244,380
Moon-Light SwimPerkins, Tony1957170
Moon RiverButler, Jerry1961/6241,99,202,294,348
Moon RiverMancini, Henry, and His Orchestra1961/62444
* Moon RiverWilliams, Andy1962393
Moon TalkComo, Perry1958308
MoonflightVenus, Vik, (Alias: Your Main Moon Man)196969,261,444
Moonglow And Theme From 'Picnic'Stoloff, Morris, Conducting the Columbia Pictures Orchestra1956444
Moonlight GamblerLaine, Frankie1956/57173,312
Moonlight SerenadeRivieras, The1959444
Moonlight SwimNoble, Nick1957444
MoreComo, Perry1956223
MoreWinding, Kai, & Orchestra1963244
* More And More Of Your AmorCole, Nat "King"1964426
More I See You, TheMontez, Chris196638,310
More LoveRobinson, Smokey, & The Miracles196717,148,245
More Money For You And MeFour Preps, The196173,201,331
More Than I Can SayVee, Bobby1961212
More Today Than YesterdaySpiral Starecase1969125,237
Moritat (A Theme From 'The Three Penny Opera')Welk, Lawrence, and His Sparkling Sextet1956331
Mornin' GloryGentry, Bobbie, & Glen Campbell1968334
Morning DewLulu1968289
Morning GirlNeon Philharmonic, The1969298,396
* Morning Girl (Later)Neon Philharmonic, The1969130
Morning Side Of The Mountain, TheEdwards, Tommy19593,237,311
Morningtown RideSeekers, The1967112,366
* Most Anything You WantIron Butterfly1968246
* Most Of AllMoonglows, The195562
Mother-in-LawK-Doe, Ernie196122,116,216,349
Mother, Please!Campbell, Jo Ann1963388
Mothers Little HelperRolling Stones, The196665,190,388
MotorcycleTico and The Triumphs1962246
MoultyBarbarians, The1966270
Mountain Of LoveDorman, Harold1960272,328
Mountain Of LoveRivers, Johnny1964/653
Mountain's High, TheDick and Deedee196113,152,314
Mouse, TheSales, Soupy1965159,274,440
Move OverSteppenwolf1969273
Muddy Mississippi LineGoldsboro, Bobby1969425
Mule Skinner BluesFendermen, The196041,296,440
Mumblin' MosieOtis, Johnny, Show1960123
Mummy, TheMcFadden, Bob, and Dor1959190,299
MuseumHerman's Hermits196789,382
* Music! Music! Music!Brewer, Teresa1950427
Music Music MusicHappenings, The1968453
Music, Music, MusicSensations, The196148,184,293
Music To Watch Girls ByWilliams, Andy1967172,352
Muskrat RambleCannon, Freddy196184,440
Must To Avoid, AHerman's Hermits1965/6624,271
Mustang SallyPickett, Wilson1966/67134,286,356
Mutual Admiration SocietyBrewer, Teresa1956/57197
My BabeDove, Ronnie1967215
* My BabeLittle Walter and His Jukes1955198
My BabyTemptations, The196538,96,337
(My Baby Don't Love Me) No MoreDeJohn Sisters, The1954/55174
My Baby Left MePresley, Elvis1956119,309,403
My Baby Loves MeMartha & The Vandellas196679
My Baby Must Be A MagicianMarvelettes, The1967/6824,286,376
My Back PagesByrds, The196773,127,409
* My Best FriendJefferson Airplane1967326
My BlockFour Pennies, The1963254,331
My Blue HeavenDomino, Fats195616,222,414
My Blue HeavenEddy, Duane1961327
My Bonnie LassieAmes Brothers, The1955133,208,366
My Bonnie (My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean)Beatles, The, with Tony Sheridan1964163
My Boomerang Won't Come BackDrake, Charlie1962305
* My Boy ElvisMartin, Janis1956186
My Boy -- Flat TopBennett, Boyd, and His Rockets195571
My Boy - Flat TopCollins, Dorothy1955/56187,365
My Boy LollipopSmall, Millie196429,183,296,402,449
My Boyfriend Got A Beatle HaircutLynn, Donna1964137
My Boyfriend's BackAngels, The196328,161,261,340,439
My Bucket's Got A Hole In ItNelson, Ricky195839,106,277
My Cherie AmourWonder, Stevie196952,223,320,397
My Claire De LuneLawrence, Steve1961261
My Coloring BookStewart, Sandy1962/63116,205,316
My Cup Runneth OverAmes, Ed196714,166,260,430
My DadPetersen, Paul1962/6334,164,321,413
My Daddy Is PresidentLittle Jo Ann1962262,339,413
My Daddy Knows BestMarvelettes, The1963413
My Dearest DarlingJames, Etta1960329
My Elusive DreamsHouston, David, and Tammy Wynette1967126,380
My Empty ArmsWilson, Jackie1961125,240
My Empty RoomLittle Anthony and The Imperials1960151
My Foolish HeartDemensions, The1963399
My GenerationWho, The196639,115,390
My GirlTemptations, The19656,111,172,336,381,449
* My Girl FriendCadillacs, The195754
My Girl Has GoneMiracles, The196596
My Girl JosephineDomino, Fats1960/61140,418
My Girl SloopyVibrations, The1964132,279
My GuyWells, Mary19645,209,287,357,427
My HappinessFrancis, Connie1958/5967,346,399
My Heart Belongs To Only YouVinton, Bobby1964140,313
My Heart Cries For YouCharles, Ray1964117
My Heart Has A Mind Of Its OwnFrancis, Connie1960111,313
My Heart Is An Open BookDobkins, Carl, Jr.195910,127,382
My Heart Skips A BeatOwens, Buck1964229
* My Heart's DesireWheels, The195661
My Heart's SymphonyLewis, Gary, and The Playboys196639,186,398
My HeroBlue Notes, The196096
My Home TownAnka, Paul196054,162,358
* My JuanitaCrest's, The195745
My Kind Of GirlMonro, Matt1961153,383
My Last Date (With You)Davis, Skeeter1960/61101,352
My Last Date (With You)James, Joni1960/61209
My Little MarineHorton, Jamie1960343
My Little Red BookLove1966114,176,285,390,441
My LoveClark, Petula1965/6639,159,352
* My Love For You Will Never DieChannels, The195787
My Love, Forgive Me (Amore, Scusami)Goulet, Robert1964/65241
My Lover's PrayerRedding, Otis196689
My MammyHappenings, The196747,286,388
My ManLee, Peggy1959163
My Melancholy BabyEdwards, Tommy1959183,399
My Melancholy BabyMarcels, The1962119
* My Memories Of YouHarptones, The1954, 1956101
* My Old FlamePlatters, The1959379
My One And Only, Jimmy BoyGirlfriends, The1963/6473,276,364
My Own True LoveClanton, Jimmy1959346
My Own True LoveDuprees, The1962175
My Pledge Of LoveJeffrey, Joe, Group196933,198,372
My PrayerPlatters, The19565,105,198,354
My Real NameDomino, Fats1962236
My Ship Is Comin' InWalker Bros., The1966392
My Shoes Keep Walking Back To YouPrice, Ray1957117
* My Smile Is Just A Frown (Turned Upside Down)Crawford, Carolyn1964190
My SongFranklin, Aretha1968/69169
My Special AngelHelms, Bobby1957/5814,212,312
My Special PrayerSledge, Percy1969177
My Summer LoveRuby and The Romantics1963131,262
My TaniBrothers Four, The1960358
My Town, My Guy And MeGore, Lesley1965142
My True LoveScott, Jack195833,210,326
My True StoryJive Five, The196121,89,244
My WaySinatra, Frank1969163
My Whole World Ended (The Moment You Left Me)Ruffin, David196933,261,315,352
My Whole World Is Falling DownLee, Brenda1963168
My Wife Can't CookRuss, Lonnie1962/63236
My Wish Came TruePresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1959414
My World Fell DownSagittarius1967348
My World Is Empty Without YouSupremes, The196675,274
Mystic EyesThem1965120,210
N-E-R-V-O-U-S!Whitcomb, Ian1965402
Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him GoodbyeSteam1969/7059,134,312,368
Nadine (Is It You?)Berry, Chuck196425,141,335,446
NagHalos, The196172,364
Name Game, TheEllis, Shirley1964/6517,149,203,287,339,448
Nashville CatsLovin' Spoonful, The1966/6741,92,168,373,440
(Native Girl) Elephant WalkJenkins, Donald, & Delighters1963411
Natural Born LoverDomino, Fats1960179
Natural Woman (You Make Me Feel Like), AFranklin, Aretha196771,248,342,379
Naturally StonedAvant-Garde, The1968252,323,351
Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane, TheAmes Brothers, The1954/55294,345
Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane, TheBleyer, Archie, Orchestra and Chorus1954/55214
Navy BlueRenay, Diane19643,106,255,410
Need To BelongButler, Jerry1963/64152
Need YouOwens, Donnie195885
Needle In A HaystackVelvelettes, The196426,163,320
Needles And PinsDeShannon, Jackie1963185,446
Needles And PinsSearchers, The196442,108,338
Neon RainbowBox Tops, The1967/68131,338,449
* NeverEarls, The196335
Never Be Anyone Else But YouNelson, Ricky195947,172,313,384,456
Never Going BackLovin' Spoonful, The1968126,284
Never In A Million YearsScott, Linda196277
* Never Let You GoFive Discs, The1962111
Never My LoveAssociation, The196711,117,245,364
Never, NeverJive Five, The196175,392
Never, Never Leave MeWells, Mary1965213
Never On SundayChordettes, The196156,294
Never On SundayCosta, Don, and His Orchestra and Chorus1960, 1961393
* Never To Be ForgottenFuller, Bobby, Four1965305
Never Turn BackHibbler, Al1956447
New Girl In School, TheJan & Dean196474,184
(New In) The Ways Of LoveEdwards, Tommy1959/60364
New Mexican Rose4 Seasons, The1963105
New OrleansBonds, U.S.1960/6126,109,188,281
* New Recruit, TheBlessing, Michael196583,201
New York Mining Disaster 1941 (Have You Seen My Wife, Mr. Jones)Bee Gees, The196732,316,370
New York's A Lonely TownTrade Winds, The19659,120,173,355
New York's My HomeDavis, Sammy, Jr.1956270,375
Next Door To An AngelSedaka, Neil196259,207,317
Next Plane To LondonRose Garden, The1967/6839,157,307,384
Next Time You See MeParker, Little Junior1957235
Nick Teen And Al K. HallHarris, Rolf1963147,319
NightWilson, Jackie196037,236,352,453
Night And DayMendes, Sergio, & Brasil '661967269,399
Night Fo' LastLong, Shorty1968132
Night Has A Thousand Eyes, TheVee, Bobby1962/6312,138,272,398
Night LightsCole, Nat "King"1956/57116
* Night Of FearMove, The1967147
Night TimeStrangeloves, The196670,122,232,365
(Night Time Is) The Right TimeCharles, Ray195971
Night Time Is The Right TimeRufus & Carla1964403
Night TrainBrown, James, and The Famous Flames196281,175,240,361
Night TrainViscounts, The1960181
* Nights In White SatinMoody Blues, The1968454
Niki HoekyProby, P. J.1967130
Nineteen DaysClark, Dave, Five1966147
1941Northcott, Tom1968282,401
19th Nervous BreakdownRolling Stones, The196651,120,303
Ninety-Nine And A Half (Won't Do)Pickett, Wilson1966229,403
Ninety Nine Years (Dead Or Alive)Mitchell, Guy1956154,335
* 99th FloorMoving Sidewalks1967307
96 Tears? (Question Mark) & The Mysterians196625,94,195,284,334
Nite OwlDukays, The1962179,282
Nitty Gritty, TheEllis, Shirley1963/6467,356
No Arms Can Ever Hold YouGaylords, The1955/56325
No Chemise, PleaseGranahan, Gerry195849,230,291,424
No Fair At AllAssociation, The1967217,414
No Faith, No LoveCollier, Mitty1965152
* No Good LoverMickey & Sylvia1956424
No Good To CryWildweeds, The1967114,198,307,420
No Love (But Your Love)Mathis, Johnny1957/5878
No Man Is An IslandVan Dykes, The1966143
No Matter What Shape (Your Stomach's In)T-Bones, The1965/66187
No Matter What Sign You AreRoss, Diana, and The Supremes1969180
No Milk TodayHerman's Hermits196763,114,164,266,405
No MoreMcGuire Sisters, The1955412
No, No, NoChanters, The196173,214,371
No, Not Much!Four Lads, The195675,394
No One KnowsDion and The Belmonts195841,225,423
No Particular Place To GoBerry, Chuck196411,148,437
No Pity (In The Naked City)Wilson, Jackie1965116,168
* No RegretsRush, Tom1968443
* No ReplyBeatles, The1964/65272,379
* No Salt On Her TailMamas & The Papas, The1966205
No TimeGuess Who, The1969/7085,241,358
No Time Like The Right TimeBlues Project, The196789,266
Nobody But MeHuman Beinz, The1967/6886,182,257
* Nobody But MeIsley Brothers, The1963433
Nobody But YouClark, Dee1958/5976,174,447
Nobody Cares (About Me)Washington, Jeanette (Baby)1961132,322,445
Nobody I KnowPeter and Gordon19643,115,234,404
Nobody Knows What's Goin' On (In My Mind But Me)Chiffons, The196572,210,439
Nobody Knows You When You're Down and OutSimone, Nina1960289,394
NolaMorgan Brothers, The1959352
Non Dimenticar (Don't Forget)Cole, Nat "King"1958192
NormanThompson, Sue1961/6234,90,306
North To AlaskaHorton, Johnny1960/617,99,350,445
* Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)Beatles, The1965386
* Not A Second TimeBeatles, The1963/64350
* Not Fade AwayCrickets, The195740
Not Fade AwayRolling Stones, The1964208,264,323,417
Not For All The Money In The WorldShirelles, The1963331
Not MeOrlons, The196367,126,297,332,423
Not One Minute MoreReese, Della1959/60304,372
Not So Sweet Martha LorraineCountry Joe and The Fish1967390
Not The Lovin' KindDino, Desi & Billy1965420
Not Too Long AgoUniques, The, featuring Joe Stampley1965315
Not Too Young To Get MarriedBob B. Soxx and The Blue Jeans196382,447
Nothin' Shakin'Fontaine, Eddie1958158,362,432
Nothing But A HeartacheFlirtations, The196936,161,455
Nothing But GoodBallard, Hank, and The Midnighters1961341
Nothing But HeartachesSupremes, The196563,117,353
* Nothing But TearsHour Glass1967340
Nothing Can Change This LoveCooke, Sam1962166
Nothing Can Stop MeChandler, Gene196576,184
Nothing In The WorldCole, Nat "King"1958376
Nothing Takes The Place Of YouMcCall, Toussaint196799
Now!Horne, Lena1963417
Now And For AlwaysHamilton, George, IV1958368
(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As IPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1959103,282
Now You Has JazzCrosby, Bing, and Louis Armstrong1956216
Nowhere ManBeatles, The1966121,274
Nowhere To RunMartha & The Vandellas196536,90,426
Nuevo LaredoPaul, Les, and Mary Ford1956211
Number One ManChannel, Bruce1962177,402
Number One Street (Sides 1 & 2)Corley, Bob1955201
Nuttin For XmasWard, Joe1955/56180
Nuttin' For ChristmasMooney, Art, and His Orchestra with Barry Gordon1955/5653,455
O Dio MioAnnette1960166,253,363
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-DaConley, Arthur1969316
* Octopus's GardenBeatles, The1969343
Ode to Billie JoeGentry, Bobbie1967, 197616,102,365,401
Ode To The Little Brown Shack Out BackWheeler, Billy Edd1965106,437
Off To Dublin In The GreenAbbey Tavern Singers, The1966224,359
Oh Baby DollBerry, Chuck1957122
Oh! Baby (We Got A Good Thing Goin')Lynn, Barbara196482
Oh, Boy!Crickets, The1957/587,129,345,446
Oh! CarolSedaka, Neil1959/605,109,278,342
* Oh Gee, Oh GoshKodaks, The195746
Oh Happy DayHawkins', Edwin, Singers Featuring Dorothy Combs Morrison1969173,377
Oh How HappyShades Of Blue19666,141,442
Oh JulieCrescendos, The195821,227
* Oh Little Boy (What Did You Do To Me)Wells, Mary1964206
Oh, Little OneScott, Jack1960172
Oh Lonesome MeGibson, Don1958101,256,414
Oh Me Oh My (I'm A Fool For You Baby)Lulu1969/70146,220,448
Oh Mein PapaLee, Dick1961413
Oh My AngelTillman, Bertha196223,163,446
* Oh, NeilKing, Carole1959199
Oh No Not My BabyBrown, Maxine1964/6597,223,336
Oh-Oh, I'm Falling In Love AgainRodgers, Jimmie19586,154,349
Oh, Pretty WomanOrbison, Roy, and The Candy Men196410,192,245,382,453
* Oh Rose MarieFascinators, The1959456
Oh That's Good, No That's BadSam The Sham and The Pharaohs1967136
Oh, What A FoolImpalas, The1959253
Oh, What A NightDells, The196925,227
Oh, WhyTeddy Bears, The1959295
* (Oh Why) I Won't CryAdams, Johnny1952132
Oh YeahShadows of Knight, The1966226,312
Okie From MuskogeeHaggard, Merle, and The Strangers1969/70107,354,450
Okolona River Bottom BandGentry, Bobbie1967274,387
* Old Brown ShoeBeatles, The1969165
Old Cape CodPage, Patti195749,197,343,414
* Old Crowd, TheGore, Lesley196396
* Old Friends/BookendsSimon & Garfunkel1968359
Old Lamplighter, TheBrowns, The, featuring Jim Edward Brown1960170,295
* Old ManLove1968385
Old Payola Roll Blues (Side 1), TheFreberg, Stan196080,208
Old Philosopher, TheLawrence, Eddie195666,151,325
Old RiversBrennan, Walter1962114,351,439
Old ShepPresley, Elvis1956/57208
Old Smokey LocomotionLittle Eva1963417
Old Spanish TownBell Notes, The1959193
OmahaMoby Grape196768,150,280
On A CarouselHollies, The196763,182,257
On An Evening In RomaMartin, Dean1959209
On Bended KneesHenry, Clarence1961452
* On BroadwayCookies, The1963433
On BroadwayDrifters, The196368,122,194,285,364
On My Word Of HonorPlatters, The1956/5765
* On Sunday AfternoonHarptones, The195675
On The Good Ship LollipopWonder Who?, The1966449
On The ReboundCramer, Floyd1961232
On The Road AgainCanned Heat196880,139,390,437
* On The Road AgainLovin' Spoonful, The1965283
On The Street Where You LiveDamone, Vic1956408
On The Street Where You LiveFisher, Eddie1956199,437
On The Way HomeBuffalo Springfield, The1968182,257
On This Side Of GoodbyeRighteous Brothers, The1966159
On Top Of SpaghettiGlazer, Tom, and The Do-Re-Mi Children's Chorus1963118,233,299,330,417
* Once I WasBuckley, Tim1967255
Once In AwhileChimes, The1960/6110,193,329,391
Once Upon A TimeGaye, Marvin, & Mary Wells196455,320,381
Once Upon A TimeRochell and The Candles with Johnny Wyatt196130,353,447
* Once Was A Time I ThoughtMamas & The Papas, The1966447
OneThree Dog Night196962,219,289,452
One BoySommers, Joanie196067,436
One Broken Heart For SalePresley, Elvis, with The Mellow Men196390
One Dyin' And A Buryin'Miller, Roger1965135,289
One Eye OpenMaskman & The Agents, The1969288
One Fine DayChiffons, The196314,95,342,397
One For My Baby (And One More For The Road)Bennett, Tony1957140
One GirlMimms, Garnet196490
* One Hand, One HeartKert, Larry, with Carol Lawrence1957215
One Has My Name (The Other Has My Heart)Young, Barry1965/6690,259
One Kiss For Old Times' SakeDove, Ronnie196569,263
One Kiss Led To AnotherCoasters, The195683,438
One Mint JulepCharles, Ray1961207
* One Mint JulepClovers, The195271
One Monkey Don't Stop No ShowTex, Joe1965278
One More HeartacheGaye, Marvin1966170,377
One More TownKingston Trio, The1962163
One NightPresley, Elvis1958/5921,177,392
One Night AffairO'Jays, The1969143
One Of Us (Will Weep Tonight)Page, Patti1960141
One-Piece Topless Bathing SuitRip Chords, The1964165,455
* One Scotch, One Bourbon, One BeerMilburn, Amos, and his Aladdin Chickenshackers1953319
One Step At A TimeBrown, Maxine1965137
One Step At A TimeLee, Brenda195777,211
One Summer NightDanleers, The195822,227,301,406,455
One Tin SoldierOriginal Caste, The1969/70147,301,410
One Too Many MorningsBeau Brummels, The1966272
One Track MindLewis, Bobby196158,193,329,402
1-2-3Barry, Len1965/669,150,267,387
One, Two, ThreeLewis, Ramsey1967219
1, 2, 3, Red Light1910 Fruitgum Co.196837,314,435
One Way LoveDrifters, The196498
One Who Really Loves You, TheWells, Mary196223,96,204
* Only Daddy That'll Walk The Line, TheJennings, Waylon1968264
Only In AmericaJay & The Americans196346,160,298,450
Only Love Can Break A HeartPitney, Gene196250,228,313
Only SixteenCooke, Sam195926,220,313,427
Only The Lonely (Know How I Feel)Orbison, Roy196043,194,303
Only The Strong SurviveButler, Jerry1969136,230,312
Only Those In LoveWashington, Baby196567
Only When You're LonelyGrass Roots, The1966157
Only You (And You Alone)Platters, The1955/5636,154,229,314,455
Oo Wee Baby, I Love YouHughes, Fred196592,202,423
Ooby DoobyOrbison, Roy, and Teen Kings1956140,189,320,403
Oogum Boogum Song, TheWood, Brenton196766,402
Ooh BabyDiddley, Bo1967179
Ooh Bang Jiggilly JangDay, Doris1955265
Ooh! My SoulLittle Richard195893,235,424
Ooh Poo Pah Doo (part II)Hill, Jessie1960186
Ooo Baby BabyMiracles, The196558,119,315,384,455
OpHoneycones, The1958122
Open Letter To My Teenage Son, AnLundberg, Victor196773,224,413
Open The Door To Your HeartBanks, Darrell1966110,428
Open Up Your DoorRichard and The Young Lions1966135
Open Up Your Heart (And Let The Sunshine In)Cowboy Church Sunday School, The1955425
OperatorHolloway, Brenda1965377
Opus 17 (Don't You Worry 'Bout Me)4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "Sound" of Frankie Valli19665,147,384,446
Other Man's Grass Is Always Greener, TheClark, Petula1967/68140,420
Other Side Of This Life, ThePeter, Paul & Mary1966237
Our AnniversaryShep and The Limelites196263,455
Our Day Will ComeRuby and The Romantics19634,166,230,334
Our Love Is Here To StayWashington, Dinah1961399
Out & AboutBoyce, Tommy, & Bobby Hart1967166
Out In The StreetsShangri-Las, The1965153,424
Out Of Left FieldSledge, Percy1967243,375
Out Of SightBrown, James, and his Orchestra1964426
Out Of Sight, Out Of MindFive Keys, The195627,125,279,454
* Out Of TimeFarlowe, Chris1966395
Outside My WindowFleetwoods, The1960173,302
* Outside Of A Small Circle Of FriendsOchs, Phil1968341
Over And OverClark, Dave, Five1965/66222,301,336
Over And OverDay, Bobby195835,109,443
Over The Mountain; Across The SeaJohnnie & Joe1957, 196018,88,162,276
Over The Mountain (Across The Sea)Vinton, Bobby1963343
Over The RainbowDemensions, The196029,106,393,424
Over The WeekendPlayboys, The1958398
Over Under Sideways DownYardbirds, The196655,147,434
Over YouPuckett, Gary, and The Union Gap196855,125,229,335,452
* OversSimon & Garfunkel1968360
* OvertureBlood, Sweat & Tears1968191
P.S. I Love YouBeatles, The196496,239,349
P.T. 109Dean, Jimmy196261,276,339
* Pack Fair And SquareBig Walter & His Thunderbirds1956235
PadreArden, Toni1958289
Pain In My HeartRedding, Otis1963/6499,220,308
Paint It, BlackRolling Stones, The196635,86,170,395
Painted, Tainted RoseMartino, Al1963427
* Painter ManCreation, The1966128
Palisades ParkCannon, Freddy19622,102,189,421
* Pall Bearing, Ball Bearing WorldTurtles, The1966199
* Pamela JeanSurvivors, The1964150
* Pamela, PamelaFontana, Wayne1967371
Pandora's Golden Heebie JeebiesAssociation, The1966/67154,275
* Papa Gene's BluesMonkees, The1966252
Papa Loves MamboComo, Perry1954/55413
Papa-Oom-Mow-MowRivingtons, The1962143,299,426
Papa Was TooTex, Joe1966/67417
Papa's Got A Brand New Bag Part IBrown, James, and The Famous Flames196553,228,413
Paper Cup5th Dimension, The1967212,277,434
Paper RosesBryant, Anita1960157,410,449
Paper SunTraffic featuring Stevie Winwood1967112,170,305,408
Paper TigerThompson, Sue196570,235,420
Paperback WriterBeatles, The196698,216,366
ParalyzedPresley, Elvis1956/5772
* Parchman FarmAllison, Mose, Trio1957328
Part Time LoveTaylor, Little Johnny196368,369
Party DollKnox, Buddy, with The Rhythm Orchids195718,145,261
Party GirlCarroll, Bernadette1964107
Party LightsClark, Claudine196225,90,232,415
Party's Over, TheDay, Doris1956/57389
Pass Me ByLee, Peggy1965269
Past, Present And FutureShangri-Las, The1966231,291,412,453
Pata PataMakeba, Miriam1967103,186,371
PatchesLee, Dickey196219,132,289
PatriciaPrado, Perez, and His Orchestra1958241
PatsyScott, Jack1960241
Patty BabyCannon, Freddy1963119
Pay You Back With InterestHollies, The196732,125,292
Paying The Cost To Be The BossKing, B. B.1968149
Peace Brother PeaceMedley, Bill1968304
Peaches 'N' CreamIkettes, The196575,315
Peanut ButterMarathons, The196194,298
PeanutsLittle Joe & The Thrillers1957/5821,118,391
* Pearl Pearl PearlFlatt, Lester, Earl Scruggs and The Foggy Mountain Boys1963259
Pearl TimeWilliams, Andre1967392
Pearly Shells (Popo O Ewa)Ives, Burl1964351
Peek-A-BooCadillacs, The1958/5940,167,219
Peek-a-BooNew Vaudeville Band, The196783
Peggy SueHolly, Buddy1957/58121,205,354,382
* Peggy Sue Got MarriedHolly, Buddy195982
PenetrationPyramids, The1964451
Pennies From HeavenSkyliners, The196044,161,327,355
Penny ArcadeCyrkle, The1967331
Penny LaneBeatles, The1967112,205,401
Penny Loafers And Bobby SocksBennett, Joe, and The Sparkletones1957/58120,331
PeopleStreisand, Barbra1964121,256,390
People Are StrangeDoors, The196764,295
People Get ReadyImpressions, The196563,152,307
People Got To Be FreeRascals, The196840,229
* People Make The World (What It Is)Pickett, Wilson1968230
People SayDixie Cups, The196411,152,308,424
People WorldJim & Jean1968305
PepeEddy, Duane1960/61451
Pepino The Italian MouseMonte, Lou1962/6337,363,440
Pepino's Friend Pasqual (The Italian Pussy-Cat)Monte, Lou1963216
Pepper-Hot BabyMorgan, Jaye P.1955/56416
Peppermint Twist - Part IDee, Joey, & The Starliters1961/6294,198,374
Percolator (Twist)Billy Joe & The Checkmates1962210
* Permanently LonelyKnight, Sonny1964283
PersonalityPrice, Lloyd195922,109,256,336
* Peter CottontailAutry, Gene1950, 1951291
Peter GunnAnthony, Ray, and His Orchestra1959254,367,451
Peter RabbitDee Jay and The Runaways1966324,431
Philadelphia U.S.A.Nu Tornados, The1958/5981,261,445
Philly Freeze, TheCash, Alvin, & The Registers1966241,331
Pick Me Up On Your Way DownZill, Pat1961379
* Pickin' Up The PiecesPoco1969219
Pickin' Wild Mountain BerriesScott, Peggy, & Jo Jo Benson1968261
Pickle Up A DoodleBrewer, Teresa1958261
PicnicMcGuire Sisters, The1956246,409
Pictures Of LilyWho, The196760,143,301
Pictures Of Matchstick MenStatus Quo, The196815,159
Piece Of My HeartBig Brother and The Holding Company196838,164,313,408
Pied Piper, TheSt. Peters, Crispian196624,125,263,314
Pied Piper, TheWilliams, Billy1957279,314
Pin A Medal On JoeyDarren, James1963456
Pinball WizardWho, The196941,133,321,455
Pinch Me (Baby, Convince Me)Ohio Express1969206
Pineapple PrincessAnnette with The Afterbeats196060,146,318,448
Pink Panther Theme, TheMancini, Henry, and His Orchestra1964378
Pink Pedal PushersPerkins, Carl1958286
Pink Shoe LacesStevens, Dodie195921,97,165,280,335
Piove (Ciao, Ciao Bambina)Modugno, Domenico1959363
PipelineChantay's, The1963349
Place In The Sun, AWonder, Stevie1966/6759,248,412
Plain JaneDarin, Bobby1959168,321
* Plastic Fantastic LoverJefferson Airplane1969109
Play Me Hearts And Flowers (I Wanna Cry)Desmond, Johnny1955157
* Play Those Oldies Mr. Dee JayAnthony & The Sophomores1963105
Play With FireRolling Stones, The196573,223,347
PlayboyGene & Debbe196843,192,318,398
PlayboyMarvelettes, The196244,171,398
PlaygirlThee Prophets1969398
Playing For KeepsPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1957209
PlaymatesFontane Sisters, The1955435
Plea, TheJesters, The195859
Pleasant Valley SundayMonkees, The196712,175,235,285
Please Don't Ask About BarbaraVee, Bobby196250,223,358
Please Don't Desert Me BabyWalker, Gloria, & The Chevelles1969119
Please Don't Do ItWright, Dale, and The Wright Guys with The Dons1958206
Please Don't Ever Leave MeCyrkle, The1966/67225
Please Don't Kiss Me AgainCharmettes, The1963143
Please Don't Leave MeFontane Sisters, The1956241
Please Don't Sell My Daddy No More WineGreenwoods, The1966269,319
Please Don't Talk To The LifeguardRay, Diane196367
* Please Don't TeaseSpaniels, The195664
Please Help Me, I'm FallingLocklin, Hank196077,197
Please Let Me WonderBeach Boys, The196596,178
Please Love Me ForeverCathy Jean and The Roommates196144,307
Please Love Me ForeverEdwards, Tommy1958125,377
Please Mr. PostmanMarvelettes, The1961/6296,189,245,346,407
Please Mr. SunEdwards, Tommy195947,151,292
Please Mr. SunVogues, The1966425
Please Please MeBeatles, The196486,158
* Please Say You Want MeSchoolboys, The195637
Please StayDrifters, The196143,209,422
Please Tell Me WhyClark, Dave, Five196677
Please Tell Me WhyWilson, Jackie196177,250
Pledging My LoveAce, Johnny195520,97,193,256,402
Poco-LocoGene & Eunice195968
Poetry In MotionTillotson, Johnny1960/612,127,259,430
Point Of No ReturnMcDaniels, Gene196271,285,342
Pointed Toe ShoesPerkins, Carl1959194
Poison IvyCoasters, The19595,156,181
Polk Salad AnnieWhite, Tony Joe196992,203,339,382
* PollyannaClassics, The1966228
Pony TimeChecker, Chubby196164,129,214
Poor BabyCowsills, The1968230
Poor BoyPresley, Elvis1956/5799,379
Poor FoolTurner, Ike & Tina1961/6265,438
Poor JennyEverly Brothers, The195987,217,369
Poor Little FoolNelson, Ricky195878,135,271,394
Poor Little Rich GirlLawrence, Steve1963210,400
Poor People Of Paris, TheWelk, Lawrence, and His Champagne Music1956451
Poor Side Of TownRivers, Johnny196612,199,276,379,436
Pop Goes The WeaselNewley, Anthony1961246
* Pop Hates the BeatlesSherman, Allan1964445
Pop Pop Pop-PieSherrys, The1962314
Popcorn Song, TheStone, Cliffie, and His Orchestra1955323
PopsicleJan & Dean196632,367
Popsicles And IciclesMurmaids, The1963/648,106,174,350,419
Porpoise SongMonkees, The1968106,342
Portrait Of My LoveLawrence, Steve196115,430
Portrait Of My LoveTokens, The1967103,372
Positively 4th StreetDylan, Bob19653,158,268,404
Postcard From JamaicaSopwith "Camel", The1967191,442
Pouring Water On A Drowning ManCarr, James1966326
PovertyBland, Bobby196668
Prayer And A Juke Box, ALittle Anthony and The Imperials195984
President On The Dollar, TheMiller, Mitch, & His Orch. and Chorus1956262,331
* Pressed Rat And WarthogCream1968200
PretendMann, Carl1959310
Pretend You Don't See HerVale, Jerry1957/58442
Pretty BallerinaLeft Banke, The196717,98,171,239,341,402
Pretty Blue EyesLawrence, Steve1959/6044,141,239,370
Pretty FlamingoManfred Mann19662,128,395
Pretty Girls EverywhereChurch, Eugene, and The Fellows1958/59168
Pretty Little Angel EyesLee, Curtis196128,155,309,454
* Pretty Little GirlMonarchs, The1956292
* Pretty OneOrbison, Roy1960260
Pretty PaperOrbison, Roy1963/6478,322,418
Pretty WorldMendes, Sergio, & Brasil '661969163
Price, TheBurke, Solomon1964169
Pride and JoyGaye, Marvin196341,155,361
Primrose LaneWallace, Jerry, with The Jewels1959/6020,273,348
Princess In RagsPitney, Gene1965/66165
PriscillaCooley, Eddie, And The Dimples1956/57124,254,402
Prisoner Of LoveBrown, James, and The Famous Flames196351,178,300,335
Prisoner's SongStorm, Warren1958335
Private NumberClay, Judy, & William Bell1968193,445
ProblemsEverly Brothers, The195848,252,341
* Prodigal SonRolling Stones, The1968337
* Promise Her AnythingMartin, Dean1958410
Promised LandBerry, Chuck1964135
Promises, PromisesWarwick, Dionne1968/69285,371
ProudCrawford, Johnny1963104,186,416
Proud MaryBurke, Solomon1969403
Proud MaryCreedence Clearwater Revival196929,259
PsychoHendricks, Bobby1960323,407
* PsychoNoack, Eddie1957164
Psychotic ReactionCount Five19669,89,428
* Public Execution, AMouse1966301
Pucker Up ButtercupWalker, Jr., & The All Stars1967238,442
Puddin N' Tain (Ask Me Again, I'll Tell You The Same)Alley Cats, The19636,177,280,373
Puff (The Magic Dragon)Peter, Paul & Mary196333,235,309,434
Punish HerVee, Bobby1962184
* Puppet On A StringShaw, Sandie1967395
Puppet Song, TheAvalon, Frankie1960/61222,430
(Puppet Song) Whiskey On A Sunday, TheIrish Rovers, The1968148,319
Puppy LoveAnka, Paul196045,248,302,373
* Puppy LoveBurnett, Carol1957208
Puppy LoveLewis, Barbara196480,373
Purple HazeHendrix, Jimi, Experience, The196749
Purple People Eater Meets The Witch Doctor, TheSouth, Joe1958264,411
Purple People Eater, TheWooley, Sheb19585,118,248,299,344
Pushin' Too HardSeeds, The1966/6715,209,281,443
PushoverJames, Etta1963179
Pussy CatAmes Brothers, The1958/59187,368
Put A Little Love In Your HeartDeShannon, Jackie1969121,385,427
Put A Ring On My FingerPaul, Les, and Mary Ford1958414
Put Your Head On My ShoulderAnka, Paul195926,154,211
Put Your Mind At EaseEvery Mothers' Son196730,308
Puzzle Song (A Puzzle In Song), TheEllis, Shirley1965337
Quarter To ThreeBonds, U.S.196148,107,214
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)High Keyes, The1963110
* Queen Jane ApproximatelyDylan, Bob1965358
Queen Of The HopDarin, Bobby1958/5928,107,287,370,437
Queen Of The HouseMiller, Jody1965241,388
QuestionPrice, Lloyd1960161,326
Question Of Temperature, ABalloon Farm, The196850,150
* QuestionsBuffalo Springfield, The1968337
Questions And AnswersIn Crowd, The1966182,257
Questions 67 And 68Chicago1969, 197173,180
Quick Joey Small (Run Joey Run)Kasenetz-Katz Singing Orchestral Circus1968153,373
QuicksandMartha & The Vandellas1963/6457,207,326
Quiet Place, AMimms, Garnet, & The Enchanters1964301
Quiet VillageDenny, Martin (The Exotic Sounds of)1959270
R-O-C-KHaley, Bill, and His Comets195669
Race Is On, TheJones, George1965316,400
Race Is On, TheJones, Jack1965171
Race With The DevilVincent, Gene, and His Blue Caps1956117,214,327
Rag Doll4 Seasons, The, featuring the "Sound" of Frankie Valli196463,135,324,407
Rags To RichesSunny & The Sunliners196389,425
Ragtime Cowboy JoeSeville, David, and The Chipmunks195913,252
RainBeatles, The196668,148,270
Rain On The RoofLovin' Spoonful, The196636,192,355,450
Rain Rain Go AwayVinton, Bobby196288,284,423
Rain, The Park & Other Things, TheCowsills, The1967/6810,248,340,425
RainbowChandler, Gene196379,449
RainbowHamilton, Russ195779,449
Rainbow RideKim, Andy1968/69278,431
RaindropsClark, Dee196122,120,355,456
Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My HeadThomas, B. J.1969/7085,236,308,336,393,441
Rainin' In My HeartHarpo, Slim196180,198
Raining In My HeartHolly, Buddy195998,237,313
Rains Came, TheSir Douglas Quintet, The1966184
* Rainy Day BellsGlobetrotters, The1970106
* Rainy Day Refrain, ACarson, Mindy1950355
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35Dylan, Bob196682,361
* Rainy Night In GeorgiaBenton, Brook1970234
Raise Your HandFloyd, Eddie1967196
Rama Lama Ding DongEdsels, The196150,262
Ramblin' Gamblin' ManSeger, Bob, System1968/6961,196
Ramblin' RoseCole, Nat 'King'196285,370
RamonaBlue Diamonds, The1960347
* Randy Scouse GitMonkees, The1967225
Raspberries, StrawberriesKingston Trio, The1959168,307
Rave OnHolly, Buddy195818,216,349,429
Ray Of Hope, ARascals, The1968/69138,274
Razzle-DazzleHaley, Bill, and His Comets195548,220,318
Reach Out For MeJohnson, Lou1963441
Reach Out For MeWarwick, Dionne1964159
Reach Out I'll Be ThereFour Tops, The196665,184,321,357
Reach Out Of The DarknessFriend and Lover196811,243,366,429
Ready For Your LoveShep and The Limelites1961273
Ready Or Not Here I Come (Can't Hide From Love)Delfonics, The1968/6990,267
Ready TeddyLittle Richard and His Band195636,155,271
Real Live GirlAlaimo, Steve1965279,396
* Real Thing, TheBritt, Tina1965446
Real Wild ChildIvan195880,214,429
Reason, The5 Chanels, The1958173
RebelJarvis, Carol1957211
Rebel-'RouserEddy, Duane1958179
Reconsider MeAdams, Johnny1969184,276
Red HotSam The Sham and The Pharaohs1966141
Red Red WineDiamond, Neil196888,410
Red River RockJohnny and The Hurricanes1959206,451
Red Roses For A Blue LadyDana, Vic1965269
Red Roses For A Blue LadyNewton, Wayne1965141,449
Red Rubber BallCyrkle, The19668,125,259,375,403
Red Sails In The SunsetPlatters, The, Featuring Tony Williams196078,237,362
* Red Telephone, TheLove1968179
Reelin' And Rockin'Clark, Dave, Five1965315
Reet Petite (The Finest Girl You Ever Want To Meet)Wilson, Jackie1957/5844,109,396,437
ReflectionsRoss, Diana, and The Supremes1967130,405
Release MeAdams, Johnny1968203
Release MePhillips, Esther "Little Esther"1962/63, 196735,283
RememberVelours, The1958184
Remember DianaAnka, Paul1963289,380
Remember MePavone, Rita1964167
Remember ThenEarls, The1962/6326,143,284,442
Remember (Walkin' In The Sand)Shangri-Las, The196418,227,277
Remember WhenPlatters, The195990
* ReminiscingHolly, Buddy196268
Requiem For The MassesAssociation, The1967145
Rescue MeBass, Fontella196529,155,314,446
RespectFranklin, Aretha196753,182,257,365
RespectRedding, Otis1965407
RespectableOutsiders, The196623,205
Return Of The Red Baron, TheRoyal Guardsmen, The1967363
Return To MeMartin, Dean1958173,389
Return To SenderPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1962/6378,369
Reveille RockJohnny and The Hurricanes1959/60148
RevengeBenton, Brook1961/62199
Reverend Mr. BlackKingston Trio, The1963133,253,418,455
RevolutionBeatles, The196869,147,264
Revolution Kind, TheSonny1965121,181,450
Rhapsody In The RainChristie, Lou19665,228,315,378,453
RhythmLance, Major1964197
Rhythm Of The RainCascades, The196316,88,139,355
Rhythm Of The RainLewis, Gary, and The Playboys1969206
Rice Is NiceLemon Pipers, The196852,263
* Richard CorySimon & Garfunkel1965314
Ride!Sharp, Dee Dee1962/6360,267,438
Ride AwayOrbison, Roy1965162
Ride My See-SawMoody Blues, The196894,348,420
Ride, Ride, RideLee, Brenda1967435
Ride The Wild SurfJan & Dean196499
Ride Your PonyDorsey, Lee196564
Ridin' The WindTornadoes, The1963194
* Right Girl, TheKing, Carole1958342
Right Or WrongDove, Ronnie196440,220
Right Or WrongJackson, Wanda1961308,432
Right String But The Wrong Yo-YoDr. Feelgood and The Interns1962247
Ring-A-Ling-A-LarioRodgers, Jimmie1959236
Ring Dang DooSam The Sham and The Pharaohs1965183,397
Ring Of FireCash, Johnny1963169,454
RingoGreene, Lorne1964/6537,255,455
* Ringo, I Love YouMason, Bonnie Jo1964189
Ringo's Theme (This Boy)Martin, George, & His Orch.1964451
Rinky DinkCortez, Dave "Baby"1962194,367,451
* Riot In Cell Block #9Robins, The195452
Rip It UpLittle Richard and His Band195626,103,248,362
Rip Van WinkleDevotions, The196460,275,405
* Rising SunDeep Six, The1965425
River Deep-Mountain HighDeep Purple1969436
River Deep - Mountain HighTurner, Ike & Tina196653,160,215
River Is Wide, TheGrass Roots, The1969106
River Kwai March and Colonel Bogey, TheMooney, Art, and His Orchestra1958444
* Ro Ro RoseyMorrison, Van1967251
Road HogLoudermilk, John D.1962335
Road RunnerGants, The1965222
Rock 'N' Roll WomanBuffalo Springfield, The1967168,268,404
Rock-A-Beatin' BoogieHaley, Bill, and His Comets1955/5675,181
Rock-A-BillyMitchell, Guy195761,358
Rock-A-Bye Your Baby With A Dixie MelodyFranklin, Aretha1961269
Rock-A-Bye Your Baby With A Dixie MelodyLewis, Jerry1956/5769,369
Rock-A-Hula Baby ("Twist" Special)Presley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1961/62157
Rock And CryMcPhatter, Clyde1957265
Rock And Roll Is Here To StayDanny & The Juniors195831,248,346
Rock & Roll MusicBerry, Chuck1957/5831,89,245,386,421
Rock And Roll WaltzStarr, Kay1955/5631,228,433
Rock Around Mother GooseGordon, Barry1956263
Rock-in RobinDay, Bobby19588,157,245
Rock Island LineDonegan, Lonnie, Skiffle Group195675
Rock LoveFontane Sisters, The1955370
Rock MeSteppenwolf1969130
Rock Me BabyKing, B. B.1964278
* Rock The BopLee, Brenda1958173
* Rock The JointHaley, Bill, and The Saddlemen1952286
Rock Your Little Baby To SleepKnox, Lieutenant Buddy, with The Rhythm Orchids195768
* Rocket "88"Brenston, Jackie, and His Delta Cats1951252
Rockin' Around The Christmas TreeLee, Brenda1960/61, 1961/62, 196220,275,431
Rockin' Good Way (To Mess Around And Fall In Love), AWashington, Dinah, & Brook Benton196028,183,341,398
Rockin' In The JungleEternals, The1959238,325,391,416
Rockin' Little AngelSmith, Ray1960317
Rockin' Red WingMasters, Sammy1960384
Rockin', Rollin' OceanSnow, Hank1960106
Rockin' ShoesAmes Brothers, The1957265
Rockin' Through The RyeHaley, Bill, and His Comets1956431
Rocking Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie FluSmith, Huey (Piano), and The Clowns195728,245,328,401
* Rocky RaccoonBeatles, The1968383
Roll Over BeethovenBeatles, The1964221
Roll Over BeethovenBerry, Chuck, and His Combo195642,107,369
Roller CoasterIdes Of March, The1966172
Rollin' StoneFontane Sisters, The1955323
RomeoGrant, Janie1961339
Ronnie4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "sound" of Frankie Valli196423,124,178
Ronnie, Call Me When You Get A ChanceFabares, Shelley1963124
Room Full Of TearsDrifters, The1961/62241
* Room To MoveMayall, John1969419
Rose And A Baby Ruth, AHamilton, George, IV1956/5719,102,157,284,357
* Rose GardenSouth, Joe1968309
Roses And RainbowsHutton, Danny1965275,449
Roses Are Red (My Love)Vinton, Bobby196220,195,385,449
Roses Are Red My Love"You Know Who" Group!, The1964/65157,210,448
Rosie LeeMello-Tones, The1957124,270
Round And RoundComo, Perry195738,271,379
Round Every CornerClark, Petula1965108,442
* Round, RoundKing, Jonathan1967297
Route 66 ThemeRiddle, Nelson, and His Orchestra1962280
Rubber BallVee, Bobby1960/6117,147,243,403
* Rubber BiscuitChips, The195662
Rubberneckin'Presley, Elvis1969/70361
RubyCharles, Ray1960/61182,257,316
RubyWade, Adam1960347
Ruby AnnRobbins, Marty1962/63347
Ruby BabyDion196360,117,231,455
Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To TownRogers, Kenny, and The First Edition196914,236,347
Ruby TuesdayRolling Stones, The196727,166,234,409
Rudolph The Red-Nosed ReindeerAutry, Gene1957/5820,215,455
RumbleWray, Link, & His Ray Men1958188
RumorsCrawford, Johnny1962/63135,351
Run Away Child, Running WildTemptations, The196994,279
Run, Baby Run (Back Into My Arms)Newbeats, The1965/6617,116,311
Run Red RunCoasters, The1959/6064,243
Run, Run, Look And SeeHyland, Brian196623,167
Run, Run, RunGestures, The1964/6577,275,371
Run, Run, RunSupremes, The196477
Run, Run, RunThird Rail, The196777,433
Run Samson RunSedaka, Neil196079,309
Run To HimVee, Bobby1961/6290,237
RunaroundFleetwoods, The196057,182,257,437
RunaroundRegents, The196142,183
Runaround SueDion196157,325,409
RunawayShannon, Del19619,86,288,348,407
Runnin' BlueDoors, The1969238
Running BearPreston, Johnny1959/6019,227,281
Running ScaredOrbison, Roy196127,209,344,427
Russian Band StandSpencer & Spencer with The Sonia Pryor Choir1959115
S.Y.S.L.J.F.M. (The Letter Song)Tex, Joe196698
SacredCastells, The196159,155
* Sad GirlWiggins, Jay196372
Sad MoodCooke, Sam1960134
Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)Thompson, Sue196158,232,439
Sad, Sad GirlMason, Barbara1965430
Sad, Sad Girl And BoyImpressions, The1963349,396
Safe And SoundBass, Fontella1966243,313
Safe In My GardenMamas & The Papas, The1968103,157,243,450
Saginaw, MichiganFrizzell, Lefty1964169
Sail Along Silvery MoonVaughn, Billy, and His Orchestra1957/58444
Sailor (Your Home Is The Sea)Lolita1960106,293,343
* Saint James InfirmaryBland, Bobby1961401
St. LouisEasybeats, The1969150,222,293
St. Therese Of The RosesWard, Billy, and His Dominoes1956130,272
Saints Rock 'N Roll, TheHaley, Bill, and His Comets1956219
Sally, Go 'Round The RosesJaynetts, The196312,133,289,380,449
Sally Had A PartyFlavor1968417
* Sally Sayin' Somethin'Harner, Billy1967267
Sally Was A Good Old GirlDomino, Fats1964280
Sam, You Made The Pants Too LongStreisand, Barbra1966163
Same Old Saturday NightSinatra, Frank1955234,329
San Antonio RoseCramer, Floyd1961349,449
San Franciscan NightsBurdon, Eric, & The Animals196775,168
* San Francisco Bay BluesHavens, Richie1967241
San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Flowers In Your Hair)McKenzie, Scott196713,286,332,433
San Francisco Girls (Return of the Native)Fever Tree1968379
SandyHall, Larry1959/6038,132,316
SandyRonny & The Daytonas1965/66124,178,316
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town4 Seasons, The1962214
* Sarah JackmanSherman, Allan1962240
Satin PillowsVinton, Bobby1965/66186
Satisfied Mind, AHebb, Bobby1966146
Satisfied With YouClark, Dave, Five1966208
Saturday NightNew Christy Minstrels, The1963447
Saturday Night At The MoviesDrifters, The1964/6517,129
* Saturday's ChildMonkees, The1966294
* Saturday's Father4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "sound" of Frankie Valli1968328
Save It For Me4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "sound" of Frankie Valli196473,145,275
Save The Last Dance For MeDrifters, The1960/6128,147,290,427
Save Your Heart For MeLewis, Gary, and The Playboys196536,97,230,311
SavedBaker, LaVern1961107,389
* Savoy TruffleBeatles, The1968374
Sax Fifth AvenueBeecher, Johnny, and His Buckingham Road Quintet1963451
Say I Am (What I Am)James, Tommy, and The Shondells1966194,266
Say ManDiddley, Bo1959103,355
Say Something FunnyDuke, Patty1965154,419
Say YouDove, Ronnie1964170
(Say) You're My GirlOrbison, Roy1965396
Scarborough Fair/CanticleSimon & Garfunkel1968114,234,330
Scarlet Ribbons (For Her Hair)Browns, The1959/6066,330
Scavenger, TheDale, Dick, and The Del-Tones1963181,343
* School DanceHickman, Dwayne1958208
School DayBerry, Chuck195762,255,384
School Is InBonds, Gary (U.S.)1961130,319,356
School Is OutBonds, Gary (U.S.)19616,227,375
Scotch And SodaKingston Trio, The1962117,248,319
Sea CruiseFord, Frankie195918,92,199,281,343
Sea Of HeartbreakGibson, Don196188,179,343
Sea Of LovePhillips, Phil, with The Twilights195929,245,306,402
* Sea, TheSan Sebastian Strings, The1967232
Sealed With A KissHyland, Brian196250,127,196,392
Searchin'Coasters, The195721,205,285,362
Searching For My LoveMoore, Bobby, & The Rhythm Aces1966123
Season Of The Witch, Pt. 1Vanilla Fudge1968/69343
* Seasons In The SunKingston Trio, The1963375
Second Hand LoveFrancis, Connie1962109
Second Hand RoseStreisand, Barbra1965/6649,379,413
Secret Agent ManRivers, Johnny19667,105,168,294
Secret Agent ManVentures, The1966431
Secret LoveStewart, Billy1966215,393
SecretlyRodgers, Jimmie195850,180,404
SecurityRedding, Otis1964133
SeeRascals, The196978
* See Emily PlayPink Floyd, The1967213
See SawMoonglows, The195629,167,308,361
See The Funny Little ClownGoldsboro, Bobby196484,188,282
* See Ya Round On The ReboundFabares, Shelley1966178
(See You At The) 'Go-Go'Gray, Dobie1965107,300
See You In SeptemberHappenings, The1966177,251,356
See You In SeptemberTempos, The195914,110,428
See You Later, AlligatorHaley, Bill, and His Comets19566,97,197,290,419
Selfish OneRoss, Jackie196467,244,428
* Semi-Detached Suburban Mr. JamesManfred Mann1966171
Send For MeCole, Nat "King"195761
* Send Me FlowersSix Teens, The1956123
Send Me Some Lovin'Little Richard and His Band1957112
Send Me The Pillow You Dream OnTillotson, Johnny1962422
September In The RainWashington, Dinah1961356
September SongDurante, Jimmy1963234,284,356
Set Me FreeKinks, The196564,266,442
7 And 7 IsLove1966150
Seven Day FoolJames, Etta196195
Seven Day WeekendBonds, Gary (U.S.)196280,285,456
Seven DaysMcPhatter, Clyde195695,202
Seven LettersKing, Ben E.1964/65127
Seven Little Girls Sitting In The Back SeatEvans, Paul, with The Curls1959/608,136,260,367
Seven Minutes In HeavenPoni-Tails, The1958268,323
7 Rooms Of GloomFour Tops, The196790,320,366
7:30 Guided TourFive Americans, The1968411
Seven YearsImpressions, The1969314
SeventeenBennett, Boyd, and His Rockets195529,149,412
SeventeenDraper, Rusty1955324
SeventeenFontane Sisters, The1955224
Seventh SonRivers, Johnny196556,117,418
* Sexy SadieBeatles, The1968292
* Sh-BoomChords, The195428
Sha La LaManfred Mann1964/6548,120,283
Sha-La-LaShirelles, The1964407
* Sha-La-La-La-LeeSmall Faces1966181
* Shades Of GrayMonkees, The1967148,387
Shadow Of Your Smile, TheRandolph, Boots1966/67393
Shadows5 Satins, The195971
Shag (Is Totally Cool), TheGraves, Billy1959186
Shaggy DogLane, Mickey Lee1964115,373
ShakeCooke, Sam196516,227
ShakeRedding, Otis1967129
ShakeShadows of Knight, The1968250
Shake A HandWilson, Jackie, and Linda Hopkins1963220
Shake A Tail FeatherFive Du-Tones, The196368
Shake A Tail FeatherPurify, James & Bobby1967260
Shake And FingerpopWalker, Jr., & The All Stars1965309,438
Shake Hands (And Come Out Crying)Newbeats, The1966387
Shake Me I Rattle (Squeeze Me I Cry)Worth, Marion1962/63179,303,443
Shake Me, Wake Me (When It's Over)Four Tops, The196652,166,318
Shake, Rattle And RollHaley, Bill, and His Comets1954/5533,267,362
Shakin' All OverGuess Who, The196555,135,226
Shame On MeBare, Bobby1962192,418
Shame, ShameMagic Lanterns, The1968/69131,192,371
Shangri-LaFour Coins, The195761,366
Shape I'm In, TheRestivo, Johnny1959176
Shape Of Things To ComeFrost, Max, and The Troopers196883,176,405,431
Shapes Of ThingsYardbirds, The196623,137,187,266,454
Share Your Love With MeBland, Bobby1964184
Sharing YouVee, Bobby196243,248
* Shaving CreamBell, Benny1946, 197580
SheJames, Tommy, and The Shondells1969113
* SheMonkees, The1967113
She Belongs To MeNelson, Rick, & The Stone Canyon Band1969/70104,212,306,443
She Blew A Good ThingPoets, The1966120
She Came In Through The Bathroom WindowCocker, Joe1969/70133,390
She Can't Find Her KeysPetersen, Paul196260,291,351
She CriedJay & The Americans196221,113,307,416
She Drives Me Out Of My MindSwingin' Medallions, The1966113
* She Has A WayByrds, The1964193
She Is Still A MysteryLovin' Spoonful, The196750,101,360
* She Knows Me Too WellBeach Boys, The1964113
She Lets Her Hair Down (Early In The Morning)Pitney, Gene1969/70293,359
She Loves YouBeatles, The196490,268,325,385
* She May Call You Up TonightLeft Banke, The1967280
* She Needs CompanyManfred Mann1966138
She Say (Oom Dooby Doom)Diamonds, The1959113,208
She Understands MeTillotson, Johnny1964113
* She Was Too Good To MeKingston Trio, The1962399
She'd Rather Be With MeTurtles, The196740,113,263,452
She's A FoolGore, Lesley196326,113,232
She's A HeartbreakerPitney, Gene196832,381
She's A LadySebastian, John1969280,390
She's A RainbowRolling Stones, The1967/6819,113,259,449
She's A TroublemakerMajors, The1962210
She's A WomanBeatles, The1964/65113,297
She's About A MoverSir Douglas Quintet, The196542,113,415
She's Coming HomeZombies, The1965122,377,442
She's Everything (I Wanted You To Be)Donner, Ral1961113
She's Got EverythingEssex, The, featuring Anita Humes1963286
She's Got YouCline, Patsy1962113,389
She's Just My StyleLewis, Gary, and The Playboys1965/664,113,208,354
* She's Leaving HomeBeatles, The1967304
She's Lookin' GoodPickett, Wilson1968337
She's My GirlShafto, Bobby1964120
She's My GirlTurtles, The1967/6864,159,293
She's NeatWright, Dale, with The Rock-Its1958113
She's Not ThereZombies, The1964/6519,108,200,283,367,433
She's Not YouPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires196237,113,382,412
* She's Scattered EverywhereArchibald1950202
* She's So FineFlash Cadillac & The Continental Kids197317
She's The OneChartbusters, The1964122,298
Sheik Of Araby (Italian Style), TheMonte, Lou1958362
SheilaRoe, Tommy196215,253,306,345
Shelter Of Your Arms, TheDavis, Sammy, Jr.1963/64215
Sherry4 Seasons, The196297,253,389
Sherry Don't GoLettermen, The1968163
* ShiloDiamond, Neil1967, 1968, 1970413
Shimmy Like KateOlympics, The196094
Shimmy, Shimmy, Ko-Ko-BopLittle Anthony and The Imperials1959/608,166,178,302,345,436
* Ship Of LoveNutmegs, The1955110
ShirleyFred, John, and The Playboys1959159
Shoo-Be-Doo-Be-Doo-Da-DayWonder, Stevie1968123,256
Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss), TheEverett, Betty19641,177,283,312,415
Shoot 'Em Up BabyKim, Andy1968119
Shoot Your ShotWalker, Jr., & The All Stars1967252,360
Shop AroundMiracles, The, (featuring Bill "Smokey" Robinson)1960/6110,153,292,356,388
Shoppin' For ClothesCoasters, The196073,392
Short Fat FannieWilliams, Larry, and His Band195727,107,195
Short ShortsRoyal Teens, The195819,186
ShotgunWalker, Jr., & The All Stars196573,174,334
* Should IChad & Jeremy1965117
* Should We Tell HimEverly Brothers, The1958432
ShoutLulu and The Luvers1964, 1967129
Shout And ShimmyBrown, James, and The Famous Flames1962251
Shout BamalamaMurray, Mickey1967138
Shout - Part 1Isley Brothers, The1959, 19622,195,310,352
Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)Maresca, Ernie196215,107,305
Show BusinessRawls, Lou1967377
Show MeTex, Joe1967226
Show TimeDetroit Emeralds, The1968241,347
* Shrine Of St. Cecilia, TheHarptones, The1957116
Shut DownBeach Boys, The196342,253
Shutters And BoardsWallace, Jerry1962/63134,380
Shy AwayFuller, Jerry1961366
Shy GirlCascades, The1963396
* Shy OneEllis, Shirley1964446
Sidewalk Surfin'Jan & Dean196471,364
Sie Liebt Dich (She Loves You)Beatles, Die1964115,190
Sign Of The Times, AClark, Petula19669,154,366
Silence Is GoldenTremeloes, The19674,169,328,395
SilhouettesHerman's Hermits1965365
SilhouettesRays, The1957/5811,155,237,298,392,424
Silver DollarBrewer, Teresa1955331
Silver Threads And Golden NeedlesSpringfields, The196248,128,328
Simon Says1910 Fruitgum Co.196880,276,358
Simple Song Of FreedomHardin, Tim1969182,257,390
Since I Don't Have YouSkyliners, The19591,198,372
Since I Fell For YouWelch, Lenny1963/644,101,191,306
Since I Lost My BabyTemptations, The196573,194,356
Since I Met You BabyHunter, Ivory Joe1956/5734,226,439
Since You've Been GoneMcPhatter, Clyde195954,169,290
SincerelyMcGuire Sisters, The1955156,398
SincerelyMoonglows, The195522,214,290,426
Sing A Simple SongSly & The Family Stone1969163
Sing Boy SingSands, Tommy1958123,400
Singing My SongWynette, Tammy1969442
Singing The BluesMitchell, Guy1956/5724,151,240
Singing The BluesRobbins, Marty1956/57297
Single GirlPosey, Sandy1966/67101,210,405
Sink The BismarckHorton, Johnny196061,168,240,405
Sinner ManBaxter, Les, & His Chorus and Orchestra1956327
Sins Of A Family, TheSloan, P. F.1965270
Sit Down, I Think I Love YouMojo Men, The196789,258,433
Sit With The GuruStrawberry Alarm Clock1968205,381
Sittin' In The BalconyCochran, Eddie195780,290
(Sittin' On) The Dock Of The BayRedding, Otis196830,106,278,332
Sitting In The ParkStewart, Billy196543
* Sitting On Top Of The WorldWatson, Doc1964437
Six Days On The RoadDudley, Dave196384,198
Six Man BandAssociation, The1968382
Six Nights A WeekCrests, The195912,161,452
Six O'ClockLovin' Spoonful, The196795,209,365
634-5789 (Soulsville, U.S.A.)Pickett, Wilson196661,203,426
Six White HorsesCash, Tommy1969/70203,331
16 CandlesCrests, The1958/591,103,346
Sixteen ReasonsStevens, Connie196048,297,351
Sixteen TonsFord, "Tennessee" Ernie1955/5615,160,395
* Sixty-Minute ManDominoes, The195136
Skate NowCourtney, Lou1967185
Skinny Legs And AllTex, Joe1967/68146,415
Skinny MinnieHaley, Bill, and His Comets195810,103,326
Skip A RopeCargill, Henson1967/68121,289
Sky Pilot (Part One)Burdon, Eric, & The Animals1968108,170
SleepJohn, Little Willie196030,186
Sleep WalkSanto & Johnny1959235
Sleepy-Eyed JohnHorton, Johnny1961386
Sleepy JoeHerman's Hermits1968135
Slip AwayCarter, Clarence196874
Slip-In Mules (No High Heel Sneakers)DeSanto, Sugar Pie1964296,456
Slippin' And Slidin' (Peepin' And Hidin')Little Richard and His Band195624,227,281
Sloop John BBeach Boys, The1966102,219
Slow DownBeatles, The196455,209,398
Slow DragIntruders, The1968213
Slow Twistin'Checker, Chubby, (with Dee Dee Sharp)1962146,435
* Slummer The Slum, The"5" Royales, The1958174
Small Sad SamMcLean, Phil1961/62299
Small WorldMathis, Johnny195996,162,259,350
* Smashed! Blocked!John's Children1966/67301
SmileYuro, Timi1961213,399,446
Smile A Little Smile For MeFlying Machine, The1969/7016,170,321
Smoke Gets In Your EyesPlatters, The1958/5962,205,294,399
Smokey Joe's CafeRobins, The195534,102,196,285,420
Smoky PlacesCorsairs, The, featuring Jay "Bird" Uzzell1961/6227,133,255,380
Smooth OperatorVaughan, Sarah1959279,397,424
Snake, TheWilson, Al196829,259,410
Snap Your FingersHenderson, Joe196229,265
Snoopy For PresidentRoyal Guardsmen, The1968203,339
Snoopy Vs. The Red BaronRoyal Guardsmen, The1966/67109,246
* Snoopy's ChristmasRoyal Guardsmen, The196720
So FineFiestas, The195939,212,329,414
* So Glad You're MinePresley, Elvis1956358
So Good TogetherKim, Andy1969171,415
So I Can Love YouEmotions, The1969180
So-LongDomino, Fats1956206
So Long BabyShannon, Del196158,216,284,323
So Long DearieArmstrong, Louis1964286,418
So Long I'm GoneSmith, Warren1957120
So Many WaysBenton, Brook195985
So Much In LoveTymes, The19635,92,199,443
So Much LoveKing, Ben E.1966342
So RareDorsey, Jimmy195749,367
So Sad (To Watch Good Love Go Bad)Everly Brothers, The196038,209,358
So StrangeJesters, The1957112,249
So This Is LoveCastells, The1962177
So ToughOriginal Casuals, The195862,307,381
So WrongCline, Patsy1962144
So You Want To Be A Rock 'N' Roll StarByrds, The196736,251
Society's Child (Baby I've Been Thinking)Ian, Janis196734,92,176,275,419
Sock It To Me-Baby!Ryder, Mitch, and The Detroit Wheels196749,119,235
Soft Summer BreezeHeywood, Eddie1956406
Softly, As I Leave YouSinatra, Frank1964129,237
Soldier BoyShirelles, The19621,105,422
* Soldier of LoveAlexander, Arthur1962345
Soldier's JoyHawkins, Hawkshaw1959184
Solitary ManDiamond, Neil1966, 197042,177,357
Some Day We're Gonna Love AgainSearchers, The1964150,404
Some Enchanted EveningJay & The Americans1965105,236,418
Some Kind Of WonderfulDrifters, The196150,250,342
Some Kind Of WonderfulSoul Brothers Six196787,138,381
Some Kinda FunMontez, Chris1962/63185,337
Some Velvet MorningSinatra, Nancy, & Lee Hazlewood1968152
Somebody Have MercyCooke, Sam1962183,433
Somebody Help MeDavis, Spencer, Group1967110,381,454
Somebody To LoveDarin, Bobby196070,307
Somebody To LoveJefferson Airplane196766,217,295,434
Somebody Touched MeKnox, Buddy, with The Rhythm Orchids1958266
Someday SoonCollins, Judy196981,217
Someday We'll Be TogetherRoss, Diana, and The Supremes1969/7078,239,318,431
Someday (When I'm Gone From You)Vee, Bobby, and The Crickets1962201
Someone, SomeonePoole, Brian, & The Tremeloes1964125,325
Somethin' ElseCochran, Eddie1959158
Somethin' StupidSinatra, Nancy, & Frank Sinatra196783,192,296
SomethingBeatles, The1969/70137,199,384
Something About YouFour Tops, The196514,262
* Something GoodAndrews, Julie, and Bill Lee1965404
* Something I've Got To Tell YouCollins, Glenda1966108
Something In The AirThunderclap Newman196925,170,395
* Something In The Way She MovesTaylor, James1968268
Something Old, Something NewPaul & Paula1963347
Something's Got A Hold On MeJames, Etta1962387
Something's Gotta GiveDavis, Sammy, Jr.1955198
* Something's Gotten Hold Of My HeartPitney, Gene1967448
SometimeThomas, Gene1961281
Sometimes Good Guys Don't Wear WhiteStandells, The1966165
Sometimes I Wish I Were A BoyGore, Lesley1964315
SomewhereBarry, Len1966233,378,453
SomewhereTymes, The1963/64131,352,453
Somewhere, My LoveConniff, Ray, and The Singers1966139,224,369
Son-In-LawBlossoms, The1961214
Son-In-LawBrown, Louise1961282
Son Of A Lovin' ManBuchanan Brothers, The1969293,385
Son-of-a Preacher ManSpringfield, Dusty1968/6977,138,400
Son Of Hickory Holler's Tramp, TheSmith, O. C.1968126
Song Of The Barefoot MailmanLeach, Billy1957343
Song Of The DreamerFisher, Eddie1955360
* SorrowMcCoys, The1965416
* SorrowMerseys, The196698
* SorrowPeter, Paul & Mary1962223
Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)Impalas, The195913,189,266,365
Sorry SuzanneHollies, The1969124,206,353
Soul DeepBox Tops, The196932,150,219
* Soul DinnerJets, The1963412
Soul FingerBar-Kays, The1967393
Soul HeavenDixie Drifter, The1965168
Soul Hootenanny (Pt. 1)Chandler, Gene1964206
* Soul KitchenDoors, The1967412
Soul ManSam & Dave196738,147,256,454
Soul SerenadeKing Curtis1964188
Soulful StrutYoung-Holt Unlimited1968/69241
Sound AsleepTurtles, The1968177
Sound Of LoveFive Americans, The1967192
Sound-OffTurner, Titus1961251
Sounds of Silence, TheSimon & Garfunkel1965/66103,297,394
South StreetOrlons, The196351,159,213,267,443
Southtown, U.S.A.Dixiebelles, The196485,162
* Space OddityBowie, David1969220
* Spaceman, TheFreed, Alan, Steve Allen, Al "Jazzbo" Collins and The Modernaires with George Cates' Out Of Spacers1956411
Spanish EyesMartino, Al1965/6669,267
Spanish HarlemKing, Ben E.1960/6119,126,187,245,410
Spanish LaceMcDaniels, Gene, with The Johnny Mann Singers1962/63165
Speak Her NameJackson, Walter1967169
Special Delivery1910 Fruitgum Co.1969232
Special OccasionRobinson, Smokey, & The Miracles1968177
SpeedooCadillacs, The1955/5618,180,201,311,391
Speedy GonzalesBoone, Pat196258,117,345
Spinning WheelBlood, Sweat & Tears1969136,390
* Splendor In The GrassDeShannon, Jackie1966260
Splish SplashDarin, Bobby195888,178,290
SpookyClassics IV, The1967/6850,309
SpoonfulEtta & Harvey1960/61289
Spread It On ThickGentrys, The1966191
Stag-O-LeePickett, Wilson1967271
Stagger LeePrice, Lloyd1958/5934,153,215,445
Stairway To HeavenSedaka, Neil196050,156
Stand!Sly & The Family Stone1969140,336
Stand By MeKing, Ben E.1961, 1986/8735,152,341
Stand By MeTurner, Spyder1966/67189
Stand By Your ManWynette, Tammy1968/6961,169
Standing In The Shadows Of LoveFour Tops, The1966/6763,233,309
Standing On The CornerFour Lads, The195645,187,288
* Star Crossed LoversMystics, The196185
Star DustWard, Billy, and His Dominoes195762
Star-Spangled Banner, TheFeliciano, Jose1968240,330
StardustCole, Nat "King"1957399
Starlight, StarbrightScott, Linda1961170
* Stars, TheOcapellos, The1966444
Start Movin' (In My Direction)Mineo, Sal1957171,312
StayWilliams, Maurice, & The Zodiacs1960/614,155,298,328,452
Stay AwhileSpringfield, Dusty196440,174
Stay In My CornerDells, The1968202,274
Stay With MeEllison, Lorraine1966297
Stayin' InVee, Bobby1961117,323,401
Steal AwayHughes, Jimmy196468,243
Steel Guitar And A Glass Of Wine, AAnka, Paul196233,213,410
Step By StepCrests, The19605,246
Step Out Of Your MindAmerican Breed, The1967199,312,455
Steppin' OutRevere, Paul, and The Raiders1965210
* Steve's SongBlues Project, The1966212
StewballPeter, Paul & Mary1963/64125,389
Stick With Me BabyEverly Brothers, The196192,307
Sticks And StonesCharles, Ray, and His Orchestra1960323
StillAnderson, Bill196343,226,350
StillSunrays, The1966425
* Still I'm SadYardbirds, The1965143
* Stone FreeHendrix, Jimi, Experience, The1969323
Stoned Soul Picnic5th Dimension, The1968123,200,323
* Stoney GroundFoundations, The1972323
Stood UpNelson, Ricky1957/5821,136,316,380
Stop!Moody Blues, The1966447
Stop And Think It OverDale & Grace196470,333
Stop! - Get A TicketClefs Of Lavender Hill196698
Stop Her On Sight (S.O.S.)Starr, Edwin196696
Stop! In The Name Of LoveSupremes, The196546,229,398
Stop, Look And ListenChiffons, The1966420
* Stop Playing Ping Pong (With My Little Heart)Six Teens, The1957424
Stop Stop StopHollies, The196627,155,348
Stop The WeddingJames, Etta196282
StormyClassics IV, The, Featuring Dennis Yost1968/6947,155,345
Stormy Monday BluesBland, Bobby1962106,255
* Stormy WeatherSpaniels, The195884
* Story Of Bo Diddley, TheDiddley, Bo1959426
Story Of My Life, TheRobbins, Marty1957/5868,181,285,441
Story Of Rock And Roll, TheTurtles, The1968307
* Story UntoldNutmegs, The195528
Storybook ChildrenVera, Billy, & Judy Clay1967/68192
Straight A's In LoveCash, Johnny, and The Tennessee Two1960136
Straight Life, TheGoldsboro, Bobby1968163,354
Stranded In The JungleCadets, The195629,102,324,437
Stranded In The JungleJayhawks, The1956167
StrangeCline, Patsy1962220,318
Strange I KnowMarvelettes, The1962/63392
Stranger In TownShannon, Del1965120,290
Stranger In Your Town, AShacklefords, The1963435
Stranger On The ShoreBilk, Mr. Acker, and his Paramount Jazz Band1962224
Stranger On The ShoreWilliams, Andy1962321
Strangers In The NightSinatra, Frank196678,326,387
Strawberry Fields ForeverBeatles, The196775,211
Strawberry ShortcakeJay and The Techniques1968238,438
Street Fighting ManRolling Stones, The1968123
* Street That Rhymes At Six A.M., ATanega, Norma1966400
String AlongFabian1960430
String AlongNelson, Rick1963173,260
* String Around My HeartCleftones, The1956204
Stripper, TheRose, David, and His Orchestra1962269
Stroll, TheDiamonds, The1957/58175,251
Stubborn Kind Of FellowGaye, Marvin196279,209,358
Stuck On YouPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires19604,272,366
Stupid CupidFrancis, Connie195833,172,228,282
Subterranean Homesick BluesDylan, Bob196568,150,201,369
Such A NightPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires196487,290
(Such An) Easy QuestionPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1965142,408
Suddenly I'm All AloneJackson, Walter1965158
Suddenly There's A ValleyAndrews, Patty1955314
Suddenly There's A ValleyGrant, Gogi1955118,219
Suddenly You Love MeTremeloes, The1968108,308,456
Sugar And SpiceCryan' Shames, The196616,360
Sugar DumplingCooke, Sam1965102
Sugar MoonBoone, Pat1958283,374
Sugar On SundayClique, The1969185,281
Sugar ShackGilmer, Jimmy, and The Fireballs196315,115,270,344,410
Sugar, SugarArchies, The1969114,241,374,436
Sugar TownSinatra, Nancy1966/6756,400
SugareeYork, Rusty195998,389
SugartimeMcGuire Sisters, The1957/5823,223,340
Suite: Judy Blue EyesCrosby, Stills & Nash196949,262,390
SukiyakiSakamoto, Kyu1963134
Summer And SandyGore, Lesley1967316,406
Summer In The CityLovin' Spoonful, The196643,143,200,303,405
Summer Means FunBruce and Terry1964142,233,390
Summer NightsFaithfull, Marianne1965105,226,405
Summer RainRivers, Johnny1967/6814,139,221,406
Summer SetKelly, Monty, and His Orchestra1960406
Summer Song, AStuart, Chad, and Jeremy Clyde19644,94,272,443
Summer SoundsGoulet, Robert1965406
Summer SouvenirsHammel, Karl, Jr.1961210
Summer SweetheartAmes Brothers, The1956406
Summer WindNewton, Wayne1965244
Summer WindSinatra, Frank196684,381
Summer WineSinatra, Nancy, & Lee Hazlewood196788,210,410
Summer's Comin'St. Romain, Kirby1963244
Summer's GoneAnka, Paul196084,223,313,406
Summer's LoveBarrett, Richard, with The Chantels1959161
SummertimeMarcels, The1961391
SummertimeStewart, Billy196644
Summertime BluesCochran, Eddie19581,137,190
Summertime, SummertimeJamies, The1958, 19628,110,272,406
Sun Ain't Gonna Shine (Anymore), TheWalker Bros., The196624,146,296,340
Sun AriseHarris, Rolf1963139,270
Sun Is Shining, TheReed, Jimmy1957202
* Sun Is Still ShiningMoody Blues, The1969/70247
Sunday And MeJay & The Americans1965/66131,215,316
Sunday For TeaPeter and Gordon1967128,181,381
* Sunday Kind Of Love, AHarptones, The195344
Sunday Mornin'Spanky and Our Gang1968209
Sunday Mornin' Comin' DownStevens, Ray1969269
* Sunday MorningVelvet Underground & Nico196668
Sunday SunDiamond, Neil1968361
Sunday Will Never Be The SameSpanky and Our Gang196710,173,291,345,377
* SunlightYoungbloods, The1969275
SunnyHebb, Bobby196617,139,292,432
SunnySedaka, Neil1964103
Sunny AfternoonKinks, The196642,108,254,425
Sunshine GamesMusic Explosion, The1967219
Sunshine GirlParade, The1967158,419
Sunshine, Lollipops And RainbowsGore, Lesley196529,129,355,449
Sunshine Of Your LoveCream196819,108,343
Sunshine SupermanDonovan1966117,333,425
Super-cali-fragil-istic-expi-ali-dociousAndrews, Julie - Dick Van Dyke and The Pearlies1965118,298,430
SupermanDino, Desi & Billy1966187
Sure Gonna Miss HerLewis, Gary, and The Playboys19663,137,334,456
Surf CityJan & Dean196352,195,260,443
Surfer GirlBeach Boys, The196388,258,436
Surfer JoeSurfaris, The1963192
* Surfer Moon, TheBeach Boys, The196359
Surfer StreetAllisons, The1963409
Surfin'Beach Boys, The1962106,394
Surfin' BirdTrashmen, The1963/6480,299
Surfin' SafariBeach Boys, The1962143,234,324
Surfin' U.S.A.Beach Boys, The1963, 19742,168,338,450
SurrenderPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1961129,365
SusanBuckinghams, The1967/683,148
Susie Darlin'Luke, Robin195820,97,268,346
Susie-QHawkins, Dale195719,208,403,436
SuspicionStafford, Terry19641,146,232,285
SuspicionsSidekicks, The1966232
Suspicious MindsPresley, Elvis1969114,310,377,452
* SuzanneCohen, Leonard1967157
SuzanneHarrison, Noel1967386
Suzie BabyVee, Bobby, and The Shadows1959264,394
Suzie Q. (Part One)Creedence Clearwater Revival1968321
Swanee River Rock (Talkin' 'Bout That River)Charles, Ray1957/58436
SwayRydell, Bobby1960/6142,293
* Sweet And Easy To LoveOrbison, Roy, and The Roses1957334
Sweet And Gentle (Me Lo Dijo Adela)Dale, Alan1955279,438
Sweet Blindness5th Dimension, The1968111,252
Sweet Caroline (Good Times Never Seemed So Good)Diamond, Neil1969117,240,375
Sweet Cherry WineJames, Tommy, and The Shondells196963,281,374
Sweet Cream Ladies, Forward MarchBox Tops, The1968/69154,398
Sweet DreamsMcLain, Tommy1966374
Sweet Dreams (Of You)Cline, Patsy19634,227
Sweet InspirationSweet Inspirations, The1968160,302
Sweet Little Rock And RollBerry, Chuck1958/5983,360
Sweet Little SixteenBerry, Chuck19582,95,168,350,426
Sweet MemoriesWilliams, Andy1968190
Sweet Nothin'sLee, Brenda1959/6057,216,324
Sweet Old Fashioned Girl, ABrewer, Teresa1956212,358
Sweet PeaRoe, Tommy196646,274,356
Sweet SomeoneEddie and Betty1959334
Sweet Soul MusicConley, Arthur196738,279,381
Sweet StuffMitchell, Guy1957230
(Sweet Sweet Baby) Since You've Been GoneFranklin, Aretha196884,290,436
Sweet Talkin' GuyChiffons, The19666,137,293,446
Sweet Woman Like You, ATex, Joe1965/6671,172
Sweeter Than YouNelson, Ricky1959134,360
Sweetest OneCrest's, The195777
Sweetest OneMetros, The196777
Sweetest Thing This Side Of Heaven, TheBartley, Chris1967111,327
Sweets For My SweetDrifters, The196127,115,281,374
Swingin' DaddyKnox, Buddy, with The Rhythm Orchids1958422
Swingin' Safari, AVaughn, Billy, and His Orchestra1962218
Swingin' SchoolRydell, Bobby196084,267,394
Swinging On A StarIrwin, Big Dee (With Little Eva)196356,350,393
Swinging Shepherd BluesPate, Johnny, Quintet1958349
Switch-A-Roo, TheBallard, Hank, and The Midnighters1961211,364
* SympathyRare Bird1969/70218
* Sympathy For The DevilRolling Stones, The1968175
Symphony For Susan, AArbors, The1966157
Ta TaMcPhatter, Clyde196045,371
* Tainted LoveJones, Gloria1964138
Take A Letter MariaGreaves, R. B.1969/7062,127,289,404
Take A LookFranklin, Aretha1967112
Take A Message To MaryEverly Brothers, The195962,126,287
Take Care Of Your HomeworkTaylor, Johnnie1969402
Take FiveBrubeck, Dave, Quartet1961224
Take Good Care Of HerWade, Adam1961121,419
Take Good Care of My BabyVee, Bobby196141,122,259,342
* Take Me As I AmDuprees, The1962202
Take Me BackLittle Anthony and The Imperials196561,191,364
Take Me For A Little WhileVanilla Fudge196818,161
Take Me For What I'm WorthSearchers, The1966176
Take Me In Your Arms And Love MeKnight, Gladys, & The Pips1967320
Take Me In Your Arms (Rock Me A Little While)Weston, Kim196571,234,320,403
* Take Me To Your Ladder (I'll See Your Leader, Later)Clinton, Buddy1960407
Take My Love (I Want To Give It All To You)John, Little Willie1961120,231
Take These Chains From My HeartCharles, Ray1963156
Take This Heart Of MineGaye, Marvin196651,187
Take Time To Know HerSledge, Percy1968134
* Take Your Love (And Shove It)Kane's Cousins1969273
Talk Back Trembling LipsTillotson, Johnny1963/6428,276,357
Talk TalkMusic Machine, The1966/6745,110,181,371
Talk To MeSunny & The Sunglows1963421
Talk To Me BabyMann, Barry1964119
Talk To Me, Talk To MeJohn, Little Willie195848,109,356
* Talk To The AnimalsHarrison, Rex1967445
* Talkin' Candy Bar BluesPeter, Paul & Mary1965381
Talkin' To The BluesLowe, Jim1957171,283
Talking About My BabyImpressions, The196483,262,429
Tall Cool OneWailers, The1959, 1964349
Tall PaulAnnette and The Afterbeats195919,124,195,377,452
Tallahassee LassieCannon, Freddy19597,242,348
TammyReynolds, Debbie1957/589,146,223,306
Tapioca TundraMonkees, The1968360,449
Tar And CementSmith, Verdelle1966137,280,405
Taste Of HoneyAlpert, Herb, & The Tijuana Brass1965186
Taste Of Honey, ABennett, Tony1964352
* Tattooed LadyKingston Trio, The1960303
* TaxmanBeatles, The1966242
Te-Ta-Te-Ta-TaK-Doe, Ernie196172,204
Tea For TwoTempo, Nino, & April Stevens1964182,257
Teach Me TigerStevens, April1959239,430
Teach Me TonightDeCastro Sisters, The1954/55215,310,340
Tear, AMcDaniels, Gene1961246
Tear DropSanto & Johnny1959/60451
Tear DropsAndrews, Lee, and The Hearts1957/5822,103,216,313
Tear Fell, ABrewer, Teresa1956109,338
Tear Of The Year, TheWilson, Jackie1961129
* Teardrops Follow MeDel-Satins, The196279
* Teardrops From My EyesBrown, Ruth1950/5174
Teardrops On Your LetterBallard, Hank, and The Midnighters1959125
Teardrops Will FallDicky Doo and The Don'ts1959106
Tears And LaughterWashington, Dinah1962249
Tears From An AngelShondell, Troy1961/62317
Tears On My PillowLittle Anthony and The Imperials19582,114,240,391
Tears, Tears, TearsKing, Ben E.1967167
Teasin'Quaker City Boys, The1958/59131,367
Teasin' YouTee, Willie1965123
Teen-Age CrushSands, Tommy195737,242
Teen Age IdolNelson, Rick196235,280,419
Teen Age PrayerStorm, Gale1955/56209,351
Teen-Ager's Waltz, TheHoward, Eddy, and His Orchestra1955310
Teen AngelDinning, Mark1959/6020,164,306
Teen Commandments, TheAnka, Paul - Geo. Hamilton IV - Johnny Nash1958/5969,307,387
Teen-ExBrowns, The, featuring Jim Edward Brown1960242
* Teen PrayerVelveteens, The1961422
Teenage HeavenCochran, Eddie1959327
Teenage HeavenCymbal, Johnny1963327
Teenage Meeting (Gonna Rock It Up Right)Cornell, Don1956261
Teenage SonataCooke, Sam1960104
Teenager In Love, ADion and The Belmonts19591,135,264,329
Teenager's Mother (Are You Right?)Haley, Bill, and His Comets1956214,345,388
Teenager's Romance, ANelson, Ricky195770,189,338
* Tell 'Em I'm Surfin'Fantastic Baggys, The1964131
Tell Her NoZombies, The196536,110,201,324,448
Tell HimDrew, Patti1967279,397
Tell HimDrew-Vels, The1964368
Tell HimExciters, The1962/638,134,318
Tell Him I'm Not HomeJackson, Chuck1963262
Tell Him NoTravis & Bob195923,161,266,324
Tell It Like It IsNeville, Aaron1966/6712,145,240,350,408
Tell It To The Rain4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "sound" of Frankie Valli1966/6788,193,416
Tell Laura I Love HerPeterson, Ray196031,198,385
Tell MamaJames, Etta1967/68121,419
Tell MeDick and Deedee1962192
Tell Me MammaQuaite, Christine1964122,307,388
Tell Me That You Love MeDomino, Fats1960168
Tell Me To My FaceKeith1967134,292
Tell Me WhyBelmonts, The196133,250,353,438
Tell Me WhyVinton, Bobby196466
Tell Me (You're Coming Back)Rolling Stones, The196442,110,242,439
Tell Someone You Love ThemDino, Desi & Billy1968233
* Tell The BoysShaw, Sandie1967396
TelstarTornadoes, The1962/63275
TemptationEverly Brothers, The196163,283
Ten CommandmentsPrince Buster1967128
Ten Commandments Of LoveHarvey and The Moonglows195844,133,334,444
Ten Commandments Of Love, TheMacArthur, James1963351
Ten Little IndiansBeach Boys, The1962/63166
Ten Little IndiansYardbirds, The1967153,189
Ten Lonely GuysBoone, Pat1962215
Ten Thousand DrumsSmith, Carl1959386
TennesseeJan & Dean1962425
Tennessee WaltzCooke, Sam196494,222
* Tennessee Waltz, ThePage, Patti1950/51313
TequilaChamps, The1958224
* TerryTwinkle1965124
Thank U Very MuchScaffold, The1968111,221
Thank You And GoodnightAngels, The196357,216,337,455
Thank You GirlBeatles, The1964108,222
That Acapulco GoldRainy Daze, The1967148
That Boy JohnRaindrops, The1963/6467,325,435
That Girl Belongs To YesterdayPitney, Gene1964161,232,380
That Greasy Kid StuffGrant, Janie1962315
* That Is Rock And RollCoasters, The195982
That Kind Of WomanRush, Merrilee, & The Turnabouts1968414
That Lucky Old SunCharles, Ray1963/64123,242,365
* That Means A LotProby, P. J.196592
That Old Black MagicDavis, Sammy, Jr.195584,281
That Old Black MagicPrima, Louis, and Keely Smith1958/59156,376
* That Song About The MidwayMitchell, Joni1969400
That Stranger Used To Be My GirlMartin, Trade196260,315
That Sunday, That SummerCole, Nat "King"1963121,359,406
That'll Be The DayCrickets, The1957/5833,99,221,328
That's AllFord, "Tennessee" Ernie1956273
That's AllNelson, Rick196357,242,375,399
That's All I Want From YouMorgan, Jaye P.1954/55322
* That's All RightPresley, Elvis, Scotty & Bill1954362
* That's All She WroteNelson, Rick1963/64315
That's All You Gotta DoLee, Brenda1960152,195,350
That's AlrightParker, Little Junior, and His Combo1958159
* That's AmoreMartin, Dean1953/5469
That's EnoughRobinson, Rosco1966105
That's How Heartaches Are MadeWashington, Baby196372,315,425
* That's How I Got To MemphisHaley, Bill, and His Comets1969448
* That's How It FeelsSoul Clan1968114
That's How Strong My Love IsRedding, Otis196580
That's It-I Quit-I'm Movin' OnCooke, Sam196169
That's LifeSinatra, Frank1966/6761,224,348,377
That's Life (That's Tough)Gabriel and The Angels1962/63224
* That's My DesireChannels, The195738
That's My Little SuzieValens, Ritchie195984,208,416
That's My PaWooley, Sheb1962222
That's Old Fashioned (That's The Way Love Should Be)Everly Brothers, The196243,204
* That's the WayHoneycombs, The1965387
That's The Way Boys AreGore, Lesley196414,270,416
That's The Way God Planned ItPreston, Billy1969270
That's The Way Love IsGaye, Marvin1969109,304,435
That's The Way Love IsShannon, Del1964380
That's What Girls Are Made ForSpinners, The196149,318
That's What Love Is Made OfMiracles, The1964167,361
That's When I CriedJones, Jimmy1960164,370
That's When It HurtsKing, Ben E.1964345
That's When Your Heartaches BeginPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1957116,313
That's Why (I Love You So)Wilson, Jackie195974,136,194,382,408
That's Why I Was BornHarper, Janice1957/58359
That's Your BabyTex, Joe1969236
* Them ChangesMiles, Buddy / Jimi Hendrix1969254
Theme For Young LoversFaith, Percy, and His Orchestra1960451
Theme From 'A Summer Place'Lettermen, The1965131,338,398
Theme From 'A Summer Place', TheFaith, Percy, and His Orchestra1960206
Theme From Ben CaseyValjean1962283,451
Theme From Dr. Kildare (Three Stars Will Shine Tonight)Chamberlain, Richard1962136,401
(Theme From) Valley Of The DollsWarwick, Dionne1968116,246
Then He Kissed MeCrystals, The19637,143,421
Then You Can Tell Me GoodbyeArnold, Eddy1968211
Then You Can Tell Me GoodbyeCasinos, The19671,151,318,357
There But For FortuneBaez, Joan1965330
There Goes My BabyDrifters, The195919,119,231,380
There Goes My EverythingGreene, Jack1967424
There Goes My HeartJames, Joni1958190,366
There! I've Said It AgainVinton, Bobby1963/6461,217,324
There IsDells, The196843,156,312
There Is A MountainDonovan1967140,242,384
There Oughta Be A LawMickey and Sylvia195758,204,311
(There Was A) Tall Oak TreeBurnette, Dorsey1960386
There Was A TimeBrown, James, and The Famous Flames1968107,405
(There'll Be) Peace In The Valley (For Me)Presley, Elvis, with The Jordainaires1957330
There'll Come A TimeEverett, Betty196967,360
There's A Kind Of HushHerman's Hermits196741,108,354,407
* There's A Meeting Here TonightJoe & Eddie1964121
There's A Moon Out TonightCapris, The1960/6134,101,308
There's A PlaceBeatles, The196439,176
There's Always MePresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1967217
(There's) Always Something There To Remind MeShaw, Sandie1964121
(There's) Always Something There To Remind MeWarwick, Dionne1968245,439
There's Gonna Be A ShowdownBell, Archie, & The Drells1968/69142
There's Got To Be A Word!Innocence, The1966/67280
There's No Living Without Your LovingPeter and Gordon1966345
There's No Other (Like My Baby)Crystals, The1961/6250,233,377
There's Nothing I Can SayNelson, Rick1964333
There's Only One Of YouFour Lads, The1958157
There's Something On Your Mind (Part 2)Marchan, Bobby196092,391
These Are Not My PeopleRivers, Johnny1969232,328
These Arms Of MineRedding, Otis1963175
These Boots Are Made For Walkin'Sinatra, Nancy196620,159,309
These EyesGuess Who, The196944,242,348
These Foolish ThingsBrown, James, and The Famous Flames1963399
They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!Napoleon XIV1966, 197316,118,291,438
They're HereWalker, Boots1967411
Thing Of The Past, AShirelles, The1961268,370
ThingsDarin, Bobby196248,201,450
Things I Should Have SaidGrass Roots, The196768,337,420
* Things I Want To Hear (Pretty Words), TheShirelles, The196167,311
Things I'd Like To SayNew Colony Six, The1968/6973,226,312
Things We Did Last Summer, TheFabares, Shelley1962270,404
Think"5" Royales, The1957120,234
ThinkFranklin, Aretha196873,309,435
Think It OverCrickets, The195841,150,341
Think Of The Good TimesJay & The Americans1965420
Think TwiceBenton, Brook1961129,423
* Thinkin' 'Bout You BabySharon Marie1964210
* Third Finger, Left HandMartha & The Vandellas196743
* Thirteen Women (And Only One Man In Town)Haley, Bill, and His Comets1955198
* Thirty Days (To Come Back Home)Berry, Chuck, and His Combo1955409
* 39-21-46Showmen, The1963, 1967296
This Bitter EarthWashington, Dinah1960203,337
* This Could Be The NightM.F.Q.1965406
This Diamond RingLewis, Gary, and The Playboys196513,138,243,347
This Door Swings Both WaysHerman's Hermits196650,225,306
This Empty PlaceWarwick, Dionne1963155
This Friendly WorldFabian1959/6087,242,415
This Girl Is A Woman NowPuckett, Gary, and The Union Gap196985,279
This Guy's In Love With YouAlpert, Herb196837,209,285,432
This I SwearSkyliners, The19595,99,187
This Is All I AskBennett, Tony1963190
This Is My CountryImpressions, The1968/69143,292,450
This Is My PrayerKilgore, Theola1963105,446
This Is My SongClark, Petula196728,205,313
This Is The NiteValiants, The1957/5870
This Is The Thanks I GetLynn, Barbara1968160
This Land Is Your LandNew Christy Minstrels, The1962330,450
This Little BirdFaithfull, Marianne1965175,360
This Little GirlDion1963152,189,396
This Little Girl Of MineEverly Brothers, The195897,242,382
This Little Girl's Gone Rockin'Brown, Ruth195849,127
This Magic MomentDrifters, The1960131,360
This Magic MomentJay & The Americans1968/694,285
This Old Heart Of Mine (Is Weak For You)Isley Brothers, The19665,123,242,320
This Ole HouseClooney, Rosemary1954/55234,405
* This Precious TimeMcGuire, Barry1965405
This Should Go On ForeverBernard, Rod1959129,407
This Sporting LifeWhitcomb, Ian, and Bluesville1965148,305
This TimeShondell, Troy196139,301,438
Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days Of SummerCole, Nat "King"196366,242,294,450
Those Oldies But Goodies (Remind Me Of You)Little Caesar and The Romans196149,242
Those Were The DaysHopkin, Mary196810,202,284,325,437
Thou Shalt Not StealDick and Deedee1964/6525,238
Thousand Miles Away, AHeartbeats, The1956/57, 196011,95,210,313,357
Thousand Stars, AYoung, Kathy, with The Innocents1960/6117,95,248,430
Three Bells, TheBrowns, The195918,130,259,336,428
* Three Cool CatsBeatles, The1962231
Three Nights A WeekDomino, Fats196095,176
Three StarsDee, Tommy195956,264
Three StarsWright, Ruby1959444
* Three Steps To HeavenCochran, Eddie1960114
* Three Thirty ThreeDrifters, The1954333
3000 MilesHyland, Brian1966111
Three Window CoupeRip Chords, The1964166
* Three WishesHarptones, The195661
Thrill Is Gone, TheKing, B. B.1969/7076,242,341,436
ThunderballJones, Tom1965/6651,366,408
Ticket To RideBeatles, The1965110,162,290
* Tide Is High, TheParagons, The1967329
Tie Me Kangaroo Down, SportHarris, Rolf196358,118,256,408
Tiger LilyDraper, Rusty1957277
Tighten UpBell, Archie, & The Drells196855,293
* Tighter, TighterAlive and Kicking1970430
Tijuana Jail, TheKingston Trio, The195975,242,381
'TilAngels, The1961/627,317
('Til) I Kissed YouEverly Brothers, The19591,123,340
Till The End Of The DayKinks, The196658,128,405
Till ThenClassics, The196323,135
Till There Was YouBryant, Anita1959221,362
TimePozo-Seco Singers, The1966164,242,379
Time After TimeFord, Frankie1960349
Time After TimeMontez, Chris196623,399
Time For Livin'Association, The196870,233,405
Time Has Come TodayChambers Brothers, The196875,170,340
Time Is On My SideRolling Stones, The1964/6534,212,302,427
Time Is TightBooker T. & The MG's1969273,451
Time MachineGrand Funk Railroad1969244
Time Of The SeasonZombies, The19696,142,213,405,445
Time, Time (Tu As Beau Sourire)Ames, Ed1967371,438
Time Won't Let MeOutsiders, The196612,137,273,364,439
* Times They Are A-Changin', TheDylan, Bob1964129
Tin SoldierSmall Faces1968158,242,410
TinaEasy Riders, The1957343
Tina MarieComo, Perry1955337,418
Tiny BubblesHo, Don, and The Aliis1966130
* Tip Of My TongueQuickly, Tommy1963221
Tip-Toe Thru' The Tulips With MeTiny Tim196821,118,299
Tippy ToeingHarden Trio, The1966266
Tips Of My FingersClark, Roy1963224,394
Tired Of Waiting For YouKinks, The196538,184
To A Soldier BoyTassels, The1959163
To Be LovedWilson, Jackie195842
To Be Loved (Forever)Pentagons, The196146,193,333,402
To Each His OwnLaine, Frankie1968234
To Each His OwnPlatters, The196075,321
To Give (The Reason I Live)Valli, Frankie1967/68118
To Know Him, Is To Love HimTeddy Bears, The1958/591,117,211,281,335,362
To Love AgainFour Aces featuring Al Alberts1956149
To Love SomebodyBee Gees, The1967123,304,443
To Sir With LoveLulu196713,164,344,400,431
To Susan On The West Coast WaitingDonovan1969127,434
To The AisleFive Satins, The19576,105,292,412
To The Ends Of The EarthCole, Nat "King"1956/5758,447
To Wait For LoveAlpert, Herb1968296
Tobacco RoadNashville Teens, The196425,108,191,281,345,378
* TodayJefferson Airplane1967142
TodayNew Christy Minstrels, The196460,146,369
(Today I Met) The Boy I'm Gonna MarryLove, Darlene196340,290
TogetherFrancis, Connie1961254,394,427
TogetherIntruders, The1967131
TogethernessAvalon, Frankie1960273
Tom CatRooftop Singers, The1963373
Tom DooleyKingston Trio, The195816,89,195
TommyReparata and The Delrons196587
TomorrowStrawberry Alarm Clock1967/68282,369
Tomorrow TomorrowBee Gees, The1969371
TonightFisher, Eddie1961378
Tonight (Could Be The Night)Velvets, The196129,318
Tonight I Fell In LoveTokens, The196123,140,391
Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With YouDylan, Bob1969207,298
* Tonight Is So Right For LovePresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1960384
Tonight My Love, TonightAnka, Paul1961133
Tonight You Belong To MePatience & Prudence1956/5735,170,259,346
Tonight You're Gonna Fall In Love With MeShirelles, The1964251
Tonight's The NightBurke, Solomon196598
Tonights The NightShirelles, The196025,97
Tonite, ToniteMello-Kings, The1957, 196118,133,223,456
Tony RomeSinatra, Nancy196799
Too Busy Thinking About My BabyGaye, Marvin196977,242,329
* Too Hurt To Cry, Too Much In Love To Say GoodbyeDarnells, The1963289
Too LateAustin, Gene1957241
Too Many Cooks (Spoil The Soup)100 Proof Aged In Soul1969353
Too Many Fish In The SeaMarvelettes, The1964/6548,333,388
Too Many Fish In The Sea & Three Little FishesRyder, Mitch, and The Detroit Wheels1967106
Too MuchPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires195762,228,387,432
* Too Much Monkey BusinessBerry, Chuck1956118
Too Much Of NothingPeter, Paul & Mary1967/68136,244,366,447
Too Much TalkRevere, Paul, and The Raiders Featuring Mark Lindsay1968105
Too Pooped To Pop ("Casey")Berry, Chuck1960288
Too Weak To FightCarter, Clarence1968/69203
Top Forty, News, Weather And SportsDinning, Mark1961203,323,375,425
Topsy IICole, Cozy1958/59251
ToreroCarosone, Renato1958191
TorquayFireballs, The1959214
TortureJensen, Kris196250,185,326
Tossin' And Turnin'Lewis, Bobby19616,232,344,418
Tossing & TurningIvy League, The1965161,454
Touch MeDoors, The1968/6938,142,278,439
Tower Of StrengthMcDaniels, Gene196116,227,441
* Town I Live In, TheMitchell, McKinley1962185
Town Without PityPitney, Gene1961/6225,99,454
Toy Soldier4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "sound" of Frankie Valli196585,284
Tra La La La SuzyDean And Jean1963/6445,266
Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana), TheBanana Splits, The1969220
TracesClassics IV, The, Featuring Dennis Yost196910,198,415
Tracks Of My Tears, TheMiracles, The19657,107,260,328
TracyCuff Links, The196956,295
Tracy's ThemeRoss, Spencer1960451
* Trade Winds, Trade WindsAleong, Aki1961355
TragedyFleetwoods, The196116
TragedyHyland, Brian1969355
TragedyWayne, Thomas, with The DeLons1959103,242
* Train From Kansas City, TheShangri-Las, The1965126
* Train SongVashti1966274
Trains And Boats And PlanesKramer, Billy J., and The Dakotas1965148,232,308,441
Trains And Boats And PlanesWarwick, Dionne196666
TrampFulsom, Lowell1967136
TrampOtis & Carla196769,334,417
* Transformed Man, TheShatner, William1968121
TransfusionNervous Norvus195611,118,208,401
Transistor SisterCannon, Freddy196171,208
Travelin' ManNelson, Ricky19617,126,200,290,337
* Traveling StrangerLittle Anthony and The Imperials195836
Travlin' ManWonder, Stevie1967175,290
Treasure Of LoveMcPhatter, Clyde195639,235
Treat Her RightHead, Roy, and The Traits196528,199,360,456
Treat Me NicePresley, Elvis195742,104,242
TreesPlatters, The1961386
TriangleGrant, Janie196125,203,321,415
Tribute To A King, ABell, William1968241
* Tricia, Tell Your DaddyKim, Andy1969203
* Trickle TrickleVideos, The195727
* Trip, TheDonovan1966170
* Trip To The MoonBonds, Gary (U.S.)1961219
Trouble In ParadiseCrests, The196027,198,271,448
Trouble Is My Middle NameVinton, Bobby1962/63266
True, Fine MamaLittle Richard and His Band1958128
True GritCampbell, Glen1969356
True LoveCrosby, Bing, and Grace Kelly1956/5745,242,334
True Love Never Runs SmoothPitney, Gene1963188,338,418
* True Love Travels On A Gravel RoadPresley, Elvis1969385
* True Love WaysHolly, Buddy196034
True Love WaysPeter And Gordon1965242
Trust In MeJames, Etta196187,310
Try A Little KindnessCampbell, Glen1969256
Try A Little TendernessRedding, Otis1966/67116
Try It BabyGaye, Marvin1964119
Try MeBrown, James1958/5934
Try The ImpossibleAndrews, Lee, and The Hearts195827,151,322,353,412
Try To RememberAmes, Ed1965163,237,354,437
Try To RememberBrothers Four, The1965303
Try Too HardClark, Dave, Five196632,125,322,455
TucumcariRodgers, Jimmie1959136,332
Tuesday Afternoon (Forever Afternoon)Moody Blues, The196875,238,294,377
Turn AroundDick and Deedee1963/64146,259,415
Turn Around And Love YouCoolidge, Rita1969203
Turn Around, Look At MeVogues, The196877,217,409
Turn-Down DayCyrkle, The196612,242,315,381
Turn Me LooseFabian195921,228,370
Turn On Your Love LightBland, Bobby196150,318
Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season)Byrds, The1965/6660,228,325
* Turtle DoveFleetwoods, The1960263
Tutti-FruttiLittle Richard and His Band195618,185,306,426
Tutti' FruttiBoone, Pat1956391
* TV MamaTurner, Joe1954229
Tweedlee DeeBaker, LaVern, and The Gliders195520,190,271,414,445
Twelfth Of Never, TheMathis, Johnny1957/5818,242,321
* Twelve Gifts Of Christmas, TheSherman, Allan1964/65167
Twelve Thirty (Young Girls Are Coming To The Canyon)Mamas & The Papas, The196758,233,356
* Twentieth Century FoxDoors, The1967279
Twenty-Five MilesStarr, Edwin196995,293,332
Twenty Flight RockCochran, Eddie1956/57414
Twenty Four Hours From TulsaPitney, Gene196381,168,290,441
Twenty MilesChecker, Chubby1963332
26 Miles (Santa Catalina)Four Preps, The195848,146,332,410
Twilight TimePlatters, The195822,111,233,350
Twinkle ToesOrbison, Roy1966278
Twist And ShoutIsley Brothers, The196233,204,271,334,362
Twist It UpChecker, Chubby1963206
Twist, TheChecker, Chubby1960, 1961/626,227,304,344
Twist, Twist SenoraBonds, Gary (U.S.)1962116,305,439
Twistin' Matilda (And The Channel)Soul, Jimmy1962130,398
Twistin' PostmanMarvelettes, The196213,225
Twistin' The Night AwayCooke, Sam196257
Twistin' USADanny & The Juniors196046,450
Twistin' With LindaIsley Brothers, The1962145
Two-Bit ManchildDiamond, Neil1968215
Two BrothersHill, David1959379
Two Different WorldsRondo, Don1956/57427
Two Different WorldsWelch, Lenny196585
Two Faces Have IChristie, Lou196346,140,194,439
Two HeartsBoone, Pat1955414
Two Hound DogsHaley, Bill, and His Comets1955170,373,440
Two Kind Of TeardropsShannon, Del196395
Two Little KidsPeaches & Herb1967/68186,298
Two LoversWells, Mary1962/6328,117,242,454
* 219 TrainMoonglows, The195492
* Two Of UsBeatles, The1969/70223
* Two People In The WorldLittle Anthony and The Imperials195829
Two-Ten, Six-Eighteen (Doesn't Anybody Know My Name)Rodgers, Jimmie1963182,257
Two Wrongs Don't Make A RightWells, Mary1963166
2,000 Pound Bee (Part 2), TheVentures, The1962/63440
Uh-Huh--mmJames, Sonny1957166
Uh! Oh! Part 1Nutty Squirrels, The1959179
Um, Um, Um, Um, Um, UmLance, Major196432,151,311,371
Unchain My HeartCharles, Ray, and His Orchestra1961/62247,345
Unchained MelodyHibbler, Al1955136
Unchained MelodyRighteous Brothers, The19651,268,340
Unchained MelodyVito & The Salutations196386,367
* Under My ThumbRolling Stones, The196655
* Under My ThumbShannon, Del1966253
Under The BoardwalkDrifters, The19646,105,329,450
Under The Moon Of LoveLee, Curtis1961432
UnderwaterFrogmen, The1961211
UndunGuess Who, The1969/70123,206,311,392
UnforgettableWashington, Dinah195974
Unicorn, TheIrish Rovers, The196821,118,224,330
Universal SoldierDonovan196563
Unknown Soldier, TheDoors, The196893,318
Unless You CareBlack, Terry1964135
* Until It's Time For Me To GoSainte-Marie, Buffy1965443
UnwindStevens, Ray196869
Up And DownMcCoys, The1966218,336
Up On Cripple CreekBand, The1969/7049,223,377
* Up On The BridgeChiffons, The1968438
* Up On The MountainMagnificents, The195639
Up On The RoofDrifters, The1962/6355,177,316
Up Tight, Good ManLee, Laura1967/68384
Up To My Neck In High Muddy WaterRonstadt, Linda, and The Stone Poneys1968224,328
Up TownOrbison, Roy196044,182,257
Up-Up And Away5th Dimension, The196750,204,310,387
Ups And DownsRevere, Paul, and The Raiders196755,146,336
Uptight (Everything's Alright)Wonder, Stevie1965/6637,234,364,436
UptownCrystals, The196215,104,423
* Urge For GoingRush, Tom1967134
UtopiaGari, Frank1960/61162
VacationFrancis, Connie196244,166,450
ValleriMonkees, The196846,302,412,447
Valley Of TearsDomino, Fats1957112,162
Vanishing PointMarketts, The1964187
VenusAvalon, Frankie19599,90,173,316,384,444
VenusShocking Blue, The1969/70131,217,322,352,417,444
Venus In Blue JeansClanton, Jimmy19621,141,317,372,444
* Verdict, TheFive Keys, The195579
Very Precious Love, AAmes Brothers, The1958296,442
Very Special Love, AReynolds, Debbie1958360
Very Thought Of You, TheNelson, Rick1964159
Village Of LoveMayer, Nathaniel, and The Fabulous Twilights1962120,284
Village Of St. Bernadette, TheWilliams, Andy1959/6069,400
* Violets Of DawnMitchell Trio, The1966157
* Visit To A Sad PlanetNimoy, Leonard1967411
Viva Las VegasPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires196425,107,378
Voice Your ChoiceRadiants, The1964/6587
VolareRydell, Bobby196045,97
Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)Martin, Dean1958363
VolunteersJefferson Airplane1969382
* Voodoo Man, TheDel Vikings, The1958376
Voodoo WomanGoldsboro, Bobby1965376
Wack WackYoung Holt Trio, The1966/67371
Wah-Watusi, TheOrlons, The19629,142,208,360
Wait A MinuteCoasters, The1961164,266
Wait A MinuteTim Tam and The Turn-Ons1966275,405
Wait For MePlaymates, The1960171,284,350
Wait Til' My Bobby Gets HomeLove, Darlene196332,167
Waitin' In SchoolNelson, Ricky1957/5848,144,379
Waitin' In Your Welfare LineOwens, Buck1966109
Wake Me, Shake MeCoasters, The1960147,365
Wake The Town And Tell The PeopleCarson, Mindy1955164
Wake Up Little SusieEverly Brothers, The1957/5811,124,199,325
Wake Up, Wake UpGrass Roots, The1967163
Walk Away ReneeFour Tops, The1968266,383
Walk Away ReneeLeft Banke, The196610,134,336
Walk Away (Varum Nur Varum)Monro, Matt1964/65218,411
Walk - Don't RunVentures, The1960349
Walk - Don't Run '64Ventures, The1964269
Walk Hand In HandMartin, Tony1956383
Walk In The Black Forest, AJankowski, Horst1965196
Walk Like A Man4 Seasons, The196359,137,358,411
Walk On ByHayes, Isaac1969186,411,441
Walk On ByVan Dyke, Leroy1961/6237,146,197,383
Walk On ByWarwick, Dionne196450,258,383
Walk On The Wild SideBenton, Brook1962105,383
Walk Right BackEverly Brothers, The196159,248,381
Walk Right InRooftop Singers, The196317,140,271,383,411
Walk SlowJohn, Little Willie196059
Walk Tall2 of Clubs1967289
Walk, TheMcCracklin, Jimmy, and His Band195862,278,314
Walkin' After MidnightCline, Patsy195757,109,345,383
Walkin' Back To HappinessShapiro, Helen196189,148,395
* Walkin' Home From SchoolVincent, Gene, and His Blue Caps1958217
Walkin' In The RainJay & The Americans1969/70383,411
Walkin' In The SunshineMiller, Roger1967383,425
Walkin' Miracle, AEssex, The, featuring Anita Humes196339,101,232,383,411
Walkin' My Cat Named DogTanega, Norma196632,139,262,373
Walkin' ProudKlint, Pete, Quintet1967411
Walkin' With My AngelVee, Bobby1961/6259,317
Walking AlongDiamonds, The1958/5987,383
Walking In The RainRonettes, The1964/654,114,340
Walking ProudLawrence, Steve1963411
Walking The DogThomas, Rufus1963/6429,165,263,373
Walking To New OrleansDomino, Fats196052,310,383
* Wallflower, TheJames, Etta195538
Waltzing MatildaRodgers, Jimmie1960398
Wanderer, TheDion1961/6296,282,361,421
Wang Dang DoodleTaylor, Ko Ko1966107,203
Warmed Over Kisses (Left Over Love)Hyland, Brian196255
* Warmth Of The Sun, TheBeach Boys, The196486
* WarpaintBrooks Brothers, The1961172
Washed Ashore (On A Lonely Island In The Sea)Platters, The1967343
* Washington SquareAmes Brothers, The1963339
Washington SquareVillage Stompers, The1963186
Wasn't The Summer Short?Mathis, Johnny1961273
Watch Her RideJefferson Airplane1967/6886
* Watch Out, Sally!Renay, Diane1964454
Watch The Flowers Grow4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "sound" of Frankie Valli1967157
Watch Your StepO'Dell, Brooks1963/64188
Watch Your StepParker, Bobby1961185,286
* Water Was Red, TheCymbal, Johnny1961106
WaterlooJackson, Stonewall195974,169,256,352
* Waterloo SunsetKinks, The1967112
Watermelon ManLynne, Gloria1965102
Watermelon ManSantamaria, Mongo, Band1963288
Watusi, TheVibrations, The196147,442
Way Down Yonder In New OrleansCannon, Freddie1959/6054,157,181,292
Way Of A Clown, TheRandazzo, Teddy1960196,282,361,453
Way Of Love, TheKirby, Kathy1965266
Way Over ThereMiracles, The196255,252
Way You Do The Things You Do, TheTemptations, The196454,110,209,294
Way You Look Tonight, TheLettermen, The196149,205,358,393
Ways Of A Woman In Love, TheCash, Johnny, and The Tennessee Two1958160
Wayward Wind, TheGrant, Gogi1956, 196172,139,293,398
(We Ain't Got) Nothin' YetBlues Magoos1966/6713,151,378
We Belong TogetherRobert & Johnny195831,264
We Can FlyCowsills, The196869,261
We Can Work It OutBeatles, The1965/6677,230,392
* We Can't Sing Rhythm & BluesPatience & Prudence1957140
* We Go TogetherMoonglows, The195675
We Got A Thing That's In The GrooveCapitols, The1966247,343
We Got LoveRydell, Bobby1959/6034,237,385
We Got More SoulDyke and The Blazers1969254
We Gotta Get Out Of This PlaceAnimals, The196532,104,300,422
We Had A Good Thing Goin'Cyrkle, The1967285
We Love YouRolling Stones, The1967385
We Love You BeatlesCarefrees, The196485,299
We Love You, Call CollectLinkletter, Art1969121,380
We Shall OvercomeBaez, Joan1963247,390
* We Three (My Echo, My Shadow, And Me)Fitzgerald, Ella1965310
* We Were Lovers (When The Party Began)D'Anna, Darren1966148
We'll Sing In The SunshineGarnett, Gale19644,134,295,370,413
We're A WinnerImpressions, The1967/68103
We're Gonna Make ItLittle Milton1965160,433
(We're Gonna) Rock Around The ClockHaley, Bill, and His Comets195536,95,208,275,365,442
* We're Not Gonna Take ItWho, The1969234
(We've Got) Honey LoveReeves, Martha, & The Vandellas1969144,356
Wear It On Our FaceDells, The1968218
Wear My Ring Around Your NeckPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires195896,211
Wear Your Love Like HeavenDonovan1967/68137,327
Wedding Bell Blues5th Dimension, The196977,268,353
Wedding, TheRogers, Julie1964/6568,187
WednesdayRoyal Guardsmen, The1967294,418
* Wee Wee HoursBerry, Chuck, and His Combo1955368
Week EndKingsmen, The1958236
Weight, TheFranklin, Aretha196965
Weight, TheRobertson, Jaime Robbie, Rick Danko, Richard Manuel, Garth Hudson, Levon Helm1968361
Welcome Home BabyShirelles, The196295
Welcome Me LoveBrooklyn Bridge, The, Featuring Johnny Maestro196927,385,446
* Well ... All RightHolly, Buddy1958/59190
Well, I Told YouChantels, The1961/62296
Well Respected Man, AKinks, The1965/6612,233,333
WendyBeach Boys, The196450,367
WerewolfFrantics, The1960251
West Of The WallFisher, Toni1962164,433
Western MoviesOlympics, The195828,136,268,336
Western UnionFive Americans, The196731,195
* Whale Of A Tale, ADouglas, Kirk1954343
What A Diff'rence A Day MakesWashington, Dinah195916,227,312,405
What A GuyRaindrops, The1963199
* What A Strange TownStreet, The1968239
What A SurpriseMaestro, Johnny196134
What A Woman In Love Won't DoPosey, Sandy1967316
* What A Wonderful WorldArmstrong, Louis1967/68, 198866
What About UsCoasters, The1959/60105,389
* What Am I Doing Hangin' 'RoundMonkees, The1967348
What Am I Living ForWillis, Chuck195840,169
What Am I Supposed To DoAnn-Margret1962173,389
What Are We Going To Do?Jones, Davy196583
* What Are You Doing New Year's EveOrioles, The1949/5070
What Becomes Of The BrokenheartedRuffin, Jimmy19665,128,276,455
What Did Daddy DoShep and The Limelites1962397
What Do You Want With MeStuart, Chad, and Jeremy Clyde1965167,387
What Does A Girl Do?Blane, Marcie196377,396
What Does A Girl Do?Shirelles, The196377,396
What Does It Take (To Win Your Love)Walker, Jr., & The All Stars196935,212,320,378
What Goes OnBeatles, The1966151,361
What Good Am I Without YouGaye, Marvin, & Kim Weston1964117
What Have They Done To The RainSearchers, The1965139,397
What In The World's Come Over YouScott, Jack196016,149,307
What Is A Teenage Boy?Edwards, Tom1957375
What Is A Teenage Girl?Edwards, Tom1957216
What Is A WifeAllen, Steve1955/56230
What Is Love?Playmates, The195928,209,317
* What Is Wrong What Is RightHerman's Hermits1966/67117
What Kind Of Fool Am IDavis, Sammy, Jr.1962161
What Kind Of Fool Am INewley, Anthony1962236
What Kind Of Fool Do You Think I AmDeal, Bill, & The Rhondels1969428
What Kind Of Fool (Do You Think I Am)Tams, The1963/6415,111,303
What Kind Of Love Is ThisDee, Joey, & The Starliters1962170,308,430
* What - Me Worry?Neuman, Alfred E., and His Furshlugginer Five1959195
What Now My LoveSonny & Cher196678,222,435
What The World Needs Now Is LoveDeShannon, Jackie196521,306,343,441
What Time Is It?Jive Five, The, with Eugene Pitt196225,172
* What To DoHolly, Buddy196580
What To Do With LaurieClifford, Mike1962/63116,231
What Will I Tell My HeartHarptones, The1961416
What Will Mary SayMathis, Johnny196347,132,287,382
What Would I DoMickey and Sylvia1960/61372
* What'cha Gonna Do About ItTroy, Doris1963300
What'd I SayLewis, Jerry Lee, and His Pumping Piano1961161
What'd I SayPresley, Elvis, with The Jubilee Four And Carole Lombard Quartet1964400
What'd I Say (Part I)Charles, Ray, and His Orchestra195916,246
What's A Matter Baby (Is It Hurting You)Yuro, Timi196233,130,275,427
What's Easy For Two Is So Hard For OneWells, Mary1963/6456
What's Made Milwaukee Famous (Has Made A Loser Out Of Me)Lewis, Jerry Lee1968126,430
What's New Pussycat?Jones, Tom1965103,252,373,441
What's So Good About Good-byMiracles, The1962184,389
What's The Matter With You BabyGaye, Marvin, & Mary Wells1964228
What's Your NameDon & Juan196211,207,418
Whatever Lola WantsVaughan, Sarah195594,272,372
Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera)Day, Doris195656,302,354,388
* Wheel Of FortuneStarr, Kay195278
WheelsString-A-Longs, The1961244,451
WhenKalin Twins, The195827,189,240,340
When A Boy Falls In LoveCarter, Mel1963280
When A Boy Falls In LoveCooke, Sam1965101
When A Man Loves A WomanSledge, Percy19664,120,341
When I DieMotherlode196997,246
When I Fall In LoveLettermen, The1961/6251,310,394
When I Get Thru With You (You'll Love Me Too)Cline, Patsy1962160
When I Grow Up (To Be A Man)Beach Boys, The196455,171,428
When I Was YoungBurdon, Eric, & The Animals196764,141,435
When I'm GoneHolloway, Brenda196597,247,320
* When I'm Sixty-FourBeatles, The1967233,311
When Julie Comes AroundCuff Links, The1969/70288
When Liking Turns To LovingDove, Ronnie1966385
When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold AgainPresley, Elvis1956/57273,338,444
When My Dreamboat Comes HomeDomino, Fats195693,262
* When My Dreamboat Comes HomeStarr, Kay1953310
When My Little Girl Is SmilingDrifters, The1962140,228,434
(When She Needs Good Lovin') She Comes To MeChicago Loop, The196681,312
When Something Is Wrong with My BabySam & Dave1967151,338
When The Boy's Happy (The Girl's Happy Too)Four Pennies, The1963396
When The Boys Get TogetherSommers, Joanie1962406
When The Boys Talk About The GirlsCarr, Valerie1958174,326
When The Lovelight Starts Shining Through His EyesSupremes, The1963/6423,164
When The Saints Go Marching InDomino, Fats1959398
When The Ship Comes InPeter, Paul & Mary1965192,315
When The White Lilacs Bloom AgainZacharias, Helmut, and His Magic Violins1956349
When We Get MarriedDreamlovers, The196151
When Will I Be LovedEverly Brothers, The196035,245,370
When You DanceJay & The Americans1969206
When You DanceTurbans, The1955/5614,86,239,298
When You Walk In The RoomSearchers, The196446,135,337,383,411
When You Wish Upon A StarDion and The Belmonts196055,190,338,393
When You're Young And In LoveRuby and The Romantics196464,368
Whenever A Teenager CriesReparata and The Delrons196559,244,456
Whenever She Holds YouDuke, Patty1966351
* Whenever You're ReadyZombies, The1965163
Where Am I Going?Streisand, Barbra1966375
Where Are YouAvalon, Frankie1960192
Where Are YouWashington, Dinah1962360
Where Did Our Love GoSupremes, The196467,189,290,435
Where Did The Good Times GoDick and Deedee1963188
Where Do I Go / Be-In (Hare Krishna)Happenings, The1969434
Where Do You Come FromPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1962195
Where Do You GoCher1965400
Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)Sarstedt, Peter1969107,188,364
Where Have All The Flowers GoneKingston Trio, The196266,259,325,357
Where Have All The Flowers GoneRivers, Johnny1965445
Where Have You Been (All My Life)Alexander, Arthur1962183,364
Where Or WhenDion and The Belmonts1959/6014,237,334,399
Where The Boys AreFrancis, Connie19617,99,348
* Where There's A WillMack, Lonnie1963/64227
Where Were You (On Our Wedding Day)?Price, Lloyd195993,247
Where Were You When I Needed YouGrass Roots, The196650,128,368
Where Will The Words Come FromLewis, Gary, and The Playboys1966/6771,280
Where's The Playground SusieCampbell, Glen1969153
While You're Out Looking For Sugar?Honey Cone, The1969333
WhisperingTempo, Nino, & April Stevens1963/64193
Whispering BellsDell-Vikings, The, featuring Krips Johnson195724,178,337
Whispers (Gettin' Louder)Wilson, Jackie196626
* White BirdIt's A Beautiful Day1969140,442
White Bucks And Saddle ShoesPedrick, Bobby, Jr.1958259,430
White ChristmasCrosby, Bing1942/43, 1943/44, 1944, 1945/46, 1946/47, 1947/48, 1948/49, 1949/50, 1950/51, 1951/52, 1953/54, 1954/55, 1955/56, 1956, 1957/58, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 196220,431
White ChristmasDrifters, The, featuring Clyde McPhatter and Bill Pinckney1955326
White HousesBurdon, Eric, & The Animals1968/69284
White LightningJones, George195984,264
White On WhiteWilliams, Danny19648,141,317
White RabbitJefferson Airplane196725,95,149,388
White RoomCream196884,279,361,438
White Silver SandsBlack's, Bill, Combo1960451
White Silver SandsRondo, Don195772,272
White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation), ARobbins, Marty19578,210,264
Whiter Shade Of Pale, AProcol Harum196731,108,307,367,438
Who Am IClark, Petula1966134,407,449
Who Are WeGrant, Gogi1956353
* Who Can Explain?Lymon, Frankie, and The Teenagers1956261
Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me)Bennett, Tony1964207
Who Do You LoveQuicksilver Messenger Service1969213,423
Who Do You LoveSapphires, The196426,311,347
* Who Killed Davey Moore?Seeger, Pete1963258
Who Needs YouFour Lads, The1957199
Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)Mann, Barry196110,104,208,271,391
* Who Threw The Whiskey In The Well?Millinder, Lucky, & His Orchestra194594
Who Will Answer?Ames, Ed1967/68121,419
Who'll Be The Next In LineKinks, The1965122,297
Who's Cheating Who?Little Milton1965254
Who's Making LoveTaylor, Johnnie1968/6993,220,368
Who's Sorry NowFrancis, Connie19582,338
Who's That KnockingGenies, The195913,189,407
* Who's That LadyIsley Brothers, The1964216
Whole Lot Of Shakin' Going OnLewis, Jerry Lee195783,223,314
Whole Lotta LoveLed Zeppelin1969/70117,385
Whole Lotta WomanRainwater, Marvin195888
Whole World Is A Stage, TheFantastic Four, The1967131
WhyAvalon, Frankie1959/6046,234,354,423
WhyBeatles, The, with Tony Sheridan1964201,314
Why (Am I Treated So Bad)Powell, Bobby1967265
Why Baby WhyBoone, Pat1957286
Why Can't You Bring Me HomeJay & The Americans1966165
Why Did You Leave Me?Edwards, Vince1962407
* Why Didn't I Go?Curls, The1960183
Why Do Fools Fall In LoveDiamonds, The1956391
Why Do Fools Fall In LoveTeenagers, The, Featuring Frankie Lymon19567,153,245,421
Why Do I Love You SoTillotson, Johnny196076,258
Why Do Kids Grow UpRandy & The Rainbows196397
Why Do Lovers Break Each Other's Heart?Bob B. Soxx and The Blue Jeans196393,165,391
Why Don't They UnderstandHamilton, George, IV1957/58192,337
* Why Don't We Do It In The RoadBeatles, The1968299
Why Don't You Believe MeDuprees, The, featuring Joey Vann196345
Why Don't You Write Me?Jacks, The195573,127
Why I Sing The BluesKing, B. B.1969213
Why Pick On MeStandells, The1966154,211
* Why You Do Me Like You DoCleftones, The195693
Wichita LinemanCampbell, Glen1968/6981,286,409
Wicked RubyZella, Danny, and His Zell Rocks1959105,347
Wiggle, WiggleAccents, The1958/59177,391
Wiggle WobbleCooper, Les, and The Soul Rockers1962/63293
Wild!Sharp, Dee Dee1963145,456
* Wild About My Lovin'Lovin' Spoonful, The1965333
* Wild GirlCouch, Orville, and The Troublemakers1964247
Wild HoneyBeach Boys, The1967220
Wild Is The WindMathis, Johnny1957/58139,355
Wild OneMartha & The Vandellas1964/65153,250
Wild OneRydell, Bobby196018,103,254,424
Wild ThingSenator Bobby1967298
Wild ThingTroggs, The196640,246,377
Wild WeekendRebels, The1962/63255,378
Wildwood DaysRydell, Bobby196333,107
Will You Be Staying After SundayPeppermint Rainbow, The196924,216,291,444
Will You Love Me Tomorrow4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "sound" of Frankie Valli1968271
Will You Love Me TomorrowShirelles, The1960/6154,190,310,342,439
Willie & Laura Mae JonesSpringfield, Dusty1969163,357
Willie And The Hand JiveOtis, Johnny, Show195823,210,276,415
Willow Weep For MeChad & Jeremy1964/6530,157,259,410
Willyam, WillyamSharp, Dee Dee1964288
Win Your Love For MeCooke, Sam195887
Winchester CathedralNew Vaudeville Band, The1966/6749,224,383
* Wind Cries Mary, TheHendrix, Jimi, Experience, The1967276
* Wind, TheDiablos, The, featuring Nolan Strong1954452
* Wind, TheJesters, The196040
Windmills Of Your Mind, TheSpringfield, Dusty1969133,263,393,454
WindyAssociation, The196793,225,306,355
Wings Of A DoveHusky, Ferlin1960/6140,232,379
Winkin', Blinkin' And NodSimon Sisters, The1964271,330,386
Winter World Of LoveHumperdinck, Englebert1969/70123
* Winter's HereWard, Robin1964187
Wipe OutSurfaris, The1963, 1966214
Wisdom Of A FoolFive Keys, The1956131
Wish Someone Would CareThomas, Irma196462,128
Wish You Didn't Have To GoPurify, James & Bobby1967132
Wishful SinfulDoors, The1969145
Wishin' And Hopin'Springfield, Dusty196411,140,296,441
Wishin' On A RainbowWilson, Phill1961197
Wishing For Your LoveVoxpoppers, The195843,248
Witch DoctorSeville, David, The Music of19586,118,201,324
WitchcraftPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1963278,376
WitchcraftSinatra, Frank1958376
* WitchcraftSpiders, The1955/5687
With A Girl Like YouTroggs, The196643,143,260,416
With A Little Help From My FriendsCocker, Joe1968161,221,365
With All My HeartSands, Jodie1957117,184
With My Eyes Wide Open I'm DreamingPage, Patti1959118
With Open ArmsMorgan, Jane1959441
With Pen In HandVera, Billy1968127,305,343
With The Wind And The Rain In Your HairBoone, Pat1959355
With These HandsJones, Tom1965133
With This RingPlatters, The196742,305,432
Without HerAlpert, Herb1969212,268
Without Love (There Is Nothing)Jones, Tom1969/70224
Without Love (There Is Nothing)McPhatter, Clyde195771
Without The One You Love (Life's Not Worth While)Four Tops, The1964153
Without YouTillotson, Johnny196148,239
Wives And LoversJones, Jack1963/64270,316,430
Wizard Of LoveLy-Dells, The196127,151,333,376
Wizard, TheRodgers, Jimmie1958376
Wolverton MountainKing, Claude196229,256,315,413
WomanPeter and Gordon196669,221
Woman, A Lover, A Friend, AWilson, Jackie1960144,427
* Woman From LiberiaRodgers, Jimmie1958126
Woman I Love, TheKing, B. B.1968158
Woman In Love, ALaine, Frankie1955/56395
Woman Is A Man's Best FriendTeddy & The Twilights196264
* Woman LoveVincent, Gene, and His Blue Caps1956229
Woman, WomanUnion Gap, The, featuring Gary Puckett1967/6821,213,314
Woman's Got SoulImpressions, The1965125,176
* Won't Find Better (Than Me)New Hope, The1970267
Won't You Come Home Bill BaileyDarin, Bobby1960136
* Wonder BoyGore, Lesley1964127
Wonder Like You, ANelson, Rick196144,154,343,452
Wonder Of You, ThePeterson, Ray1959, 196444,258,358
Wonderful Dream, AMajors, The19625,227,341
Wonderful SummerWard, Robin1963/644,105,178,448
Wonderful! Wonderful!Mathis, Johnny195765,430
Wonderful! Wonderful!Tymes, The1963248,315,371
Wonderful WorldCooke, Sam196035,127,281
Wonderful WorldHerman's Hermits1965213
Wonderful World, Beautiful PeopleCliff, Jimmy1969/70130,188
Wonderland By NightKaempfert, Bert, and His Orchestra1960/61246,451
Woo-HooRock-A-Teens, The1959174
* Woo Woo Train, TheValentines, The1955/56125
Wooden HeartDowell, Joe196179,217,363
* WoodstockMitchell, Joni1969/70271
Wooly BullySam The Sham and The Pharaohs196530,279,369,410
* Word, TheBeatles, The1965449
WordsBee Gees, The1968140,268,350
WordsMonkees, The1967130,281,419
Words Of LoveDiamonds, The1957207,264,362
Words Of LoveMamas & The Papas, The1966/6773,183,250,435
* Work With Me AnnieMidnighters, The, Formerly The Royals195453
Workin' For The ManOrbison, Roy196283,200,365,392
Workin' On A Groovy ThingDrew, Patti1968265
Workin' On A Groovy Thing5th Dimension, The196957,337
Working In The Coal MineDorsey, Lee196614,286,392
Working Man's Prayer, APrysock, Arthur1968251,392
Working My Way Back To You4 Seasons, The, Featuring the "sound" of Frankie Valli1966130,204,337,392
Workout Stevie, WorkoutWonder, Little Stevie1963333
World I Used To Know, TheRodgers, Jimmie1964217,284,381
World Of FantasyFive Stairsteps, The1966131
World Of Our Own, ASeekers, The196550,389
World Through A Tear, TheSedaka, Neil1965194
World Without Love, APeter and Gordon196419,101,305,389
World Without Love, ARydell, Bobby1964221
Worried Man, AKingston Trio, The195940,296,397
Worryin' Kind, TheSands, Tommy1958/59188
Worst That Could HappenBrooklyn Bridge, The1968/698,166,261,372,453
Wouldn't It Be NiceBeach Boys, The196647,120,224
Wow Wow Wee (He's The Boy For Me)Angels, The1964129,188
* Wrap It UpSam & Dave1968318
Wringle, WrangleHayes, Bill1957339,435
Wringle WrangleParker, Fess1957142
Writing On The Wall, TheWade, Adam1961127,289
* Wrote A Song A Song/AngelineNewbury, Mickey1969293
Wun'erful, Wun'erful! (Sides uh-one & uh-two)Freberg, Stan1957/58206,371
Ya YaDorsey, Lee196128,226,341,384
Yakety YakCoasters, The195846,148,231,306
Yard Went On Forever, TheHarris, Richard1968192,427
Yea - Yea (Class Cutter)Hawkins, Dale1959420
Year Ago Tonight, ACrests, The1959/60286
Years From NowWilson, Jackie1961339
Yeh, YehFame, Georgie, and The Blue Flames196529,89,158,225,378,456
Yellow BalloonYellow Balloon, The196750,139,295,446
Yellow BirdLyman, Arthur, Group1961203
Yellow Dog BluesDarensbourg, Joe, and his Dixie Flyers1958378
Yellow Rose Of Texas, TheDesmond, Johnny1955276
Yellow Rose Of Texas, TheFreberg, Stan1955351,425
Yellow Rose Of Texas, TheMiller, Mitch, & His Orch. and Chorus195566,344
Yellow SubmarineBeatles, The196666,237
Yes I DoBurke, Solomon1964172
* Yes I WillHollies, The1965120
Yes, I'm Lonesome TonightStevens, Dodie1960/61430
Yes, I'm ReadyMason, Barbara196512,227,326,369
Yes It IsBeatles, The196558,120,432
Yes Tonight, JosephineRay, Johnnie1957112
Yester LoveRobinson, Smokey, & The Miracles1968147
Yester-Me, Yester-You, YesterdayWonder, Stevie1969/70205,345
YesterdayBeatles, The1965134,298,369
YesterdayCharles, Ray1967221
Yesterday ManAndrews, Chris1966297
Yesterday, When I Was YoungClark, Roy1969133,354,418
Yesterday's GoneOverlanders, The1964217
Yesterday's GoneStuart, Chad, and Jeremy Clyde196417,279
Yesterday's RainSpanky and Our Gang1968301
* Yo Te Amo MariaOrbison, Roy, and The Candy Men1964211
YogiIvy Three, The196027,110,200,299,375
YouAquatones, The195821,100,178,427
YouGaye, Marvin1968250
You Ain't Going NowhereByrds, The1968169
* You Ain't ReadyFlamingos, The1953115
You Always Hurt The One You LoveHenry, Clarence196161,338,442
You Are MineAvalon, Frankie1962237
You Are My DestinyAnka, Paul195851,180,389
You Are My LoveJames, Joni1955/56305,424
You Are My SunshineCharles, Ray1962/6394,215,449
You Are The Only OneNelson, Ricky1960100
* You BabyRonettes, The1964228
You BabyTurtles, The19667,100,228,300
You Baby YouCleftones, The1956100,194
You Beat Me To The PunchWells, Mary196210,100,297,415
You Belong To MeDuprees, The196210,100,408
You Better GoMartin, Derek1965195
You Better Know ItWilson, Jackie195954
You Better Move OnAlexander, Arthur196282,204,326,415
You Better RunYoung Rascals, The1966100,181,290
You Better Sit Down KidsCher1967/6814,171,413
You Bug Me, BabyWilliams, Larry1957/58135,321
* You Came, You Saw, You ConqueredRonettes (Featuring The voice Of Veronica)1969105
You Can Depend On MeLee, Brenda1961100,223,354
You Can Have HerHamilton, Roy196146,169,294
You Can Make It If You TryAllison, Gene1957/5882,202,372
You Can Make It If You TrySly & The Family Stone1969352
* You Can Suit YourselfCharles, Bobby1956149
* You Can't Catch MeBerry, Chuck195650
You Can't Do ThatBeatles, The196473,204
You Can't Get To Heaven On Roller SkatesJohnson, Betty1959327
You Can't Hurry LoveSupremes, The196658,269,344
You Can't Judge A Book By The CoverDiddley, Bo1962127,304
(You Can't Let The Boy Overpower) The Man In YouMiracles, The1964318
You Can't Lie To A LiarLester, Ketty1962232
You Can't Sit DownDovells, The196334,100,377
You Can't Take It AwayHughes, Fred1965244
You CheatedShields, The195818,100,391
You CheatedSlades, The1958177
You Didn't Have To Be So NiceLovin' Spoonful, The1965/6663,142,248,370
You Don't Have To Be A Baby To CryCaravelles, The1963/6424,145,297
(You Don't Have To) Paint Me A PictureLewis, Gary, and The Playboys196625,209,410
You Don't Have To Say You Love MeSpringfield, Dusty196630,100,197,300,381
You Don't Have To Walk In The RainTurtles, The196988,383
* You Don't KnowGreenwich, Ellie1965369
(You Don't Know) How Glad I AmWilson, Nancy196453,203,419
You Don't Know Like I KnowSam & Dave196686
You Don't Know MeCharles, Ray1962191,338,409
You Don't Know MeWelch, Lenny1960100
You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It)Donner, Ral196137,186,448
* You Don't Know What You've Got Until You Lose ItGamble, Kenny1963244
You Don't Miss Your WaterBell, William196288,235,372
You Don't Owe Me A ThingRay, Johnnie1957279,402
You Don't Own MeGore, Lesley1963/6457,144,297,408
You Don't Want My LoveWilliams, Andy1960/61280
You Excite MeAvalon, Frankie1958100
You Gave Me A MountainLaine, Frankie1969256,409
* You Gave Me Peace of MindSpaniels, The1956325
You Got The LoveProfessor Morrison's Lollipop1968374,449
You Got To MeDiamond, Neil196746,304,382
* (You) Got What I NeedScott, Freddie1968270
You Got What It TakesClark, Dave, Five1967117
You Got What It TakesJohnson, Marv1959/6033,262,368,426
You Got Yours And I'll Get MineDelfonics, The1969322
(You Hit The Wrong Note) Billy GoatHaley, Bill, and His Comets1957243,329
You, IRugbys1969148
(You Keep Me) Hangin' OnSimon, Joe196872
You Keep Me Hangin' OnSupremes, The1966/67206,320,420
You Keep Me Hangin' OnVanilla Fudge1967, 196880
You Keep Running AwayFour Tops, The1967239
You Know What I MeanTurtles, The196760,233
You Lost The Sweetest BoyWells, Mary196384
You Made Me Love YouCole, Nat "King"1959222
You Mean Everything To MeFleetwoods, The1959205
You Mean Everything To MeSedaka, Neil196094
* You Meet The Nicest People On A HondaHondells, The1965100
You Met Your MatchWonder, Stevie1968161
* You Must Be LoveRobinson, Smokey, & The Miracles1967100
You Must Believe MeImpressions, The196490,274,353
You Must Have Been A Beautiful BabyDarin, Bobby1961116
You Never Can TellBerry, Chuck196423,86,309,363,425
You Only Live TwiceSinatra, Nancy196751,233,408
* You Painted PicturesSpaniels, The1955168
You Really Got MeKinks, The196483,395
You Really Know How To Hurt A GuyJan & Dean1965118,315
You Send MeBrewer, Teresa1957/58144
You Send MeCooke, Sam1957/5844,312
You Should Have Seen The Way He Looked At MeDixie Cups, The196467,360
You Showed MeTurtles, The196930,137,188,345
You Talk Too MuchJones, Joe19609,100,232,424
You Tell Me WhyBeau Brummels, The1965135,232
You Threw A Lucky PunchChandler, Gene1962/63104
You Tickle Me BabyRoyal Jokers, The1955176,249
You Turn Me On (Turn On Song)Whitcomb, Ian, and Bluesville196549,293
* You Upset Me BabyKing, B. B. "Blues Boy", and His Orchestra1954/55344
You Were Made For MeCooke, Sam195888
You Were Made For MeFreddie and The Dreamers196552
You Were MineFireflies, The19597,100,275,368,435
You Were On My MindWe Five196511,98,151
* You Weren't Using Your HeadWailers, The1965336
You Win AgainDomino, Fats1962100
You Win AgainLewis, Jerry Lee, and His Pumping Piano1958156
You Wouldn't ListenI'des Of March, The1966185,308,398
You You YouCarter, Mel1966100
You'd Better Come HomeClark, Petula1965255,370
You'll Lose A Good ThingLynn, Barbara196239,100,382
You'll Never Get To Heaven (If You Break My Heart)Warwick, Dionne1964100,225,308
You'll Never Never KnowPlatters, The1956/5771,368
You'll Never Walk AloneGerry and The Pacemakers1965117,383
You'll Never Walk AloneLaBelle, Patti, and Her Blue Belles196445,267
You'll Never Walk AlonePresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1968214
You're A SweetheartJohn, Little Willie1958274
You're A Very Lovely WomanMerry-Go-Round, The1967150,284,428
You're A Wonderful OneGaye, Marvin196468,262
You're All I Need To Get ByGaye, Marvin, & Tammi Terrell196869,426
* You're DeadTanega, Norma1966397
You're Following MeComo, Perry1961423
(You're Gonna) Hurt YourselfValli, Frankie196638
You're Gonna Miss MeThirteenth Floor Elevators, The1966218
You're Good For MeBurke, Solomon1963132
* You're Invited To A PartyVictorians, The1964147
You're Just About To Lose Your ClownCharles, Ray1966282
You're Looking GoodClark, Dee1960100
You're Making A MistakePlatters, The1958173
You're My Baby (And Don't You Forget It)Vacels, The1965255
You're My EverythingTemptations, The196741,100,329
You're My One And Only LoveNelson, Ricky1957218
You're My RemedyMarvelettes, The1964401
(You're My) Soul And InspirationRighteous Brothers, The196614,100,204,288
You're My WorldBlack, Cilla196480,170,345
You're NextWitherspoon, Jimmy1965138
* You're No GoodDylan, Bob1962253
You're No GoodEverett, Betty1963/6476,204,300,328
You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves YouWashington, Dinah196265,261
You're SensationalSinatra, Frank1956261
You're SixteenBurnette, Johnny1960/613,100,245,452
You're So FineFalcons, The195922,161,412
* You're So Good To MeBeach Boys, The1965421
* (You're So Square) Baby I Don't CarePresley, Elvis1957/58281,418
You're The Apple Of My EyeFour Lovers, The195675
You're The BossBaker, LaVern, & Jimmy Ricks1961231
(You're The) Devil In DisguisePresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires196360,230,327,383
You're The OneVogues, The196513,100,304
You're The ReasonEdwards, Bobby, with The Four Young Men196186,233
You're The ReasonSouth, Joe1961403
You're The Reason I'm LivingDarin, Bobby196337,389
You've Been Cheatin'Impressions, The1965/66100,286
You've Been In Love Too LongMartha & The Vandellas1965210
(You've Got) The Magic TouchPlatters, The195657,172,409
You've Got To Hide Your Love AwaySilkie, The196549,138,210,282,421
(You've Got To) Move Two MountainsJohnson, Marv196045,247,408
You've Got Your TroublesFortunes, The196524,130,186,349
You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'Righteous Brothers, The1964/6597,215,310,380,435
You've Made Me So Very HappyBlood, Sweat & Tears19693,283,439
You've Made Me So Very HappyHolloway, Brenda1967183
You've Never Been In Love Like This BeforeUnit Four Plus Two1965297
You've Really Got A Hold On MeMiracles, The1962/6356,144,221,320,362,426
Young Abe LincolnHugo and Luigi with Their Family Singers1955262
Young And In LoveDick and Deedee196383,204
Young Birds FlyCryan' Shames, The1968263
Young BloodCoasters, The195722,136,268,370
Young Boy BluesKing, Ben E.1961193
Young EmotionsNelson, Ricky1960142,274
Young GirlUnion Gap, The, featuring Gary Puckett19688,123,191,324,388
Young Girl, AHarrison, Noel1965/66162,339
Young LoveHunter, Tab1957175
Young LoveJames, Sonny1956/5722,303,350
Young LoversPaul & Paula196364,442
Young Wings Can Fly (Higher Than You Know)Ruby and The Romantics1963145,347
Young WorldNelson, Rick196264,296,372,455
* Younger GenerationLovin' Spoonful, The1967160
Younger GirlCritters, The196647,146,375
Younger GirlHondells, The1966324
* Your Cheatin' HeartWilliams, Hank, & His Drifting Cowboys195378
Your FriendsClark, Dee1961171
Your Good Thing (Is About To End)John, Mable1966429
Your Good Thing (Is About To End)Rawls, Lou1969159
Your Husband - My WifeBrooklyn Bridge, The1969193
(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher And HigherWilson, Jackie196731,212,389,426
Your Ma Said You Cried In Your Sleep Last NightDino, Kenny196180
Your Nose Is Gonna GrowCrawford, Johnny196248,157,405
Your Old Stand ByWells, Mary1963345
Your Other LoveFlamingos, The1960/61191
Your Precious LoveGaye, Marvin, & Tammi Terrell196757,298,367
Your Time Hasn't Come Yet, BabyPresley, Elvis, with The Jordanaires1968449
Your True LovePerkins, Carl1957183,320
Your Unchanging LoveGaye, Marvin196796,429
Your Wild HeartLayne, Joy1957310
Yummy Yummy YummyOhio Express196818,102,299,436
ZabadakDee, Dave; Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich1968210
Zip-A-Dee Doo-DahBob B. Soxx and The Blue Jeans1962/6334,139,393
Zip CodeFive Americans, The1967442
ZorroChordettes, The1958131,219